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Dark Or Darker

Dark Or Darker



The dark, terrifying at ll times, you can never tell if someone or something is with you. It's not just hard, but impossible to escape darkness as it is always here. And with all darkness, where is the light in a situation like this? there is none, no matter what.
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  From a young age, not wanting to go into the bath but when in, not wanting to come out. My name is Jacob and the year is 2034. Something bad is gonna happen this year, I'm not sure when and I'm not sure who with but I can just tell. Like your system saying that you are hungry but you wait it off or like a scary thought that no longer becomes scary after a while, and things like that, except for that I know that this feeling isn't gonna go away or become less of what is today. A seventeen year old student in a low come area is how most horror stories start, or moves except for thier adults, except the writer and director can work together and get bits of information from people who have been in that situation before but it can never reach the expectation of the hidden truth to what they are not telling you, and because of this, the story or movie that they are directing gets mixed around in different time lines with things taken out and added in so it no longer becomes the victims story anymore. I'm not here tell you that, this story is 100% false and made up. But keep the quotes that I use through out the story. it can help you out alot, and can mean things that get your attention so please enjoy while we open up to the real chapter now

  You already know my name and what year I'm in, most people try to get the name acrosss without letting you know that they have said it, and sometimes make you add things up to get the answer of where things are happening too. I'm in Tokyo right now, I know it's not a lowcome area but I've been traveling for a long time, not to get something but so that it doesn't get me. I was originally born in a lowcome area in Japan, many people always asked why I didn't have a Japan name, but that's because my parents had to keep moving too, except for they left me. Alone next to a police station, completely abandoned in the parking lot around the side, but of course like any kid would, they forgave there parents although I never saw mine again after that, the/police found me a day after and from what I can remember now from this age is that they was quite good with this stuff as it looked like this had happened before, 2 years old, I could only just walk but not quite yet speak, bits understood what was happening like why I was wondering why is there lots of people but can't see my parents.