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Lust and love

Lust and love



"My name is enough for people to sweat." ~Silvio Salvatore "I was the player, now I'm a game." ~Silvio Salvatore "Nowadays, love has became like a maid, she comes, rings the bell, does her work and shoes away." ~Sadie Quintin "He was a sin, and I committed him." ~Sadie Quintin ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sadie Quinn is a doctor by profession and broken from within. Having lost everything she once owned, she's tired of her life. Living a miserable life with her step-sister, her mundane life was just about slightly fine until one day she crosses paths with notorious italian mafia leader. Silvio Salvatore, a name enough to trigger fear in thousands of hearts, a killer by heart and a cruel sadist with ulterior motives. It was supposed to be only game of revenge until his eyes met her brown ones. The pawns were placed, Sadie suddenly found herself in drastic game of lust and hate. She craved freedom but he refused any scope of it. He seeked revenge until he realised he had so much to lose. The treacherous destiny leaves them both confused and bewildered. ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Story contain mature language Mature content along with themes related to violence and sex.
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"What's another name of danger?! Yes! You thought it right! Messing with us!"

"...The Nostras..."

Dark Night club was loud with the roar of music as drunk people danced their stress and life off themselves on the neon green dancing floor. On the other side, black couches were resting in shape of rectangle on which men in suits clanked their glasses filled to the brim with ale for the celebration of living to see another day in this sadistic world.

Samuel and Paul were sitting in the club for over two hours, scouring for the infamous Mr. Salvatore, the leader of The Nostras, who was rumored to visit The Dark Night tonight. Word had gotten around that the infamous mafia family had been keeping temporary residence in the city of New York.

"Over here," Paul said pointing to a large man in rich black suit sitting in the far corner of Club with a glass of spirytus vodka in his hand. His face could be hardly seen by the darkness in that far corner, only his grey eyes could be seen glistening in the dark.

"Silvio Salvatore," Paul said in awe.

"How do you know it's him?" Samuel asked staring.

"Look at him! His hand alone can crush your empty skull! He destroyed an entire group of Costras all on his own with his bare hands. It was rumored that not a man was left with his head attached to his shoulders," Paul said getting up.

"Wait!" Samuel said grabbing Paul's hand, "what if it doesn't work and he tries to kill us instead of helping us? If rumours are true about him....you'll be dead before you could even utter a word."

Paul peered down at Samuel with determination in his eyes. "With the Silas' expected arrival, we're dead either way, Samuel."

Paul ripped his arm out of Samuel's grip and stalked over to Silvio sitting in isolated corner. Paul tried to gather his courage and took deep breaths to calm his nerves. But the closer he approached the more his courage seemed to dissipated. He walked carefully before stopping in front of the table.

Silvio hardly stirred at Paul's presence.

Swallowing hard, Paul took a deep breath before speaking.

"H..hello, sir. M-my name is Paul. Paul from Elias gang."

"Do I scare you?," Silvio's voice rumbled like a thunder and Paul jumped from his skin from how deep and commanding it was.

Paul was thrown off my the question. He was battling between yes and no.

"Y-yes, sir-"

"That explains the stuttering," Silvio grumbled.

Paul took deep breath to calm his beating heart. "My apologies, sir. I-It is not everyday that people like us speaks to a....Salvatore."

Silvio lifted his head and Paul immediately met his icy grey gaze.

"What do you want?" Silvio demanded.

Paul looked at him nervously as he quietly sat down, his fingers playing anxiously with each other.

"Andros...if you've heard of them, are a violent group of northern side of New York, capturing and claiming other parts of city as their own. My friend....Samuel and I, we've come to seek your help to help us defend our territory."

Silvio peered at Paul for a second before he scoffed and leaned back in his seat.

"Get the fuck out of my sight."

Paul looked at him wide eyed.

"But, sir-" He started before Silvio suddenly pulled a gun out of his black suit jacket and pointed it at his head, right between his eyes. Paul looked terrified at Silvio's irritated face.

"Fuck off!" He growled.

Paul immediately scrambled to his feet and rushed out of there when suddenly his body collided with another as he fell onto the floor.

Paul slowly looked up at the man in front of him holding a gun in his hand. His breathed out in panic as he regretted his entire idea of coming for help from Nostras. He knew about the consequences yet again he decided to play with fire and now he was going to get burn. Many knew about cruelty and brutal track record of infamous Silvio Salvatore who was known for his heartless and terrifying ways to torture his enemies, and Paul was seeing himself in his enemies list.

"D-Dante Adios!" Paul breathed out in shock and fear as he saw very familiar man standing in front of him. Dante Adios, right hand man of Silvio, second in command of Nostras, and close friend of Silvio Salvatore, people often call him by the name that best suited him, HEADSHOT. The sniping skills he learned and acquired since the age of ten was something he was proud of. He was known for how neatly he could shot a person without a sound.

Unlike Silvio, Dante was wearing a white shirt folded up to his elbow with contrasting dark pants. The dark ink markings on his skin were more prevalent than his own bronzed skin.

"Who's this?" Dante said looking skeptically at Paul as he leaned down on his knees. Paul trembled as he looked at Dante's brown eyes.

"I-m sorry! I w-was just l-leaving!" He breathed out as adrenaline rushed through his veins. Survival instinct kicked in as he prayed to god to save him from this.

"Let him go, Dante," Silvio said coldly.

Paul gulped down the lump of saliva that formed, and looking around the bar for his friend who was trying to act like he wasn't watching anything. Silvio looked at Paul as his eyes focused on Samuel pleading him to help him.

Silvio looked from Paul to Samuel as a amused grin painted on his face.

"Actually, I have a better option," Silvio grinned as he drank from his glass before looking at Paul who was trembling on the ground. Paul looked terrifyingly at him before he lost his all hope.

"Have a drink with me," Paul was confused. Where did this all playfulness came from? Silvio's laugh and grins was making him more scared and anxious. For once in his lifetime, he wished not to saw Silvio Salvatore smile, because there was saying in mafia world, 'The only thing scarier than Silvio Salvatore's scowl is his smile,'.

"Perhaps I should go," Paul said trying to get up.

"What's the rush? Stick around," Silvio said cheerfully as he stood up and walked towards where Paul was. Paul panicked as he felt his body getting frozen.

"Sit!" Silvio demanded. There was flicker in his blue grey eye that stuck fear in Paul's heart as he quickly sat on the seat.

"What's the proposition?" Silvio asked smilingly a she sat back in his seat and sipped from his glass. Dante stood next to him glaring at Paul.

"M-me and m-my friend, Samuel-" Paul started.

"Ah! Friend! Where's he?" Silvio said looking around as Dante tried not to smirk. Dante knew sadistic ways of Silvio. Paul looked towards where Samuel was sitting as he gulped down the fear.

"Is he the blondie watching from across the bar, cowering in fear...?" Silvio asked innocently as he waved him over. Samuel's eyes widen as he saw Silvio waving over to him. He cautiously slipped from his stool as he carefully walked over to them.

"A friend in need is a friend indeed, isn't it?..." Silvio teased. "How supportive," he said sarcastically.

"I- We-" Samuel started but couldn't found the right words to say not get himself killed.

Silvio let out a laugh a she banged his hand on the table making it shake.

"To be honest.... I d-don't kno w-what to say," Samuel muttered as Silvio pointed at seat next to Paul. Samuel quietly sat a she looked expectantly at Silvio.

"Will you help....us then!" Samuel asked desperately after relaying his request to Silvio.

"Hmm....you should know that our...services dont come cheap..." Silvio said leaning back as he rotated his gun in his hand.

"Name your price..." Samuel said quickly.

"You can't afford me..." Silvio scoffed.

Silvio raised his brow as Paul slowly nodded his head and get up before moving away from Dante.

"Please! Understand! We don't stand a chance against Silas!" Samuel said with desperation.

Silvio's expression turned stoic as he exchanged glances with Donate.

"Silas Anderson...?" Dante asked tensely as Samuel and Paul looked confusingly at them.

"Yes.." Paul breathed out as a grin danced on Silvio's lips.

"What a delightful evening!" Silvio laughed as he drank from his glass.

"So it's a...deal" Paul asked cautiously as he looked strangely at Samuel.

Silvio's lips curled up in a smirk as he finished this glass.

"Bottoms up!"

~ ~ ~

"Fuck daddy!"

Her body rubbed against the cemented walls of the warehouse. Her mouth parted in silence as her eyes closed tight. A bit of drool on corner of her mouth.

"Daddy! D-daddy!" Miranda panted.

"I got you...." Silvio grunted in her neck as he increased his pace. Miranda gasped as her toes tingled and her legs started shaking.

"Come for me, Mia..." His speed increased as she helplessly latched onto his shoulders for support as she felt her entire body weaken. His eyes scanned her sweaty face as he once again looked over her beautiful features. Coal black eyes complimenting her pale skin as her brown hairs flowed in a every direction. She was beautiful. She was blessed with long legs that could go for miles and perfect round backside every man dreamed of squeezing.

But she was not his type.

He preferred blondes with bright eyes, little less flesh on their bones than beauty that was clinging onto his torso.

Miranda panted against the warehouse wall as she tried to catch her breath while Silvio mercilessly pounded into her.

"Don't stop! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna c-" she panted breathlessly as Silvio pounded harder and faster as every single fibre in her body shivered in pleasure as intense orgasm ripped through her.

"Dammit, Mia...." He groaned as he himself felt releasing his seeds.

Miranda looked at him as he threw the cum filled condom in trash can before buckling up his pants.

She hated this part.

"Can we have...dinner," she asked wearing her torn panties and looked around dor her dress which Silvio threw somewhere on the floor.

Silvio finished dressing up as he sighed and looked at her.

"We can't be a thing, Mia. I have made myself clear thousands time. I fuck you only because you want me to. No is always an option..." Silvio hated this part. He and miranda were friends with benefits, they fucked each other on every single occasion but like always Silvio never forced her. Her consent was important to him and he knew she would never say no to him. This was his charm.

"I know..it's just....one dinner won't hurt," she whispered defeated. Over the tine she spend with Silvio, she couldn't stop but to realise one thing, the strings of her heart were getting attached. She was finding herself felling for him even though he had made himself clear about his feelings towards her.

Silvio almost felt bad for her. Almost.

"I care for you Miranda but only as a daughter of my father's friend. You are part of Nostras and always will be but...." He turned around as he looked into her eyes.

"I don't feel same about you." He said heartlessly as tears welled up in her eyes as she averted her eyes. Her heart broke for the thousandth time in two years but like always Silvio never cared. That's what he was known for; his lack of empathy.

~ ~ ~