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Author:Cor T Net


SYNOPSIS He has Alexithymia; the inability to identify and describe ones emotions. He doesn’t understand what it means to feel happy or sad or excited neither does he know how to express them. Smiles and laughs are like riddles to him cause all he can understand is pain… nothing else but pain. He is Holden Smith, CEO of the biggest and most successful game company in China. She has Amnesia and Kleptomania ( the recurrent failure to resist the urge to steal). She steals whatever she comes across; gold, silver, wood, paper and even a needle. She also have a big horrible scar on her face which she does everything possible to keep from the world. Her name is Raven Scott. These two crosses part with each other, having one thing in common; they are BROKEN and DEPRESSED. Unknown to them, their lives got ruined due to one same horrible mistake done eighteen years ago… It’s a scar in their hearts enough to kill them…it’s their lethal guilt. But will they be able to heal?...
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The empty street can be seen with not a single soul flocking around. The darkness engulfed everywhere was coupled by a cold and lonely breeze, blowing around any weightless object it comes across. There was a building...the only building in the street.

Well, not until the quite environment was interrupted by the sound of a motorbike and with every seconds passing by, the sound gets closer and closer. Soon a very bright light shone on the building before a screeching sound was heard as the rider pulled a long break.

Staring at the figure on the bike, one can easily detect it was a lady. Her dressing goes like this; she was putting on a white long sleeved shirt with a burgundy scarf tied around her neck. Inside the shirt, was a chest plate. And a belt attached suspender was joining her black pants to her shirt. A black belt was around her waist with a gun hostler and on her hands were fingerless gloves.

Removing her helmet, her face couldn't be seen because of the black mask she was putting on, with only her eyes visible.

Climbing off the bike and placing her helmet on the seat, she headed straight to the back of the building, which turned out to be a museum. Not just any museum but a gem museum. Getting to the glass door, she brought out a lazer, creating a big hole enough to contain her as she snuck into the museum.

Bringing out a touch light, her eyes shone in excitement on seeing what she was here for.

" Finally...the Red Diamond" She exclaimed, heading to the case the diamond was in. Opening a hole on the case, she grabbed the diamond.

" I am gonna be rich as fuck!" She grinned widely. Well, her grin vanished immediately as a red light flashes through the room and the emergency alarm set off. The door of the room she was in barged open and six security guards rushed in.

" Stop right there" The guards said as the turned on the lights, pointing their guns at her.

" Damn it!" The lady mumbled as the guards started firing at her. She grabbed the gun in her hostler, firing back at them as she headed to the door. The bullets from the guards hitting the glass door made it shattered to pieces making escaping easier for the lady.

Outside of the museum, three security guards too aimed at her but she gun them all down as she headed to her bike. Just when she was close to her bike, a bullet was aimed at her leg but doing a backflip, she landed on her bike, igniting the engine and doing a reverse...she drove off.

The six guards rushed to a car and drove after her. Two of the guards titled their head outside the side windows of the car as the sent several bullets to her but she made sure to dodge all of them. Looking back while still on a full speed, she gun down two of the guards.

" Dummies! You can't catch me you mother f**kers!" She yelled, fixing her eyes back on the road. A bullet which was aimed at to hit her leg, missed and scratched the side of her bike.

Without looking back, she raised the middle finger of her right hand, giving them a 'f**k you' while riding with only one hand. She quickly diverted to a narrow path in the street.


A young guy can be seen, taking in a great amount of smokes into his mouth before puffing it out to the air with some exhaling out from his nose. On the table he was in was a bottle and shot of dry gin and empty packets of cigarettes, littering around.

The guy had brown eyes which were already red due to smoking. His hair was dyed partly white and partly black. Trailing down to his sharp nose which has two piercing and his red lips which looked chapped and dry. On his ear where two openings and small earrings on them. Not to talk the inked tattoos drawn from his neck to his arms. It was all visible due to the black singlet he was putting on.

On the other side of the table was another guy, dressed all formal. He face was clouded with sadness as he stares at the guy puffing out smokes and gulping down shots of gin.

" Erm, Boss... don't you think that's enough cigarettes for a day?" He asked as the guy took out another stick of cigarettes, lighting it up. His face was blank, cold and expressionless as he glared at the other guy who sealed his lips shut.

After smoking the last stick and gulping the last shot of the gin, the guy rested his head fully on the chair, his eyes closed. He stayed like that for some minutes before snapping his eyes open.

" Go get the car" His cold voice commanded and the other guy sprang up his feet.

" Yes Boss" He bowed rushing out of the bar.

The guy stood up and just when he was about taking a step forward, someone ran and bumped into him making him stagger back a bit.

" Hey! Watch where you're going bitch" The guy who bumped into him snapped angrily, quacking him on the chest. Deciding to ignore him, the guy made to walk past him only to blocked by the guy who bumped into him, a grin plastered on his face.

" What do want?" The guy snapped impatiently but his facial expression was blank.

" Aren't you the famous Game Industry's CEO, Holden Smith, huh?" The other guy grinned even the more.

" Yeah, so?" Holden folded his arms.

" Well it doesn't matter. You bumped into me, so you've got apologize" The guy said.

" Really?" Holden huffed.

" Who really is the bitch here? Cause as far I can remember... you bumped... into me" He pointed out.

" Still doesn't matter. You're still apologizing" The guy insisted.

" I ain't giving you any shit called apology. Now if you won't mind fucking out of my way" Holden replied plainly. The guy grabbed his arm, pulling him back as he tried walking past him.

" Well...if you ain't apologizing...then fight me" The guy smirked but Holden only stared at him with a blank expression.

" Did you actually come here to fight cause there are lots of idiots here willing to fight you and guess what?... I ain't one of them" Holden implied.

" Is it that you don't want to fight me or...

" You can't fight me... cause you're a loser" Holden only frowned his brows at the guy.

" You can't fight me right... you're a loser aren't you?" The guy scoffed, quacking Holden by the chest again. Deep down, Holden's blood was already boiling hot but his facial expression was still blank. If there's one thing he hates in his life, is someone calling him a loser.

" Come on loser, fight me, come on" The guy taunted.

" I wanna fight you so fight me. Come on... fight me you God damn..." Holden didn't let him finish his sentence when he shut him up with a jaw breaking punch, making the guy stagger back in shock.

Standing back on his balance, the guy folded his fist and rushed towards Holden who only held his fist midair, twisting his arm and a cracking sound was heard with the guy yelping in pain.

" You want me to fight you right?...

" Well guess what...I am doing that right now" Holden said, twisting the guys arm the more before pushing him off as he went flying and crashing to a table. Walking over to him, Holden grabbed him by his shirt, turning him to face him before greeting him with another punch.

" You called me a looser, didn't ya? Imma show you what losers can do" With that, Holden dragged the guy with him as he headed outside the bar. He forced the guy to lie with his back on a car before disfiguring his face with punches. The guy was already bleeding; his lips, nose even eyes. Holden raised his hand to send him a hard punch on his forehead when;

" Stop it right there!" A voice halted him. He turned and his heart skipped in fear on seeing two police officers. If there's a second thing he hates, then it will be the police.

" Damn it!" He cursed and took off his heels, leaving the guy to fall lifelessly on the floor.

" Hey, hold your horses!" The cops yelled running after him. Without looking back, Holden ran with everything in him, pushing away anyone and anything which got in his way. He entered a narrow path in the street but pulled a brake on his legs on seeing the fence at the end of the path.

" Fuck!" Looking back and seeing the cops coming after him, he jumped up to the fence, climbing it despite how high he was. If there's something he is good at; then Holden is a professional climber.

He jumped off the fence and it turned out the fence was that of a mall's parking lot.

Coincidentally, the lady from earlier drove into the same parking lot and was driving towards Holden who was looking back to see if the cops were still after him. The lady on seeing Holden running towards her bike, tried alerting him with a horn but Holden's mind wasn't there.

Finally turning his gaze to where he was running to, Holden's eyes widened on seeing the full speed bike running towards him. Just when the bike was about hitting him, the lady pulled a full brake and the bike stopped right in front of Holden.

The lady quickly took off her mask letting her hair fall freely on her shoulder. She glared at Holden.

" Watch where you're running to, idiot" She snapped at Holden whose brows were frowned while trying to clearly see the lady's face. But only her eyes and lips were visible.

" Hey, I'm talking to you!" The lady snapped him out.

" Well you should also watch where you're riding to, this is a parking lot not a highway" Holden hissed and the lady sent him a hard glare.

" You...

" Did you see her?" A voice which the lady recognized to belong to one of the guards after her interrupted.

" No I didn't, but I'm sure she's still around" Another of the guards replied.

" What are you..." The lady shushed Holden immediately.

" Keep shut" She snapped. Her eyes widened as she heard footsteps approaching.

Under the period of a sec, she quickly grabbed Holden by the collar, pinning him to one of the pillars before claiming his lips.

Holden's remained stagnant in shock as the lady fed hungrily on his lips and it was if someone paused his brain immediately. He could visible see the ladies green eyes piercing his as she kissed him.

Holden's heart started accelerating fast...very fast and he suddenly ran out of breath.

After making sure the guards already walked pass them, the lady pulled out. She closed her eyes, letting out a deep breath.

" That was close" She heaved, bitting on her lower lip. She opened her eyes only to meet Holden staring at her with parted lips and widened eyes.

" What?" She shrugged, walking over to her bike before climbing on it. She covered her face with the mask, putting on her helmet before igniting her bike.

" You can quit staring moron" She snapped at Holden who was still staring at her with parted lips.

" And learn to use a mint after smoking" The lady yelled as she drove off leaving Holden to keep wondering;