



作家:Christy April


Betrayal by the two people she trusted the most leads her to take up a job offer as a secretary at the Rodriguez enterprise.In a quest to get back at her boyfriend and best friend, she’s captured by her Boss’s aura. A sexual affair between the boss- Gregory Rodriguez and her ex best friend- Isabella leaves her questioning his efforts towards her. Is a second love even worth it?

“How could you do this to me Issa ?? You are my best friend. For life remember??? And yet….you-. ”

Ashley said as tears rolled down her eyes at the sight.She was in shock and didn’t want to believe anything was real. Her eyes wandered round the room trying to look for a reason and an answer to the questions that were running through her mind.

“Ash it’s not what you think….”

Even before Jason could continue, Ashley rushed out bursting in tears. She felt betrayed. Her life was falling apart, she thought. How could this happen to her? These were the two most important people in her life. She tried finding a place she could go to think about everything she just saw. She definitely did not want to go home to her alcoholic mum. It was so windy outside; her tears had dried up causing a mess.

Her phone rang severally yet she was faded out of reality so much that she could barely hear anything. After an hour of sobbing and crying out , she decided to check who the calls were from. Five calls from Jason and ten from Isabella. Staring at the missed calls and feeling nothing but betrayal and rage, she decided to ignore the calls and put herself first for once.

She walked a few metres to a nearby coffee shop to ease her mind. Walking sluggishly, she bumped into a formally dressed man in a suite with an entourage.He looked about a decade older than her.

“ Would you watch where you’re going Mr” she burst out.

She took the last table in the shop in an attempt to make herself less noticeable.

“I would like to order an iced latte,” Ashley said in a shaky voice. Even this brought back memories of Jason and a few tears ran down her face but she hurriedly wiped them away.

“Will be ready in 5” the waiter said. Ashley nodded in response.

A group of men were walking towards her direction but she couldn’t make out their faces.An unfamiliar breath behind her ear brought her back to reality. She raised her head to the sight of the man she bumped into

“You watch your tongue!” .

Before she could make out his face, the man and his personal bodyguard were already on their way out.

The man’s presence left a strong and masculine aura and suddenly her thoughts were no longer clouded with her boyfriend and best friend's betrayal. She replayed the words uttered by this mysterious man over and over in her mind but quickly brushed it to the side to focus on the more important problem.

It was getting dark outside and Ash decided to start walking home. She didn’t think the day would end this badly but the damage had already been done.

“Was it me?” “ Was I the problem?” “Wasn’t I good enough for him?” she thought to herself.

The house was in a mess when she got back.Her snoring mum lying helplessly on the floor. The room had a pungent smell from all the alcohol.

She rushed to her room as more tears fell across her face. The thought of not having someone to comfort her at her lowest moments made her cry out loud even more. For about an hour she sat wallowing in her thoughts. Thinking of what was next for her. And how she could handle all the problem alone.

She needed to get back on her feet but how ??? Her boyfriend had cheated on her with her dearest friend. Her mum was an addict and they were in so much debt. She had an interview the next day and she hadn’t even prepared for it because of everything going in her life. She felt abandoned.


The six a.m alarm echoed loudly through her room the next morning.

“I’VE GOT AN INTERVIEW TODAY!!!!!!!! No,no, no, how could I oversleep. This is a huge offer and I couldn’t even be on time for once”. How could she forget such a big day. She has been wanting to work in one of the well known businesses in New York and finally when she got the opportunity to go for an interview she made very little preparation for it ????!!!!

She jumped out of bed and into the bathroom to brush her teeth and began wearing an attire that gave the formal appearance. She wore a black dress fitting enough to accentuate her curves, low heels and took her hair out of the high bun ponytail to show off her straight silky hair. She put on some deodorant and Michael kors sexy ruby perfume. There was no time to bathe. The interview was due seven in the morning and she was the first applicant.

“I have to be there fifteen minutes before time. Omggg!!!!” She cried out trying to organise herself. The ride from her apartment to the office was about twenty five minute drive. So there was really no time to waste. She took her résumé and other required documents and rushed out of her room.

“Ash, what’s the rush??? Come get some breakfast” said her mom.

“No mum, it’s today. Have to go.” she said whilst running out of the house.

The look on Mrs. Spears face was enough for Ashley to know her mum had completely forgotten about the interview and the conversation they had.

The Uber ride ended at RODRIGUEZ ENTERPRISE. Ashley was stunned by how huge the building was. She made her way to the reception and got directed to where the interview was taking place.

“Miss Ashley.”A lady called out.

“Is she here please ?”

“Miss Ash-”

“Yes , yes I’m here please. I’m here” Ashley said out of breath. The elevator in the company was going through a maintenance check and she had to walk up a fleet of stairs.

“You’re late miss” the woman iterated

“ Yes please, I apologise. I was caught up in a little issue. This won’t happen again” Ashley said trying to not mess up her chances of being given the job offer.

“All the best to you all. Miss Ashley please it’s your turn” the lady said as she left to continue her duty.

Ashley knocked on the door and was instructed to enter.

“Come in” the voice on the other side of the room said. “This voice sounds familiar,” Ashley thought.

Anxious, she slowly turned the door knob and entered.
