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Princess of death

Princess of death



will he survive? will she save him?what if he is lost? is he also super natural. is it fate or imagination of princess. will it change her life to beautiful and mystrious life? Are every one near her is real friend or not ?
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Younger sister of Jasmine


is the only one who stays with Jasmine. She has powers still she is learning as staying with her is really dangerous as she gets attacked every second.

Jane: Wake up sister! or else the witch's


army will try to kill me or you. I do not know how to handle them as they are not any magical creature. Nor I know about this creature.

Jasmine: They are just the beginners and they can't even stand a thunderstorm created by me. I am sure they are betwitched humans. Put some water on the leaf of magical serpent home them,throw the water on them.they ll run away.

Jane: I know I just tested you!

Jasmine:What have u learned today?

Jane: I learned about serpent ball

when someone takes a leaf from serpent tree and makes a mixture of two type of serpent leaf with venom it forms serpent ball

and purple venom of death's princess

used to remove the fake skin which stops them from using their own power and also created only once-in-a-thousand year

Jasmine: Just remember it is rare so do not give it to any one.

Jane: Stop your tips and speach for afterwards too bla bla bla bla.

Jasmine: And save your jokes for tomorrow as tomorrow we are going outside to happy human world.

Jane: We ll have to work to eat a delicious,tasty food and buy a a good little house.

Jasmine:But we ll be together as a heir of a moderate not poor family.

Jane: So coooooooool! then I can sleep all the day!

Jasmine: Relaxed from wars and scars! sooo fun!!!

What do you think Jane? what if you are born as a little cute younger brother?

Jane: What!!! I ll be an pretty young princess not a boy I do not want to be a boy for 7 births not even once.I do not want to be a boy. Please keep that in your mind. Please,please, please.

Jasmine: It was just a joke. do not take it seriously. okay, and do not show really cute and pretty ;

puppy eye never ever. Okay or not ??

Jane: That is my sister.

Jasmine: let me sleep now at least. please i am really really tired. I wish to meet my lovely parents soon. And they can be deadly but just about 2 per cent of chance

Is it fate playing game or just imagination? Will they be treated as a princess or a slave? Will the her imagination of meeting her lovely parents go horribly wrong?

To know more wait and read next chapter. I wish to have a nice day