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Lily Blues

Lily Blues



Lily is a 24-year-old CEO of a company, and she is famous in her city because of how young she started running the company, and she was an actress to a movie called (mystical girl). Lily just discovered her foster father sold her rights to the board of directors of her company, she discovered this when she tried to quit the job because of too much control. But the only way for her to get out of this trouble is if she sued her father, which she did. But in her heart, she knows her father will soon be out of jail, since he has an army of lawyers. Now that she has quit, she has only one source of income, which was being model. She wants to expand her career by joining the music industry. Her ex-boyfriend from 7 years ago, show up out of nowhere and wants to get back together. In her journey through life and her career, she finds her murderous real parents a twin sister, and her maid is actually her step-sister, her boyfriend is a criminal.
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7:30 pm, august 22nd, in crystal city.

" Lily, you know you're hosting the millionaires' award party tonight." Susan Lily's housekeeper and best friend said.

" I don't know if I want to go, Susan," Lily said.

" Your father won't take no for an answer, and by the way, every rich and successful person in crystal city is going. Including Josh and Kira." Susan said.

"Wait, what, they are going?" Lily said as she got up from the couch. Susan nodded " yep.".

" I won't let my lazy, spoiled ex and his untalented sister go to that party while I am sitting here like a couch potato, Susan, go get my hairstylist, my make-up artist, And my fashion stylist. I am going to that party.".

Lily sat in front of her dressing table as her hairstylist straightened her black wavy hair and her make-up artist did her eyebrows.

Susan comes in. "Lily, I picked up your dress from the fashion designer, she said she couldn't make it over here," Susan said, holding a box that contained Lily's red and white lace gown, a pink fur shawl, white elbow high silk gloves, silver high heels, diamond hoops, and diamond necklace.

"Do you want your hair in a ponytail, a bun, or just down?" The hairstylist said to lily.

" Leave it down," Lily said.

Susan opened the box that the dress was in. " How can you walk in this? The gown is heavy? And these heels are higher than my paycheck.". lily scoffs.

Lily had finished with her hair and make-up and started to wear her dress. Susan helped her to zip the back of the dress and helped her put on her shoes. Lily picked up the hoop earrings and hooked them in her ear.

"Susan would you pass me my gloves please," Lily said. Susan picked up the gloves, gave them to Lily, and then picked up the necklace and put it around Lily's neck.

" Oh God, this dress is so damn heavy," Lily said as she tried to walk outside into her limousine. She and her security guards entered the limousine, and then they drove off.

8:45 pm at Crystal city's most extensive and expensive event hall.

Lily's limousine parked beside other rich and expensive cars. She walked out of her car; as soon as she stepped out, camera flashes were everywhere; she walked to the golden carpet. And stood there posing for pictures, a news reporter walked up to lily.

" hi, Lily, my name is Ella, and I am a news reporter from the talk, talk, and talk news. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?".

" Sure, ask away. But you know, be quick.".

" So our first question is, this is your fifth millionaires night party, and today is your first time hosting?" Ella asked.

" Yeah, and I am so nervous, it's much scarier than running a million-dollar company, but yeah, I mean I am excited though." lily said.

" I noticed your dress; it is stunning. You're the only person that I have seen that is not wearing gold, silver, black, or white," Ella said as she and Lily giggled.

" It was designed by my favorite designer and friend Brina; she is the best. And why I am not wearing either of those colors is because I want to stand out." lily said.

" Which people do you think will win tonight?" Ella asked.

" Hopefully, me, I am the best anyways, just kidding, I am not sure actually, " Lily said smiling.

" Last question, what would you tell your admirers, who are fans of you? I mean, I am a fan of you. You're the CEO of a company and a model for many beauty company's.".

" I would tell them to be themselves, follow their dreams and do whatever makes you happy. Bye, I have to go now." Lily said.

She entered the backstage of the building. She saw her mother and father, who we're talking to one of the workers.

" Hey, dad," Lily said as she shuffled over to him because her dress was too heavy.

" Hey Lily, that's my girl; this is going to be a big night for you." Lily's father said.

Lily's mother brushes Lily's hair with her fingers. "Wow, you straightened your hair for the first time; I almost didn't recognize you.".

"So, I can't believe I am doing this," Lily said as she squealed in excitement.

Her father hands her a stack of note cards." This is the list of winners. Your cousin Jane will be joining you on stage to be handing out the awards." Lily's father kissed her on the cheek and left.

Lily's mother said " don't make any non-funny jokes that would embarrass you and don't forget to stand straight and tall." she opened her purse and brought out a lipstick. " your lipstick is drying out." Lily's mother said while applying it on her. " bye.".

Lily was now alone backstage, all she had to do was wait for her father to introduce her to the stage.

" I am so happy today, we have done this every year for the past 48 years. People might be jealous of us because of our wealth but we worked hard for it. And today we celebrate the people that worked the hardest. Introducing our host Lily blues, my daughter." lily's father said.

Lily appeared from behind the curtain and took the mic from her father.

" Hello, I have been to this award party for 5 years, and finally I am up here handing out awards. Like my father said 'we worked hard for these.'.

Lily took out one card from the stack and said.

" the best new successful millionaire award goes to." Lily paused for a moment. " Cynthia Brown! Come up here Cynthia. "Cynthia climbed up the stage. She said her short speech took her award and left.

Lily continued. " Wow Cynthia, welcome to the millionaire's party, hope you keep it up and never give up. The next award goes to the best donator to charities, schools, and hospitals." another short pause. " Daniel starring. You donated 700, million dollars in total to 50 schools, 95 hospitals, and 39 charities. Daniel, you have a very kind heart and we want more people like you in this world. Come up here and get your award.".

"Before we continue our award there is a short performance, from my very good friend I met when taking pictures for the vogue magazine, let's welcome Lucy everybody," Lily said as she left the stage and went backstage.

" oh my god I have to sit down, these heels are killing me," Lily said as Lucy and her backup dancers went on stage to perform. Lily saw Susan come in through the door." Susan, what are you doing here?" Lily asked.

" Your mother called me here to help you backstage, like, can't a housekeeper, keep the house in peace," Susan said, handing Lily a water bottle.

Lucy's performance was over, and she came backstage. She and Lily hugged for a while. Lucy said in a hurry. " I will call you, I have other things to do, bye I love you.".

"I love you too," Lily replied.

Lily was back on stage, " we all enjoyed that little performance by Lucy, so let us carry on. The next award goes to the most successful person of the year." Lily, wondering why this card was in an envelope, opened it and said. " Oh my God, it's me.".

Lily's father came up on stage. And taking the mic from lily that was still in shock from excitement. " Lily as a father, I am proud of you, for what you are doing, keep it up and I know you love your job and you always keep impressing me.".

Lily's smile then faded away as soon as Lily's father mentioned that she loved her job. Lily's father then hands her back the mic.

" Those were beautiful heartfelt words said by my father. I am proud to call him a father.".

The next award is for the person that has stepped up their game earning 59 billion dollars this year, this person has won 8 different awards and it goes to." another short pause. " to no one other than josh hart." Josh came up on stage. " Thank you for these awards, it's kind of ironic how this is a millionaire award party, but I am winning an award for being a billionaire. And thank you to my ex lily for the support she had shown me." Lily rolled her eyes and collected the mic from josh.

After all the awards, the performance and so on. The award party was over, everyone was back in their houses but Lily ended up going to her parent's house for a small party her parents put together with their friends.

Lily's father had some friends over. He was talking to one of his friends as they were drinking. He said" did you know that lily always wanted to be a singer, I never let her, and I didn't want to tell her no either, you see when she was very young, she was obsessed with being a singer but I needed someone to take over my company from me and singing was a not so okay job, so what I did was, I pretended to be very sad, I even faked crying. She was like ' daddy don't cry I would do anything for you to stop crying.' i told her that I had no one to take over the company from me when I got very old or when I died, she felt terrible for me, and promised to take it over. Sometimes she forgot, and I reminded her of her promise.".

Lily stood behind her father and said " so you tricked me." her father turned around and noticed her.

"Every day I worked in that office, I always thought I was making you happy when you never even cared about my happiness. Being a CEO of a company makes you happy but it doesn't for me. You know what, I quit, tomorrow I will send my resignation letter to the board of directors. You can't control me anymore." Lily left the building her father followed behind her.

" don't you dare resign, I am your father and you listen to me no matter what." Lily's father said.

Lily ignored him and walked inside her car, and drove off.

Lily got home and as soon as she entered the house, Susan noticed the frown on her face and came to her and asked " what's wrong.".

" I am resigning Susan, I am finally resigning. And I just figured out my father was a deceiving, lying snake." Lily said.

" What happened, why? I knew you didn't like the job but why resign" Susan said.

" My father had been controlling me for a very long time. He deceived me, and now I am finally free to be who I want to be." Lily said.

Susan hugged her and said, " you made the right choice. But now you're going to be jobless, you better find a way to keep on paying me for my job.".

The next day.

Lily dressed up in a ponytail and a suit dress, with black heels.

" So you are resigning today," Susan asked.

" yep, I am going to get this company business done with," Lily said as she grabbed her bag and headed for the front door.

8:00 am blues architect company in crystal city.

" Lily, the board of directors is waiting for you in the meeting room. Is everything okay?" Lily's work assistant Kira asked.

" I called them for the meeting because I am resigning today." lily chirped.

Inside the meeting room, the board of directors sat down waiting for lily. When she finally got in.

" Sorry I am late, there was a little traffic." lily said.

One of the board directors named Jin said " you called us here, what is the situation? It sounded like it was urgent.".

" it is." Lily opened her bag and brought out her resignation letter and placed it on the table " I am resigning.".

Jin picked up the letter, tore it, crumpled the piece of paper, and tossed it in the trash can. " Sorry, Lily, you can't resign.".

" What, what do you mean I can't resign? I am quitting, I am done.".

" Lily, you can't because your father signed a contract giving us total ownership of your rights and you, so if you try anything like not showing up to work again or fleeing, we will evict you from your home and block your bank account." a board of directors named Frank said.

" Are you threatening me? And my father signed all my rights to you; You know what? I am suing you all and my father. " Lily said as she walked out of the meeting room.

She stormed through the office halls angrily; she entered her car and took a deep breath. Lily is the type of person that suffers from IED anger

Intermittent explosive disorder

. It is a disorder when people randomly get angry, and things like this could trigger the demon in her making her do things a monster would.