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Miss You So Much

Miss You So Much


He pressed her against the wall, with both hands on the wall to form a circle, trapping her in his arms. His breath, hot and heavy, laced with alcohol, sprayed on her face. Slowly, he licked the tip of her nose, then the left side of her mouth, then her beautiful and sexy chin, and asked, “Is it good?” “You want more?” His flirting elicited a shiver all over her body. She shouted in her heart, “Yes, I want more, it’s never enough...” Just as she was so turned on, and desperately, eagerly, and consumingly wanted him, he suddenly pushed her away. With his eyes full of disgust, he said in a cold and low voice, “Elizabeth, you’re a murderer. I would never touch you!”
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  Elizabeth was pressed against the wall by Charles, with his both hands on the wall to form a circle, trapping her in his arms.

  She could feel his breath, hot and heavy, laced with alcohol, sprayed on her face.

  Then, Charles slowly licked the tip of her nose, then the left side of her mouth, then her beautiful and sexy chin, and asked her,

  "Is it good?"

  "You want more?"

  Charles's flirting elicited a shiver all over Elizabeth's body. She looked at Charles with affectionate eyes.

  Elizabeth was surprised at Charles's flirting, and she had no time to figure it out. But the great joy in her heart couldn't be concealed.

  She shouted in her heart,

  "Yes, Charles, I love you..."

  Were they finally going to make out tonight, the first time after getting married?

  Elizabeth waited, with eager anticipation.

  Just as Elizabeth was so turned on, and desperately, eagerly, and consumingly wanted him, Charles suddenly pushed her away.

  With his eyes full of disgust, he said in a cold and low voice,

  "Elizabeth, don't expect me to thank you. You're a murderer."

  Elizabeth Hope was shocked by her husband, Charles Donald's accusation of her.

  "What do you mean?" Elizabeth held her drunk husband and asked.

  "You murdered Thea, my innocent Thea. She was just like a sister to me..."

  Before he could finish his words, he fell in Elizabeth's arms and fell asleep. Elizabeth took a long sigh of relief, then helped him to bed and began to clean his body.


  Elizabeth was not a housewife, on the contrary, she was the owner of the Hope's Group. There were so many men lining up to marry her, because she's not only talented in the perfume business but also young and beautiful.

  A lot of people, even men, thought Elizabeth was a remarkable woman. She took Hope's Group back after her father died from other boards, who tried to split Hope's Group and stole the money, then grew this small company to a certain size in a very short time.

  Yet she married a man who never touched her, and never came home, when he was sober.

  But she still felt happy, because she married a man she loved for... like forever?

  It was five years after they got married, and Charles seldom came home. This time, he didn't come home for three months.

  Elizabeth still played the role of a perfect wife who waited for her husband to come home no matter how late it may be, Every day was the same.

  "Don't touch me!"

  Elizabeth felt hurt by the way Charles looked at her, but Charles didn't care at all. He didn't want to even look at her.

  Then Charles began his regular speech every time he was drunk,

  "Elizabeth Hope, you said you love me, but look what you've done."

  Charles hiccuped and continued,

  "I don't know how you talked my mom into marrying you, okay? I don't know...or why you called Thea and told her the news and she died in that f*cking car crash! You...got me tied up in a hollow marriage, and in the name of your...love?"

  Then Charles turned around and was about to go upstairs.

  "Charles." Elizabeth stopped him. "Honey, when will you forgive me?"

  Her voice started to tremble, like she was going to cry.

  She looked at his back, and continued, "Five years ago, when you promised your mother to marry me, I thought I was the happiest woman in the world."

  She paused, prepared herself to continue,

  "It wasn't me who told Thea the news, I don't even know who Thea is. How am I gonna call her? I have nothing to do with her death. I've told you so many times, why can't you just believe me? It has been five years, how long will you punish me for this?... How long will you punish yourself?"

  "Liar!" Charles shouted.

  Charles glared at her angrily. "When you called Thea, Kenya was there. Are you still going to lie?"

  The disgust and fury in Charles's eyes made Elizabeth desperate. She opened her mouth and wanted to say something but failed.

  Elizabeth knew the whole story from Charles's mouth. Every time he went home drunk, he would say something to Elizabeth, most of them were accusations of her murdering Thea Carter. That's when she knew the reason why Charles treated her so badly.

  Thea and Charles were classmates in college. Charles was Mr. Right on campus, every girl in the class loved Charles, including Thea. Wherever he is, there will be girls. Screaming, affectionate eyes, love letters and so on, all of these made Charles annoying. So he came up with a plan -- asking Thea to pretended to be his girlfriend, to avoid those girls throwing themselves to him.

  Without hesitation, Thea said yes, and became Charles's girlfriend in name only.

  Elizabeth never met Thea. But Charles blamed her for Thea's death, because he said that it was she who called Thea and told her about their engagement, which led to Thea's death in a car crash.

  "Thea was dead! I know she loved me, but I can't answer her. And I've already made it clear with her and followed my mother's wish to marry you! Why don't you just let her be? Now you want forgiveness?"

  His every word was like knives, stabbing Elizabeth's heart.

  "Then I tell you, I'll never forgive you!"

  Tears dropped on the exquisite marble floor, Elizabeth trembled and staggered a few steps back. She never thought that Charles hated her that much, she even thought that as long as she loved him and stood by his side all the time, one day, Charles would love her back...

  Elizabeth choked with sobs, "Then, why don't you divorce me?"

  Charles laughed grimly, "Divorce? No, I promised my mother, I won't divorce you, I keep my promise, all right? You wanna be Mrs. Donald, by all means, I can give you that, I don't care. But don't you ever expect for a second that I will treat you like one!"

  Elizabeth almost fainted. Her face was pale, and she mumbled, "So, you married me just because you've promised you mother..."

  Her tears dropped silently, and her face was as pale as paper. She looked so fragile that could hurt anyone who was watching her right now, except Charles.

  He watched her silently, with sarcasm in his eyes. How hypocritic she was! He didn't believe that she didn't know anything about it. So he would never believe one single word that came out of her mouth.

  Charles turned around to go upstairs, but suddenly heard Elizabeth's laughing. The laugh seemed shrill and endless with mockery.

  Charles stunned, turned around again to look at her. Elizabeth stood where she was, with a mad smile on her pale face. She walked slowly toward him, and stopped at the stairs.

  Charles had run out of patience, he frowned, but didn't know what she's up to. Elizabeth stared at him for a long time, and forced a smile on her face, "Charles, you don't love me at all, do you?" Charles smirked, his words couldn't be crueler to Elizabeth, "Love? You don't deserve to even mention it."

  Elizabeth stunned completely. She stood still, with no more tears to drop.

  Without saying a word, Charles went upstairs. But just before he opened the bedroom door, he heard Elizabeth shouted, "Give me a child, I'll divorce you."