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Lonely Nights

Lonely Nights



Freya's dream job went at stake when the model for the photo shoot ran away. In the moment of stress and panic while she was walking aimlessly on the road, her eyes caught the sight of a breathtaking handsome man. In that extreme situation he seemed to be the only way by which Freya could save her job. She thought that he had the perfect look and attitude to pose for some snaps. With many difficulties, she managed to convince him. There was an instant attraction from the very first sight. But later when Freya came to know that the guy's name was Ryan Wheeler and he was an alpha billionaire she decided to stay away from him. Ryan Wheeler was addressed as the 'Dracula' of the business industry due to his heartless decisions. Everyone used to fear him. He got attracted towards Freya due to her bold and fearless attitude. He always got what he wanted. The more she pushed him away, the more he went desperate to get her. Will Freya be able to maintain her expressionless attitude in front of his obsession? How far will this obsession take him? Know the fate of these wondering hearts and see if you are ready for some... not so lonely nights
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I pressed 10 on the elevator button. Hmm, the first day at work, it was very natural to feel nervous, excited, shaky or even a bit scared; but I could not feel any of these emotions. I stood there completely expressionless, staring at my newly bought pump shoes. They were deep blue in color, a total contrast to my black jacket. I thought I was looking quite presentable to be working for the leading fashion magazine in the town. I was going to join as an assistant fashion photographer.

Walking inside the office, I noticed that the interiors were mostly pink and white in color. Nothing fancy just desks where many were people working. I noticed a blonde girl; she was caring a lot of files and was on the verge of dropping them. I rushed to support her "hey take it easy," I said while arranging her files. "Thanks, I am bit clumsy," she said as we walked up to the rack and placed those files. After keeping the files she scanned me from top to bottom "are you one of those newbie models?" she asked curiously. I could not stop laughing at her question, there was no way I could be called a model. I was chubby.

"No! Can you show me the way to the office of Mrs. Jones? I’m late, we have to catch up later" I said while panting. " Oh no worries, It's the 1st door to the left" she pointed. I nodded and almost ran to the door but on the way I collided with a broad woman, the collision caused a pain in my arm. I felt Sophie's arm around me "are you okay?" she asked. I gave a mild nod and gazed angrily at that lady.

At the first instance, I was almost blinded by the sparkling material of her dress. That woman seemed to be in her forties. She was tall and wore blonde hair. All in all, my mind was not able to categorize her. And her dress, jeez it was a figure-hugging cocktail dress which showed a generous amount of cleavage. I was sure that she was a prostitute. "Sophie, do they allow prostitutes in here?" I whispered while widely eyeing that woman. "Did you call me a prostitute?" she yelled while leaning at me.

"Yes, I did" I fought back with attitude. Come on! I just said what I noticed, there was no harm being honest. "Freya! She is..." before Sophie could form those nervous words into a sentence a proud tone hit my ears "she is one of our most important clients". I looked back and had almost forgotten to breathe by catching a sight of Mrs. Jones. Oh Lord from the heavens, why did not you find an easier way to kill me. That woman was surely going to swallow me, that too without water. Mrs. Jones walked forward; she was wearing a typical office look. Her blonde hair was wrapped up in a bun and a thin frame of glass had protected her olive green eyes. "Miss Diaz today is your first day and you are already insulting our clients?" she eyed me fiercely. I cleared my throat "insult? No way? How can I insult such a gorgeous woman"? Mrs. Jones eyed me in confusion. That broad lady came forward, again she leaned at me "you called me a prostitute, and you don't find it an insult?" she barked. Her voice was quite sharp man! I touched her shoulder and steadied her hair "you took it wrong, sweetheart. What I meant was that you are so appealing that people would want to pay money for grabbing a chance to be with you" I smiled widely. That was so stupid! No one would buy it.

Mrs. Jones was getting ready to kill me with her words but at that time, the woman spoke up "aww that's such a big compliment. Such a sweet girl, sorry for misunderstanding you" she pulled my cheek. What? Was she for real? "Mrs. Jones, I love your new employee, she is so cute," she said. Mrs. Jones smiled politely "Tina please make yourself comfortable in my office. I will join you in a sec".

Tina again smiled at me and went away. "Smart! But these words won't fill up your paycheck. I need real talents in my office" Mrs. Jones was shooting daggers at me. I looked down "ma’am that was just to save myself" I bit my lip. "Oh really! Let's see how you can save yourself from this. I have fired the photographer because his pictures were total crap. The magazine will go on the print by tomorrow midnight and I need fresh snaps. Now, Miss Diaz, I want you to do a photo shoot for my business cover page. And if you can't pull it off you will be fired! I don't need empty vessels in my office" she announced.

I was just a newbie assistant photographer and the editor had handed me the responsibility for a complete photo shoot. I wanted to speak but no words came out. Mrs. Jones gave an evil smirk as she saw the suffocated expression on my face. Something told me that she loved to torture people.

"Okay, Miss Diaz, my P.A will give you all the details. Get to work" she bent her face a little while keeping her eyes fixed on me. I nodded.

"Good!" she uttered and went away.


"I don't break rules; I make them" I straightened my head. The customs officer hid his eyes "I am sorry Mr. Wheeler, the junior officer got nervous on receiving such a huge shipment" he kept rubbing the sweat drops from his forehead. "Can I leave?" I uttered, which sounded more of an order than a request. "Sure sir! And sorry again...." before he could complete his useless rumblings, I chose to walk away.

Wheeler &Co used to deal in millions; those heavy and expensive shipments were not a rare thing. As the name bearer of the shipment, they had called me to clarify things. The senior customs officers did not dare to question me but I guess the junior one was trying to show his position. Poor guy might have ended up in losing his job.

The name Ryan Wheeler was a brand; no one had the audacity to trouble me. Media used to call me 'The Dracula' of the business industry. The unbeaten king, that's what I was.

I pulled into the head office of Wheeler & Co. It was situated in Manhattan; it was the place from where I used to operate all the branches.

"Sir, our legal advisor could not find any fault in the contract terms for the London deal. Can we proceed towards the deal?" Victoria asked with a slurred speech. The representative for the London deal, Mr. William was sitting opposite to me. He wore an almost confident smile. No one could be fully confident around me; I had that effect on people. Though Victoria had been my secretary for almost three years but then also feared me, just like everyone else. "Mr. Wheeler, me and the other board members are very much looking forward to this deal. Signing a business deal with Wheeler &Co. will be the greatest thing ever for us" he grinned.

"I cannot do this deal, the terms are not appropriate" I threw the file across my round glass table. Mr. William got a bit shaken from the sudden reaction.

"But...sir, what is the problem?"His tone was filled with tension. "Term no. 137 says that I cannot reject a product without explanation. No one can make me give explanations. I do things at my will" I eyed him fiercely. He looked down, maybe got a bit scared to meet my gaze. Victoria held open the glass door for me "It's the end" I did not even look back.


"She is troubling you on purpose, she has already finalized the pictures for the cover" Neil whispered and looked around to check if anyone else was listening. Neil was the P.A of that Witch Mrs. Jones. He was in his mid-twenties; partly Asian and you can say that by the black hair and eyes. I was still sitting on the white tiled floor with my head leaned against the pink wall. "I already guessed that" only my lips moved when I uttered those words. Freya, get up stop acting like the heroine of a soap opera, show that woman that you can live it up to her challenges, I tried to find my inner strength. Neil and Sophie did not remove their eyes from my face; the sadness on their faces told me that they were worried for me. I jumped up "guys don't worry, I will pull it off" I did not know if I was trying to reassure them or me. "Let's do the photo shoot thingy" I said with enthusiasm. Neil and Sophie were still eyeing me blankly.

We went to the studio, which was situated in the same building, on the 8th floor. There were two guys who helped me in setting up the lights and camera. "It's great, now where is the model?" I looked at Neil. Sophie was biting her nails "the model is not there, maybe he is gone" she uttered. Were they kidding me? "Neil, call the damn model?" I yelled in frustration. "Relax, I am calling the agency," he said and moved away.

I kept pacing in the room; the last words of Mrs. Jones were ringing in my ears. Sophie held my shoulder "Freya, relax at least sit down". "Guys I have bad news, it turns out that the model has run away by hearing about the strict nature of Mrs. Jones. The agency is ready to send another model but it will take at least 2hrs time" Neil informed.

That woman! Why was she such a pain? And why would a model run away? She was not going to eat him up. God! Why did you make such humans? But I was not the girl who would just sit and cry. My dad left me and my mom when I was barely 14 and from that time I have fought the war of life. I was never a burden to my mom; I used to do part-time jobs to support my studies and house expenses. And this was my dream job; there was no way I could let it slip away.

"I have to do something. I will be back, a walk can charge up my brain cells."

It was 11 pm and I could not even spot a shadow of the model. I threatened to prosecute the modeling agency, their phone have been unreachable since then. And I was walking on the road aimlessly.

My eyes fell on an awesome car, I was not sure about the model but it was a black Mercedes. I was standing in front of a rich corporate building. It was a property of 'Wheeler& Co'. What I saw next was breathtaking, handsome; no he was far beyond the definition of handsome. With that tall, lean and perfect body he was no less than a hero of Mills & Boons. I always had a thing for tall guys. He was talking over the phone as he walked to the car, his walk was so graceful.

I could not help myself and end up in taking some steps forward; I needed to see his full face. He was busy in his conversation, and when he turned in my direction I felt that I had died and reached in heaven. From which genes did he gain that square jaw line and sharp features? Not to mention his skin color, it was the perfect mixture of pale white and tan. He was wearing a designer business suit. I was certain that the guy was in his late twenties. He must be the CEO; but nothing less than a model. Model? The thought rang a bell in my wondering head. That's what I needed at that moment and that Greek God could surely help me. Freya, stop lusting over his perfection and cook up an idea in your wicked brain.


"What a cute girl!" that was my reaction at her first sight. She seemed like a college student; but what was she doing there? She was approaching me. "Hello, can I help you?" I had to be polite with such an angel.

Strange, most of the girls I met used to smile just by catching my sight. She eyed at her wrist watch "listen Mr. I don't have time for Hi's and Hello's I am here to offer you a business deal and trust me it will be beneficial for both of us" her words were dipped in confidence. And for a change, someone was actually talking eye to eye with me.

My security guard Joseph was about to send her off but I gestured him to stay calm. I wanted to know more about her. "Hmm go on, I am listening" I folded my arms across my chest. "I need you to pose for the business cover for our magazine," she said. I noticed that she had clenched her fists. Seemed like she was a bit nervous but not ready to show it. That made my lips curl into a smile, on noticing the hint of a smile on my face she immediately looked at the other direction. Was she repulsed by my smile?

My attention got diverted by her actions "sorry I didn’t get you!" I stumbled. She looked at me, her eyes were playful "listen my job is at stake and you surely have it in you to pose for some pictures and it will be a nice advertisement for your company as well. Your boss will be really happy with you" she rubbed her hands while looking at me eagerly for a reaction. Her words made me chuckle, and this was the first time for me to feel that way. "I would have been elated to help you, but dear...I am not a model" I turned her down politely. She frowned.

I was about to enter my car when I felt a soft touch on my palm. It was her; Joseph had gone furious by now so I asked him to go away. Still holding my hand, "listen, I will take care of everything, you just have to stand and you don't even need to change your clothes, this is just the look I need" she said without breathing. I smiled at her innocent tries. She grinned "you are silent and I will take that for a yes, come with me, our office is just a few blocks away". I don't know why I could not turn her down; maybe because I did not want her to leave my hand or was it something else?