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Fuyu Miyazaki's world collapses when she makes the discovery that she is an air phaser. Following her mother's death , she goes on a long odyssey of self-discovery where she learns to accept and embrace her new identity. Fuyu and her best friend , Harper Collins , meet many obstacles along the way and form new allies that make a stand against the Government-based X-Vision Corporation that is bound to bring havoc and destruction upon nature , pulling the world to its knees.
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BOOM! A loud rumbling sound shook the earth under her feet. A violent gust of wind blew through short hair.

Ignition was underway. Half of the entire warehouse was blown to pieces. Shrapnel was scattered everywhere.

A tumultuous cyclone ripped through the upper roof. In the distance, on top of a nearby knoll on the grassy plains, a shadowed figure emerged from the woods behind him

The mysterious man, lanky with a strong and muscular build, was wearing a black suit tainted with white spots all over, purple gloves, and a sleek,the only color outside of a slim red tie. His helmet, however, radiated austerity and authority, demanded loyalty and novelty. Shielded with what seems to be titanium and covered with a sheet of dark glass and a grayish silver finish, the helmet had a scarlet cobra symbol carved on top.

The man communicating with his leader said,

"The mission is a success , Lynx." He walked back into the woods with his briefcase.

Back at the warehouse, Fuyu Miyazaki couldn t believe her eyes.

She was astounded, standing in shock and fear at what she had done. Her hands were paler than usual, her veins more prominent. The shockwave from the blast caused the actory s walls to dismantle ,obstructing the exit to the plains outside.

Fuyu was trapped. Her memory blurred. Everything felt hazy to her. All she could remember was how she was abducted by two "Men in Black", who had then threatened Fuyu, pushing her to come to rescue her mother, before she"was scorched alive." The last thing she remembered was the men leaving her and the sound of something ticking.,

"A bomb?" she said to herself, sweating profusely, afraid, vulnerable, and in mortal danger.

Then, it occurred. Absorbing what transpired earlier was too pressing for Fuyu, as her heartbeat quickly and too much for her comfort. She was gasping and barely able to catch her breath. In the blink of an eye, her memory sparked when she remembered the voice of someone calling out to her seconds before the blast. Fuyu quickly glanced behind her and cried out at the top of her lungs,


And lLaying there on the ground, barely breathing, blood pooling out, was her mother. Upon seeing Fuyu, she struggled to reach out to her daughter with her arm.

Fuyu was at a loss for words. She ran hurriedly towards her aching mother, like a bird returning to its nest after a long migration season. and Fuyu fell to her knees, grabbingholding her mother s delicate calloused hands in her own. They felt weak, at odds with the rough callouses she could feel on them., on the verge of collapsing herself as some mass of metal fell on her. Oddly it didn t damage her or break any bones, and she was only bleeding from her forehead for a few seconds where a clot accumulated.

A crisp wave of air sent a shiver down her spinewept down her shivering spine. HerFuyu s mother, Yuma Miyazaki, slowly lookedglanced up at her, meeting her eyes daughter s doleful face,. carefully body-checking her daughter, and making sure she wasn t injured, despite being aware of her impending doom.

"Watashi no itooshī hito…"

My sweetheart


Fuyu, who is always used to being called the "the silent one" by everyone she knew besides her own mother, was having a panic attack. She was about to hyperventilate. Her breath came faster and faster, pressure building in her chest, and try as she might, she couldn t get control. Her body was hurt, fatigued, and fragile. Her chest was filled with smoke and residue from the blast, so much so that she was choking. It is a miracle her lungs didn t disintegrate at such proximity from the bomb, let alone neither her face or her body was burnt. Unfortunately, she couldn t say the same about her mother.

"You ll be okay, mom," she cried. "YOU WILL BE OKAY MOM! Please stay with me. I beg you, pleasePLEASE! Why did you come to save me?! Why did you have to come forto me nowAT THIS MOMENT!" She choked on her words. "I am so sorry Mom! I failed you. I am A TERRIBLE DAUGHTER! I abandoned you just like when dad left us. Forgive me."

Fuyu stuttered; she was too appalled to speak. The right side of her mother s body, from eye to toe, was completely crushed by debris that fell from the explosion. The skin on her faceHer face s skin cells waswere torched, like paper turned into ash.

Fuyu realizes it is too late. She locks her emotions away with a key of bitter cold-bloodedness, as she witnesses the passing away of the one person who cared for her entire life in the absence of her vanishing father. Yuma tells Fuyu,

"Don t hold in the pain, Fuyu. Do not suppress your emotions. Let it go, my daughter. I can t stand seeing you devastated like this, even in the face of Death."

"But… but … I can t lose you …" Fuyu attempted to speak but the words refused to come out of her mouth. "I don t know what …without you …" Soon, they failed her completely.

Fuyu attempted to speak but the words refused to come out of her mouth. Her mind was still baffled by how everything swiftly occurred. She wondereds how these men, the ones who d kidnapped her, and left her here, had just vanished. who came out of nowhere to kidnap her, seemingly left her at this warehouse and disappeared to no return.

She was distraught when sThese men didn t get anything in return for giving up Fuyu to her mother, no ransom, no money for them to earn. She realized, she d been nothing but bait, for her mother to come and walk into a trap. was "BAIT" for her mother to come to get her. Fuyu was struck with a tragedy. These men didn t get anything in return for giving up Fuyu to her mother, no ransom, no money for them to earn. YUMA was the target. Her LIFE was the cost. Fuyu couldn t control it anymore, as the wind around her started to shift.

Then, Yuma, conscious but weary and only a few minutes from entering a coma said, She was brought out of her thoughts by Yuma, barely conscious and slipping quickly.

"Fuyu, I have not told you the truth about your father. I kept this secret from you out of love for your father. It was his final request to me, and I promised to tell you when the time comes, but I…"

Fuyu looked at her mother in a moment of contemplation, a tear trickling down her red cheek.

"Mom, this is not the time to talk nowNOW! Stay with me. I ll get you out of here."Bear with me as I try to pull you out of this DAMN ROCK!" Fuyu sniffs.

"There is no use now Fuyu," Yuma stopped, coughing as she started to choke on her own blood. She was even weaker after the fit. said Yuma while coughing pure blood,

"Listen to what I have to say before I die.," she gurgled.

"Your father never left because he hated us. He left because he was special. He was gifted like the rest of his kind. He was an Angel of the Skies. A former knight who served in the Fortress Island of Templar. He could manipulate the air. A warrior. And he gifted his abilities to you."

Yuma s eyes were becoming dull and glassy, losing their luster. They dazed as Yuma tried to hold on to her worldly life before dying

"Mom, please stay with me!"

Fuyu tried to carry and pull her mother from under the huge stone but to no avail.

She never realized how thin and frail her mother was at the moment because, for her whole life, she thought of her mother as a strong woman with a high sense of self-esteem and dignity. Her mother was never this weightless before, either.

Yuma never blinked when faced withencountering a problem. She was stayed patient and vigilant untiltill she solved it or found a way to overcome it.

Yuma uttered her final words.,

"Do not despair of my death, Fuyu, you did what you could and I will ALWAYS be proud of you. Go forward and live your life. Forge your path and strive to fight what you think is worth fighting for. I named you Fuyu to change your direction with the winds, soaring high and mighty like an ethereal dove. Remember that Fuyu, and NEVER look back at this. Go now! Leave before the flames engulf you!"

Close enough to feel, a fuel barrel ignited, exploding in a ball of flames. The heat brushed Fuyu s skin. Despite that fact, she was right, as the blast ignited a nearby exposed fuel barrel on fire, Fuyu didn t care. She wanted to save her mother, but deep down, she knew it was too late.

"MomOM, stay with me alright.?! You re are going to be okay.! MomMOM?! MomMOOOM!"

Yuma has died, and Fuyu couldn t do anything about it.

Despaired, Fuyu gave in to her sorror, head dropping to rest on her mothers shoulder one last time as she closed her eyes.

Is she waiting for the flames to engluf her too?

Feeling useless, she gave in to her sorrow and closed her eyes…

It felt like seconds, andMinutes later, Fuyu opened her eyes. Her head was resting on Harper Tristen Collin s lap. Harper, Fuyu s bestie since kindergarten, heard about her friend s kidnapping and also rushed into the scene as quickly as possible to help Yuma rescue her.

Does he realise she s awake, how/when?

"Thank God, you re finally awake! Are you alright?"

Does he check her over here? Does he hold her eyes, are they on a helicopter? does he look around? he already knows her mum isn t here, wouldn t he have a better idea of what happened if he s part of the team that pulled her away from the explosion?


Fuyu tried to recollect, but she didn t want to hold it in any longer. Her mother was right, hold in your emotions for too long and you willwould end up imploding like the bomb that killed yourher mother. Fuyu burst into tears, weeping and rolling like a baby that lost her mom. Her tears dripped down along her left cheek under the bright glow of the midnight moon. Harper, obviously, wasis in shock too and at in awe. She tried to tell Fuyu what she saw her doing moments ago, but Fuyu couldn t understand a word Harper was saying. She couldn t hear anything. Fuyu s ears were ringing in pain. Fuyu s glazed eyes welled with tears. These hazel bloodshot jewels of hers lost their dazzling gleam. Harper could tell Fuyu was NOT alright. She could sense that Fuyu s soul was aching and panicking. Sweat and blood dripping from her forehead, Fuyu felt nauseous and dizzy as she put her hands on the ground and started crying.Sweat and blood dripping from her forehead while feeling nauseous and dizzy, Fuyu put her hands on the ground and started crying. She was having had a panic n anxiety attack, or that is what Harper thought, at first. It was a mental breakdown after everything Fuyu hads been through.

Harper widened her eyes in realizationawareness. "I never saw Mrs.Yuma come out since the explosion…," she said.

It was crystal clear. A thousand questions and thoughts spurred in Harper s mind. She, frankly, was speechless too like her dear hopeless friend , and began to tear up as well. She was solemnly quiet about the mental state of her friend, especially after seeing her levitate subconsciously in her sleep and blast through the walls when all the exits were blocked. Harper was concerned ofabout what would become of Fuyu. What she saw changed how she perceiveds her friend. Not in a necessarily detrimental way for their friendship, but in a more dangerous and "raising the stakes to the next level" way. "These men are absolutely not ordinary men." "Nor was Fuyu an ordinary person to begin withfrom now on," whispered Harper to herself. Harper decided to hug her desperate friend who had never cowered in fear like this before and was always patient and never surrendered hope, a hug to comfort her soul s permanent scar. She gave her a hand and showed her sympathy for her best friend. A warm gesture.

"You have been through so much," said Harper.

Fuyu s face was still devoid of feelings and apathetic, similar to the turbulent awakened waves of the ocean during a stormy night. Fuyu felt empty inside, mortified at what just took place. She couldn t sleep these last few nights. This day would change her life forever. Harper, being so impatient as usual in such situations, quickly stabbed Fuyu with the truth once more,

"Despite everything that happened thus far, I still can t believe it, Fuyu! You are ONE OF THEM! You are a KINETIC PHASER!".

Fuyu s stomach sank when hearing those words. The words "like an ethereal dove" also echoed in the back of her mind, biting her soul s consciousness.

A few hours later….

At an abysmal underground government facility,

lies a dystopian research laboratory that would soon intertwine with the fates of poor kinetic phasing men and women. At lab 3193, the dark-suited man from the warehouse attack arrived. The lab doors opened.

"Doctor Oscar Wilhelm Mirelez, the X-Vision Corporation is interested in you. They are offering you a contract you cannot refuse anymore."

Dr.Oscar Mirelez, a shriveled, wrinkled man in his 50s suffering from a neurological disease due to an accident in the past, puts on his glass and gives a look of intimidation to the man in black.

"Me? The X-VISION CORPORATION IS 'interested in me ?! After what I have done to 'tarnish their legacy ?! A contract 'I can t refuse anymore ?! HAHA, don t make me laugh with your stupidity. You are na?ve and foolish enough if you think you can deceive me with your looks anymore. No one has seen a cursed phaser in ages! Not after 'The Phaser's Killing Spree or 'Phaser Purge !"

Oscar calmly reaches for his drawer to grab his backup pistol, wondering how an agent from the X-Vision Corporation, out of all the governmental agencies, decided to enroll him. He knew it must be a trick, or so he thought.

"I wouldn t do that If I were you, Doctor," said the man,

"If you shoot me, an agent from the Oni Sector , all the valuable knowledge and experiments you obtain would be lost forever, and X-Vision would report you to the government and experiment on you like those terrorist phasers, so let us get down to business, shall we ?"

The agent swiftly pulls the gun out of the doctor s hand and removes the ammo.

"The Oni Sector has watched you for quite some time, doc. And they are very pleased with what you have done, especially regarding Test Subject K.E.417, whom you have just begun your experimenting on 5 months ago, isn t that right?"

Doctor Oscar, due to his neurological disorder, tried to reach for his lighter. He cursed as the Agent smirked a smile behind his mask. Oscar went over and grabbed his lighter and lit his cigar, shrugging off his shaking hands and speaks in a darker tone, revealing his true colors,

"What do you want from me, Agent Viper?"

"We only want you to come back, Oscar."

"Right to where your life s career belongs. Where it ALWAYS belonged, among the elites, not among those phasing slaves. Besides, you will be getting a new chance of getting what you always wanted, Oscar. But nothing comes without a cost I am afraid. Some sacrifices must be made.

Oscar shrugged, "What do these bastards ever do without asking for some 'sacrifices to be made , huh?"

Agent Viper ignores the annoyed doctor and unclasps his briefcase, handing over a file to Oscar. The doctor was mildly puzzled.

" They ordered me to deliver this to you, Oscar. Consider it a welcome back gift."

Oscar cuts the folder and opens it to reveal a paper that said.

"Subject K.E. 417 Authorization Grant Accepted, proceed with biosymbiosis experimentation. Credit entry :1 million Zanters

"Welcome back on board Doc," said the Agent.