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Together we Achieved More

Together we Achieved More



The book is to show the work of commited Public Servants of South Africa working for a government. The team consists of woman who demonstrate how working as a team yields incredible results. This booking aims to change the stereotype about government employees. The book will share Programmes implemented by the team on behalf of the department and government and changing many lives of Black poor families.
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  Somewhere in a democratic government in the Republic of South Africa a Department formed a Directorate called Human Capital Investment. The directorate was established to drive the government Agenda of youth development. However with the current landscape of South Africa this government agenda requires a dedicated and committed team to achieve.

  The work of the directorate includes skills development within the built environment sector.

  The team have to design suitable programmes drive this Agenda. The team is led by a young brilliant Director supported by a two woman in the main lead and other few team members.

  The young woman Director named Patronella and has to work with Patience, Nadia and Later joined by Jayde to achieve a common goal.

  At the meeting chaired by Patronella joined by her team outlined the vision of the Directorate.

  Patronella presented a strategy to be followed towards youth development. Patronella explained to the team the programme to be implemented. The team shared their inputs and adopted the strategy.

  The meeting was adjourned and Nadia and Patience have to host the meeting with their different teams to develop implementation plans. Everyone was excited about their work at the same time anxious since this is a new vision.

  Nadia and Patience discussed after their teams meeting so Madam tell me where do we begin ask Patience to Nadia.

  Nadia said lets go to the boardroom and share ideas anyway our boss lady is very open minded we can share our ideas tomorrow and hope she will approve. They went to the small board room draw on the board and agreed to go back for now to conduct some research therefore they each went to their offices.

  Patience sitting at her office started to research and collect useful information.

  Nadia has to finish her other work first anyway she is the most workerholic she will do her research after working hours.

  This team has no tea and lunch time they sit on their work station the whole day working.

  At around Five afternoon everyone started to go home one by one.

  Patience was a single parent of two girls. Nadia is happily married with three children. Patronella is also married with three children as well.

  Although the team go home they still keep contact to discuss ideas and information with excitement.

  The following week the meeting was scheduled again to the implementation plans of each team.

  The meeting started everyone looking forward.

  The implementation plans were presented by Patience and Nadia and the team makes inputs. The implementation were endorsed by the Boss lady Petronella and the team agreed on schedule of the progress meeting which will be held monthly.

  The next chapter will tell you about the strategies that will be implemented towards driving the government goal please continue reading to learn about the work of this team.