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Ghost Chat Group

Ghost Chat Group


On the other hand, as for the other side, what about the other side of the world? How could they have a relationship?
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  In front of the girls' dormitory building of Jiangnan University.

  "Let's break up." Wang Ting's tone was cold and emotionless.

  Lin Hai was stunned and it took him quite a while to squeeze out a smile.

  "Tingting, don't make trouble."

  "Who made trouble with you? Let me tell you the truth. When I was with you, I just wanted to find a long-term ticket. But what about you? Hum, you didn't even qualify to be a ticket. I was really blind at that time!"

  "Tingting, this joke is not funny at all. I..."

  "Enough!" Lin Hai's words were interrupted by Wang Ting's sharp voice.

  "I won't waste my youth on a poor boy in the countryside."

  "Don't disturb me anymore!"

  Watching Wang Ting turn around and leave, Lin Hai's heart was broken.

  Back to the dormitory, a few roommates were abandoning each other's lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

  Lin Hai lay on the bed with dull eyes, staring at the ceiling in a daze.


  The voice of WeChat.

  Lin Hai picked up his phone and took a look at it.

  Wechat has detected a new version. Should I update it?


To be continued!

  Lin Hai nodded weakly to confirm it.

  "What?" Su Mo was surprised.

  As soon as the update was completed, a message was announced that a man called the old Lord had invited Lin Hai to join the trading group of Celestial Court.

  At the same time, Taibai Jinxing, Erlang God, Thunder God, Lightning Mother, Dragon King of the East Sea, Iron Crutch Li, God of Giant Spirit, Fairy of the Ninth Heaven, Chang'e, Heavenly King of Tota...

  There were all kinds of people in the myths and stories.

  Lin Hai couldn't help but smile. How could there be such a group of funny players? He had seen a lot of magic drama dramas.

  Just as he was about to quit, someone in the group spoke.

  Er Lang: Who's the group boss? Give me a red envelope first. If you don't send it to me, I'll let the dog bite you.

A grin followed me

  Xiaotian Dog: Woof!

  Nightwalker: I feel that I don't need to make up for it. I'll sit and wait for the red envelope

there is an drooling expression behind

  Highest Elder Lord: I'm the gang boss, but this is a trading group, not a red envelope group. If you want a red envelope, please @God of Wealth.

  God of Wealth: It's none of my business. Who's the boss?

Give me a look with a supercilious look.

  The red child: @Fate God of Wealth, don't waste time. Hurry up, or you'll be burned by the fire.

  Taibai Jinxing: That's right. Hurry up and post @God of Wealth

  Sun Wukong: Old bastard, send it out, send it out, and you can't get it done! @The God of Wealth

  Highest Elder Lord: If you agree with the God of Wealth to send a red envelope, please give me one.

  Er Lang God: 1

  The mother-in-law of electricity: 1

  Thunder God: 1

  Chang'e: 1

  Mo Liqing: 1


  In an instant, the screen was filled with messages.

  Lin Hai was speechless. What a bunch of boring guys.

  God of Wealth: Stop! Can't I just give it back to you? A bunch of bitches

there is an angry expression following me


  Suddenly, a big red envelope appeared on the phone screen.

  Lin Hai poked it down subconsciously.

  "You've received a red envelope from the God of Wealth."

  1 merit point?

  Merit points? What's that? Lin Hai was a little confused.

  He clicked open his wallet and saw that there was indeed one more "Merits", and the balance below was one.

  It must be a game equipment. It must be a new new version of WeChat.

  That was the only way Lin Hai could think of it.

  At this time, the crowd was in a heated discussion again.

  Elder Moon: F*ck, 50 points of Merit. Can you be petty again? @God of Wealth

  Mysterious Lady of the Nine Heavens: My luck is the best, but I'm still at the verge of death. I'm just a little miser and I'm a god of wealth.

  Giant Spirit: @Fate God of Wealth, little miser +1

  Er Lang: @God of Wealth, little miser*

  Uncle Feng: @Fate God of Wealth, Xiao Feng*


  Longevity Sage: @Fate God of Wealth, little miser +10086

  God of Wealth: You are petty. Your whole family is petty. Pfft...

  A group of messages: God of Wealth is depressed and injured by vomiting blood. His Taoist cultivation has been reduced by 10 years!

  Er Lang: Haha, not only are you stingy, but you are also petty. @God of Wealth

  Dragon King of the East Sea: That's right. You've vomited a lot of blood. It dyed the whole East China Sea red. Send me a private package now, or I'll accuse you of polluted the environment

an expression of schadenfreude followed after that


  Thunder God: @Fate God of Wealth, are you stupid? It's not a big deal if you give me more red envelopes

there's a scornful expression following me

  Nezha: @Fate God of Wealth, idiot +1

  Jade-faced Fox: @Fate God of Wealth, silly +1


  All of a sudden, the group of guys gloated again and formed a line.

  "Haha, it's quite interesting."

  Under the influence of the crowd, Lin Hai felt much more relieved.

  Highest Elder Lord: Alright, let's get down to business. The purpose of building this group of people is to facilitate you to trade all kinds of items, cultivation methods, and natural treasures. If you have any new things, you can take them out and sell them. I'll take them first.

  The old man quickly interrupted this group of funny people. Otherwise, the God of Wealth would probably vomit blood again.

  Highest Elder Lord: A Nine Apertures Golden Elixir. Effect: After taking it, you'll have to increase your cultivation by 10 years, and you'll have to pay a high price.

  Er Lang God: 50 points of Merit!

  Sun Wukong: 100 points of Merit!

  Taibai Jinxing: 150!

  Sun Wukong: @Taibai Jinxing, old man, don't you want to compete with me? I'll go to your house to find you later!

  Taibai Jinxing: Ah, Great Sage, I don't dare to do that. I have something else to do. I'll go first.

  "Haha, Sun Wukong's character is quite similar to Sun Wukong's." Lin Hai took out his phone to watch the scene of bustle.

  Highest Elder Lord: @Sun Wukong, don't make trouble!

  Er Lang God: 200!

  Sun Wukong: 300!

  Er Lang God: 400!

  Sun Wukong: 500!

  Er Lang God: 600!


  The two of them were in a fierce competition, and the other people in the group tacitly did not jump out again.

  God of Wealth: 1,000!

  Suddenly, a dark horse came out.


  Sun Wukong: You old man, are you itching? You want to vomit some blood at me and tell me God of Wealth.

  Chang'e: @Fate God of Wealth, wow, local tyrant! I want to give birth to a monkey for you

three shy expressions follow me

  Sun Wukong: @Chang'e, a born monkey has to look for my old grandson. I'll see him under the Peento tree later

there are three hooked expressions following him

  Lightning Mother: I'm a rich guy. I'm a cute girl who can warm up the bed. I'm looking forward to having a sugar daddy

three of them are drooling behind

  Thunder God: @Lightning's mother, Lightning, I'm sad

there's a crying face behind

  "Damn it, it's a big loss." The God of Wealth ignored these funny words and directly made a deal with the Highest Elder Lord and left.

  He had to make up for the loss of the Taoist cultivation that he had just vomited blood.

  Next, the group of playboys began to sell things.

  The story of Xiao Tian dog's food, the private diary of the Queen Mother, the love story of Tang San, and the story that seven men and one woman had to say

the eight immortals

were unreliable, which made the crowd full of miasma.

  Especially Zhu Bajie, he took the underpants changed by Chang'e yesterday to be auctioned. It was said that he had been running on his way to escape.

  They laughed and cursed each other. It was not until the whole night that the group quieted down.

  Lin Hai's mood had improved a lot. It seemed that it was very happy to have such a group.


  The jade rabbit asked to add you as a friend.


  Lin Hai had a good impression of the group of people who were making fun of him.

  "Great Immortal, the Moon Palace's Immortal's Sound. Do you want it? It only needs 10 points of Merit." As soon as it passed, the Jade Rabbit's message came.

  "I only have one merit point, which I just grabbed."



  The fact that the jade rabbit had agreed so readily made Lin Hai feel as if he had been fooled.

  When he received the copy of the "Moon Palace's Immortal's Sound", he would check it out in his wallet - the Heaven and Earth Pouch.

  When he opened the Yin-and-Yang Pouch, he saw rows of small squares on the interface.

  In the left-hand corner of the cage, there was a book with a light blue cover.

  A copy of the Moon Palace Immortal's Song: The exclusive singing method of the Moon Fairy Chang'e, who was copied by the Jade Rabbit when it was bored.

  "Should I draw them out?"

  "Take them out!"

  "Big news, big news!"

  The door of the dormitory was pushed open, and the fat man Wang Peng rushed in.

  "The campus belle of our school, Liu Xinyue from the music department, is selling and singing at Candy Bar!"

  "F**k, it's true!"

  "It's impossible. Liu Xinyue is so pure, why would she go to a bar like that?"

  "Xinyue is my goddess in my dream. Did she fall into the trap?"

  The campus belle was always the focus of the boys. When it came to Liu Xinyue, several guys in the dormitory suddenly stopped their business and began to talk about her.

  Normally, Lin Hai would have joined in as well.

  But now, Lin Hai couldn't say a word.

  He was in great shock!

  Looking at the "Moon Palace Immortal's Sound" that appeared out of thin air in his hand, Lin Hai's heart was in a turmoil.

  Trembling, he opened the chat group of Celestial Court. Lin Hai read all the funny names in the group from beginning to end.

  Then, a thought that even he couldn't believe came out of his mind, which was ridiculous.

  "Are you really an immortal from the Heavenly Court? The group of people are joking with me."