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Autor:Danny Wlalker


Zeus assembles a group of the best men to form a team to lead a robbery but the robbery as not all there is as Zeus had other plans that included a list of men to be assassinated for the sins of their past. If he succeeds a dying nation comes alive but if he fails things will turn bloody. Suddenly the past comes hunting Zeus and he must go back to a place in Arizona called hell.
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Nothing can stop a determined soul; the only men who are capable of making our country a better place are men who have nothing to lose when the battle begins.

In hard times arises tough people; stubborn problems demand stubborn solutions; a country of great potentials, the acclaimed giant of Africa had suddenly become a place of toil and oppression, corrupt government, suffering and smiling citizens but sooner than later a force had risen against this whole calamity, a force of men ready to take it by force with violence and blood.


Lagos, Oshodi

“Thief! Thief!! Thief!!!” the people’s voice thundered under the hot sun as they chased furiously after a good looking young man with sticks and stones, machetes and iron rods. He didn’t stop running but rather increased his speed; there is a saying that the prey is faster than the predator, true because there was quite a distance between himself and the mob, he was breathing heavily as he ran, suddenly there saw a man running towards him with a big stick instead of stopping he ran closer to the man who was about to hit him with the big stick, held the man’s hand and punched him in the stomach, broke his nose with a head attack then lifted him up and threw him back at the people coming behind him, slowing them down; they were surprised at such boldness from their prey, some of them stopped while others continued. He was about to make a turn into a street when he saw a police vehicle coming that way, so he diverted to a compound which had its gate opened and the mob ran in after him and so did the police men; he ran all the way to the backyard and jumped the fence like it was nothing; after throwing two quick steps on the wall, he flipped over it and landed in another compound. The compound he entered was a 4storey building, he looked back and saw that the people were trying to climb over too so he quickly ran and as he approached the gate he saw a police man coming so he ran into the building and climbed upstairs; the building was quiet. He ran into the 3rdfloor and saw a door opened and he quickly entered the door and shut it but didn’t look back

“Who are you?!!” a voice yelled and he turned in fear and saw a lady

‘Please help me, some people want to kill me” he said breathing heavily

‘Kill you? Haaaa please go, I don’t want any trouble… I will shout o”

“Please I am begging you with the grave of my mother” he begged whole heartedly

“Then why run if you are not a bad person?”

“They are with dangerous weapons, please hide me I beg” he was sweating; from the way he begged even if she was a 4 years old girl he would kneel down and call her Ma

“Ok, come inside my room and stay there” she said standing up

“Thank you… God bless you” he said and followed her

She took him into her room and locked the door behind him, he sat on the bed and felt relieved as he relaxed on the bed

“So this is how I would have died for nothing” he thought to himself, he started remembering how it all started. How he left his home like a normal man to go meet someone who owed him money, more interestingly it was the debtor who called him to come for his money but on arrival the debtor got in an argument with him and denied calling him; he became angry and they started exchanging negative words and then got into a fight, he beat up the debtor and that was how the problem started. The guy yelled out loudly Thief! Thief!! Ole! E won kill me o, e gba mi o, the guy shouted and from nowhere people came out and grabbed him and before he could say a word a slap landed on his face and then another slap and then some started looking for sticks and the people increased. They didn’t even allow him speak, he then remembered how 4 boys were killed like this in Port-Harcourt, he pictured the gruesome video of their murder in his head. He was afraid of his own death but he knew he was not ready to die like that and then suddenly he pushed the crowded and they fell massively and he took off like a cheetah chased by a lion…

As he sat on the bed thinking about that, the door suddenly opened and the lady came into the room with the mob

“Is that the guy?” she said pointing at him and before he could make a move, a big stick landed on his head and he shouted in pain but there was no sympathy and another stick landed and before knew it, they were hitting him with different objects and he could hear the lady cheering them. He was just protecting his head with his hands and it seemed it would never stop as the pains increased.

“Stop it, enough!!” somebody yelled as he came into the room

“I said enough! Or are you mad?” a policeman said as he pushed a man aside

“He is a thief we will kill him” the mob shouted


“No worry, he is under arrest already” the police man said as he and his partner lifted him up and cuffed him. His face was swollen and his body hurt, he was bleeding on his face; he looked around at the people and everything seemed to be happening in slow motion in his head as they took him out the room. He saw the lady who took him in and as he looked at her she slapped his eye

“Why you dey look me? Ole! Thief!“ she said with a strong voice

He lowered his head as the police took him passed the people; some were slapping the back of his head and some knocking him and rained abuses on him

The police men took him out and put him in their van and drove off as the mob crowded outside the environment.