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Life was always unfair for Grace Knight. It never gave her what she wanted. Growing up she always felt like she was born an orphan. It's not that her parents were no more, she had parents but what does love means she never knew. Since childhood she has yearned for their love. But she was invisible to them. Grace finally moves away having enough, leaving that town behind her. The people. The whispers. The cruelty. She moved for better. She had her life in control, everything was planned and things were going as she wanted after she moved to the new city. She was living her life on her own terms but life has always its own plans. Her life completely takes a dark turn when she catches the attention of infamous Italian Mafia Leonardo Castillo. A cruel and terrifying beast hiding under the guise of a beautiful creature. One moment everything was perfect for her. She was free out in the world and then her freedom was completely taken away from her and she was held against her will away from the world she once knew. Leo was a monster and she had made a terrible mistake by bringing his attention to herself. Ever since Leo entered my life, it has been an everlasting nightmare. She was repeatedly beaten and raped.
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"The class is dismissed" The teacher announced to the class as she wrapped up her lecture. Everyone frantically gathers their belongings and shuffles their way out of the classroom. I collect my textbooks that are scattered on my desk, disposing of them in my caramel shoulder bag and leap out of my chair. I began my way down the seminar to meet up with my friend, Cassandra. The frustration on her face tells me she did not enjoy today's lecture.

"God, my head is exploding. How can I learn from all these notes?" She complained. I couldn't help but give out a light chuckle, slightly amused at her complaints. Nothing ever does get to her, which is why I am mostly helping her out. Much to my dismay, she is always trying to avoid studying and forcing me to go partying with her to which I always refuse to. If not that, she is busy texting her latest BOYFRIEND cooing lightly at their smooth talks.

Of course, most of the messages are about her model-like body and looks. Her hair is blonde and regularly straight to show the entire world how smooth and healthy her hair is with her sultry blue eyes outlined with black eyeliner, it's not a surprise she attracts attention. Cass and I met at freshman orientation, we just clicked instantly and we'd been friends ever since. We are like soul sisters, even though we're completely different.

"If you want, I can help you and try to explain today's lesson. But it is strictly studying. No texting or forcing me to go to your wild adventures" I say

"Fine," Cass said, rolling her eyes. God this girl will never change.

"Hey" A familiar feminine voice suddenly snaps, making all heads turn to look at her. But everybody already knew who she was. I see Sofia walking towards us with Jordan and Chloe following behind her. Her head held high as she glared at everyone around her. See, people fear these women. Obviously, Sofia's queen bee, and the other two are followers. She rules this college. Typical queen bee. She's mean and she slept with all the popular guys.


Head cheerleader. Long blonde hair, perfectly curled. Bluish- grey eyes. And always wearing clothes that are two sizes too small. Perfectly done makeup. Not too much, not too little. She stops in front of me, giving me a once over. Her eyes judging my outfit.

Then a smirk forms on her face before she bursts into laughter, pulling me in for a hug. Friends with the devil. I don't even know how that happened. One would think she'd hurt me, but she hasn't. Sofia puts a front up for everybody else to see. But she treats me surprisingly well.

"Ready to go?" Sofia asks, her sentence directed towards me but her eyes on Cass. She doesn't like her all that much. Cass looks at me.

"Bye G. I'll see you tomorrow," Cass says

"Bye," She hugs me before turning around and walking away. Sofia took my hand leading me to her car, got in shutting the door. She started the engine and drove away to her house. I placed my head against the tinted window and watched the view outside as the car moved.

"Are you okay ?" Sofia inquires.

"Uh, nothing just tired that's all," I said softly after that the drive was filled with silence. I continued to stare out of the window. After twenty minutes on the road I started to notice the lack of civilization making me realize that we were out of the town. She drove until I noticed a big house on the right and it seemed like it was the only house in this area. My jaw almost dropped when we got nearer to the place. It was more like a mansion than a house.

Sofia pressed the pass-code of the gate and it slowly opened revealing a large driveway. She parked her car and turned off the engine. She got out of the car and I did as well. This place was really huge. I couldn't stop admiring the architecture.

"Are you coming ?" She asks, taking me out of my trance

"Yeah," I replied, running towards her. When I stepped inside, it was even crazier than the outside. It was huge and filled with expensive furniture.

"It's a nice place you have here. Do you live here alone?" I ask her

"Something like that," She said as she took my hand guiding me upstairs to her room. The room I was standing in right now did justice compared to the whole mansion. It was generously large, the walls covered with pink and off-white wallpapers, the furniture did collaborate with the light theme.

The bed was king size and pushed against the wall with a leather ottoman at the foot. At the opposite side wall of the bed, there was a TV mounted to the wall, it was huge too. On my right, a sliding door leads to the balcony.

"Do you want anything? Tea, coffee, cold drink?" She offers

"No, I am good. Thanks for asking"

"Why don't you start working. I will freshen up and join you shortly," She suggests

"Okay " I replied, agreeing with her. She gave me a small smile which I returned happily. She then disappeared inside the bathroom. I took out my laptop and started working on the assignment. Twenty minutes later Sofia joined me too.

For the next four hours, we both were busy with the assignment. Surprisingly Sofia was focused on their work which I was not expecting for her. Don't get me wrong but Sofia kind of acts like a spoilt daddy's princess though she is extremely nice to me. For some reason, I find it quite odd, to be honest.

"I think I should go now, it's getting pretty late," I told her.

"Why don't you have dinner here?" She suggests

"I would love to but I can't. It's already getting late and I don't think I will find any cab if I get any more late than this" I politely decline trying not to upset her.

"Look Grace you won't find any cab out here. If you haven't noticed. We live out of the town and getting a cab out here is almost impossible. So let's have dinner and I will drop you off." She was right. I guess I don't have many options now. I nodded my head, she started squealing, jumping up and down. I let out a chuckle at her childish behavior.

"Let's go," She says. I followed her over to the spiral stair casing that led up to the ground floor and to the end of a hall before she paused in front of a door to open it. The door slowly opened before we stepped inside. My eyes settled on the man who's already seated on the chair, his attention seemed to be more devoted to the screen of his phone.

His whole complexion radiated dominance and control. I could feel the power radiating off him. And not to mention, he's breathtaking. Flawless black hair slicked back to perfection. His gorgeous bluish-grey orbs that stood out in his gigantic muscled body, that almost ripping the clothes he's wearing right now.

His whole body is covered with tattoos, god they are like a fine work of art. He was very well put together with a perfectly fitted suit, no tie, and the top button left open. I could see peaks of tattoos on his chest.

He is beautiful. He is the kind of beautiful that makes you lose your train of thought. The kind that you would remember and think about the rest of your life. On the whole he was captivating, but nonetheless alarming, everything about this man screams danger and something tells you he's not safe to be around.

Suddenly, his eyes drifted to me and I wish they hadn't. His eyes were taking me in, staring at me evaluating. His eyes glazed over me as if he had found something valuable, something he had no intention of letting go of.

His eyes were still focused on me, not bothered with anything else around us. I shift under his intense gaze as I feel blood rush on my cheeks. His mouth twists in mischief and a deep hollow on his cheek appears making him look even more handsome.

"Leo, I see you are already here. And by the way, meet my friend Grace. Grace, this is Leonardo, my brother." She introduces us. For some odd reason, she seemed extra cheerful now.

"H-Hello sir" I mentally cringe at how stupid I sound but I put on a feeble smile so that I won't look rude. He just gave me a curd nod. Rude! but I didn't miss the way his lips slightly curled upward. Sofia sat down and I did the same. Looking down at my fingers, I began to fiddle with the little loose string that dangled from my shirt. The maid started to bring food in dishes.

I had dinner in absolute silence while Leo and Sofia were making small conversations every now and then in a foreign language which I assume was Italian maybe. I didn't get what they were saying. Throughout the entire ordeal, I feel Leo's heated gaze burning on me.

As much as I wanted to enjoy the delicious food in front of me I couldn't because of the uncomfortable glances from him that was making me uneasy. The way he was looking at me bothered me, he was gawking at me in a strange way. It did not matter the number of times I looked up meeting his gaze, he continued to watch me, not being discouraged. Overall the whole dinner was the most awkward thing I had ever experienced.

After dinner, Leo insisted on driving me home even though I tried refusing as much as I could but one stern look from him had me mutely sitting down in the passenger side of his car. I gave him directions to my house and he started driving. Silence fell upon us. He didn't say anything and neither did I. I look out of the window and see the buildings passing by me in a blur.

Twenty minutes later we reached my house. Before I can open the car door, he instantly grabs my hand in a tight grip before he violently pulls me towards him. I watch him in confusion. He unexpectedly cups my face and leans further in until our faces are inches away.

"Enjoy the time you have left" His deep raspy voice rang through my ears. I find myself blinking repeatedly, to be sure that I heard him correctly. But before I could ask what he meant, he pressed his lips over my own. His kiss is searing and sends heat through me, settling in the pit of my stomach.

Still frozen in shock, Leo squeezed my boobs and I gasped at the sensation course through my veins giving him enough access to plunge his tongue inside my throat. He gripped my neck and waist and pulled me closer to him to have a better access in exploring my mouth. His tongue skillfully explored every corner of my mouth.

I was totally taken aback unable to understand what is happening. My shocked sense came back as I immediately begin to struggle against him, placing my hands against his chest, but its no use. He didn't budge instead flushed my body more into him. He's much stronger than me.

After what felt like hours, he drew away from the kiss, his eyes bright with lust as he gazed over me in arousal. I'm shaking in terror as he brushes his thumb over my swollen lips, his other hand squeezing my breast. I struggle once again, but I can tell it only arouses him more.

Finally, he unlocked the car door. Taking that as my cue, I ran out and hurried to my house. Once my door closed and locked as an extra protection, I tried to get myself to settle down pressing my back against the door, I let out long slow breaths.

I was still shocked by what just happened. How can he kiss me like that out of the blue? And that too he stole my first kiss. But one thing I was sure of was that I needed to stay away from Leo. Something about him screamed he was not to be messed with.