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Lies And Truths

Lies And Truths



Wealth and money. Does wealth could really be the way for us to find true love? Or it is the bridge for us to hate someone we love. Aubree Solidcrest experienced being in love yet being lied at the same time. Does trust could still be fixed?
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Just got home from work. In our company. It was already 8 in the evening and my back wanted to collapse, I could feel them breaking slowly. My uncle called me to come here at their house because they wanted me to attend their dinner. Who am I to disagree, right? My uncle, he was my mother's older brother. He took care of me when my parents died because of a jet plane crash a year ago.

So, I owe him a lot. He taught me lots of things about business. And, while he was teaching me, he is managing the two companies that my parents have left. He took care of it for a meantime before I will handle it. He did right because I knew already how to make my corporation go bigger.

"Good evening. Where is uncle Jones?" I questioned at the maid as soon as I entered the glass door painted with color gold and it was shining like a crystal you would see on the chandelier.

"They are already at the dining area, miss. They are waiting for you. " The madi said. When I heard that they were waiting for me, I immediately ran towards the dining area and saw them there, sitting and reading a lot of papers. My cousins were there as well.

"Good evening. I am sorry you waited for me. Traffic as always. " I complained and immediately sat down beside my 19 years old cousin. I am already 20, by the way.

"It is fine, Bree. No worries. So, let's eat?" Uncle Jones said, I nodded at him as a sign of agreement and smiled. He was smiling too.

"How is the company, Aubree? Are you handling it good? Is there any problem? You can ask your uncle Jones if there is one. Do not be hesitant, Ija. " Auntie Valentine said and questioned to me. I glanced at uncle Jones who was eating in front of us, he even smiled because of what Auntie Valentine-his wife- has stated.

"Actually, there is a problem. A lot of problem. But, I can handle it. Uncle Jones taught me how to manage them before. Maybe, I will ask uncle if I could not handle the problem anymore. " I spoke and smiled.

"That is right, Aubree. At least you are learning about your own actions. Nice job, Ija. " Auntie Valentine complimented me. And that is so heart-warming for me. They always complimented me in everything I do right. I really motivates me to do well more in the future.

"I have something to say, Aubree. " Uncle Jones said. I looked at him in the eye directly, but he was not looking at me. He was busy chopping the steak on his plate. Since, he haven't looked at me yet, I glanced at my cousins, but they just shrugged. I looked at my auntie, but she just nodded.

"What is it, uncle?" I questioned. And that was the time when uncle Jones put down the utensils on the plate, wiped his mouth with a napkin and looked at me. He cleared his throat first.

"Your parents said something to me. And, I know you do not want to know this because this will sound immature and toxic for you. " Uncle Jones started. And I was really confused. I furrowed my eyebrow at him while waiting to hear more.

"Aubree... Your parents... Wanted you to be on an arranged marriage. " He enunciated. The last two words of him made me choked, because of that my cousin immediately gave me a glass of water and I drank it until there is nothing left on the glass.

"Wait, what?" I questioned. I even laughed sarcastically. "No, uncle. That can't be. " I added.

"Aubree, we can't do anything about it anymore. Your parents already dealt with someone before they died. And, you are supposed to be getting married at the age of 18 years old. But for some reason that I could not mention, your parents did not agreed with it for a meantime. So, in behalf of them, I will continue the arranged marriage. " He spoke.

I gulped and scratched my head slightly. I even put my utensils down on my plate because I do not like what is really happening.

"But, uncle. You know I do not want to be in an arranged marriage. I do not want to marry someone I do not love. Please, do not let me do this. Let me wait the right person for me to marry. Do not persuade me to enter this. " I said, begging. I could feel th heaviness of my chest already. I wanted to cry because of disappointment.

"We are very sorry, Aubree. We can not. The parents of that guy have been contacting us. We can not decline them anymore because it was a deal. " Auntie Valentine stated. And probably, I do not have any choices with me anymore. I am already caged and jailed with this.

I do not even asked for this. I do not love this thing. My parents knew it all. They knew, I do not want this. But, why they still manage to put me in this kind of situation.

"By next day, we will fix your wedding gown. And you will meet your groom for the taste of the cake. " Auntie Valentine added. I sighed heavily and grabbed my bag, was about to stand up when my cousin held my hands. I raised my both brows at him. Lachlan pointed my phone on the table.

"I have a message. Read it outside. " He whispered. I smiled slightly and nodded before grabbing the phone.

"I will go home now. Thank you for the dinner uncle Jones and auntie. "I said and stood up immediately without knowing their response. I do not want to hear it from now though. I want to stay away from uncle Jones and auntie Valentine for a meantime.

Like what Lachlan said, I checked my phone and he had message to me. I unlocked my phone and read his message.

From: Lachlan

I am not agree with my parents too. So, if you need help to avoid the wedding, I am here. :

I smiled. He is a quiet one but he is my partner in crime since we were a child.

I put my phone inside my bag before I unlocked the door of my car before hopping inside. I messaged my friends first that I will wait them at Klein's bar, our favorite bar since we were in college.

I drove my car to Klein's bar, and my coping mechanism is drinking alcohols, be drunk, be wasted and forget the problem that I am facing.


"Hey!" Even the speakers of the bar were so loud enough, I still heard Autumn's yell at me. I knew her voice, though. I looked at her, and at her back were Brooklyn, Bella, and Dark. I waved at them so they would notice me. Before they came in, I already ordered a bucket of alcohols and all of it are on the table.

"What's the problem, Aubree?" Brooklyn questioned me as he grabbed a bottle of beer on the bucket. I smiled slightly and combed my hair upwards. All of my friends sat beside me and waiting for my story to tell.

"I do not know how to escape this shit, so I might just drink and be wasted here. Maybe, tomorrow I will accept this curse. " I said.

Dark went close to me and grabbed a bottle of beer as well.

"Spill. " He said.

I looked at them one by one before I drank a beer.

"Bruh. I am arranged marriage with someone I do not know. Auntie Valentine told me that I will get married next week. " I said with a tone of disappointment on my voice. The speaker was loud, really loud. But, after I said those thing and when I looked at my friend's faces, the surrounding became quiet.

"What the? That is so sudden. What should you do now?" Bella questioned me. I put down the bottle of beer on the table and leaned my head on the couch, I looked up the ceiling and put my both hands on the both side of my head.

"I do not know... I do not know. Fuck. " I said, cursing. I kept on cursing then drink a beer, then curse again.

"Are we invited?" Dark asked me. I looked onto his eyes directly. I felt dizzy already even though I have a high tolerance in alcohols.

I chuckled at him sarcastically. My left hand held his face while staring at him. I tapped his face slowly. "Invited? I do not even know if I will be on that wedding. " I responded and chuckled again.

"What do you mean? You will escape?" Brooklyn threw a question at me. I looked at her and slightly closed my eyes because my sight were moving. When I opened my eyes, I shrugged my shoulder and chuckled again.

"We won't know. Maybe, I will really get married next week or no because I will escape that stupid arranged marriage. " I said. I combed my hair upwards. "Just kidding, in behalf of my parents, maybe I will do it. Maybe, on that way they will feel happy whenever they are now. " I enunciated. I sighed.

"I hope so. Because I will risk my own heart and life for the thing that... that I do not like. " I added.

"This is cruel. " Autumn claimed and drank her beer. Yes, it it cruel. Because, they deprived me of my rights to fall inlove with the right man. I do not even know if I would have a nice life with that man even though they are rich. Being rich would not define the true happiness of a relationship.

If this is because of money and wealth, then this won't work. This is bullshit. Really.

"Hey, Dark! You do not want to drink? Here, drink this. " Brooklyn said and offered Dark a bottle of beer. I looked at Dark, but he just stared at the bottle and looked at me. I raised my left eye brow at him.

"Why? You do not want to drink? I will pay for all of that. Just drink. " I said and opened the bottle for him, but still he did not get it.

"I do not want to drink. Just get drunk, then I will take care of all of you. " Dark said calmly and leaned his back on the couch, then he grabbed his phone.

"Hey, Dark-" I did not finish my sentence because my hiccup ceased me from doing so.

"You are already drunk. So, you have been waiting for us here for a long hours?" Dark questioned me. I shook my head and pouted. I glanced at my wrist watch and checked the time.

"I have been here for almost.... uh... 40 minutes. " I responded and hiccuped again.

"Enjoy the beer, Aubree. Maybe, your groom won't allow you anymore to drink. One you both get married. " Bella laughed sarcastically at me. I just smiled.

"He can't do that... I.. I will punch him right on his face. " I bravely said. No one can stop me from drinking, this is my happiness, this is my escape. And that groom? Psh. I will backout that arranged marriage if he will deprive me of my own happiness. He can't do that.

But, I do not want to get married yet.