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The Formidable Vicario Returns

The Formidable Vicario Returns

Author:Unusual L.A


The era of Lorenzo, the devoted boyfriend, was over. Reborn from those depths was a man forged in the fires of humiliation and betrayal. A man whose sole purpose was to make Michael and those who had wronged him pay...in full.   One way or another, this city would be mine. And those who once mocked me would kneel at its feet, forced to bear witness to my ascension. **** Little did Lorenzo, now known as Vicario knew that his wish for vengeance would be granted the night he vowed retribution against those who had wronged him. After spending some years building a fearsome reputation abroad after a humiliating past from his home city, he returned to exert his rage. However, he uncovered a startling family secret his mother had kept hidden—a revelation that threatened to derail his single-minded pursuit of revenge. As he navigated this newfound truth, would the formidable figure he had become be shaken? Or would unearthing his origins only fuel the flames of his vowed retribution? Or would his descent into the darkest recesses of his past may prove to unearth more than he bargained for? In this gripping tale of one man's thirst for payback, loyalties will be tested, secrets exposed, and the depths of vengeance explored.
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“Lorenzo, before you sign out, I want you to make one last delivery for the day.”

I was walking to the staff room to sign out on the logbook when Ben's words, the manager's, prompted me to turn in frustration.

I had been making deliveries since the company opened and even had to work overtime because one of the two other people that was meant to be on shift with me called in sick.

The same Ben told me to cover the person's tasks, which I unhesitatingly did, but it seemed I could never satisfy him or the owner of the company, Michael Anderson, no matter what I did.

I had been working for the fast food delivery company for two years, but I had never been rewarded for my diligence. Many people who were employed after me had been promoted, but I had never even been rewarded once.

But I never cared about it. Even though I was nobody and had nothing, I had never sought validation from people and would never.

Regardless of how Michael considered me and treated me like I was worthless and spat on me, they did not get to me. They never did.

Instead, my love for Sandra was the only thing that kept me moving on regardless.

As an orphan just like she was, she struggled to further her education at the university with the menial jobs she usually did, which is why I had always sponsored her tuition fees with the little I earned.

I trusted her with my entire life and had never once questioned her loyalty or had she done something for me to do so, which was why I was certain that she was worth it.

She was a few months away from her graduation from law school, and I knew that in some years, our lives would turn positively because I still had the plan to further my education to university level.

“I've been working since I resumed, while Israel spent almost the whole time sitting and doing nothing.” I pointed it out to Ben.

“Mister Anderson gave the instruction to deliver it yourself.” He handed me the pizza package, which I reluctantly collected since I had no choice.

Working there was the only source of my income.

“That jerk. He just loathed me to the bone.” I muttered.

I asked for his address and inputed it on my Google Map as I ignited my bike’s engine to the location in anticipation.

I was not anticipating making the delivery. Hell no!

My anticipation was because I had decided to propose to Sandra officially to be my fiancee in order to take our relationship to the next level.

My face was plastered with smiles as I touched my pocket, feeling the ring box I was going to propose to her with—the ring that took me three months to save up from my salary and tips I received from customers for the duration.

I had been reluctant to make the decision for months because I had considered my financial status, but I finally decided to, after realising that love didn not cost a dime. Little did I know that I was wrong.

She had been with me when I had no penny; why would she not accept my proposal?

Although it was meant to be a surprise for her, I had been calling her to know her whereabouts, but she had not been picking up, leading me to conclude that she was studying at home since her phone was always silent whenever she did so.

She had been taking her reading seriously since it was her final exam.

I smiled again, imagining her beautiful smile that would brighten my world when I would go down on my knees and say the words I had practiced to propose to her.

I increased the speed of the bike as I twisted the throttle grip towards me.

After what seemed to take forever, I parked in front of a opulent mansion, as the map had indicated.

“Yes,” I chuckled as I checked my wristwatch with tattered leather straps, finding out that I got there twenty minutes before the time indicated on the map.

I was gobsmacked by the beautiful sight of the mansion before me, and I lost myself admiring it for some moments.

As I stepped through the towering gate, I gawked at the sheer grandeur of the surroundings that enveloped me.

The driveway stretched out before me like a red carpet and was flanked by meticulously manicured lawns.

As I marvelled at the extravagance surrounding me, my thoughts drifted to Michael, the heir to this vast fortune.

Despite the golden opportunity bestowed upon him, he seemed oblivious to the true value of his inheritance.

Instead of cherishing the wealth and privilege that surrounded him, he squandered it on reckless pursuits and thoughtless actions, leaving a trail of scandal and disgrace in his wake.

He had a reputation for always making bad headlines on the news, from driving recklessly and getting caught to uttering derogatory remarks to people considering them worthless and so many other things. He also had reputations for a wayward lifestyle, partying, drinking, and fornicating.

It was a stark contrast to my own modest lifestyle, where every penny earned was cherished and every opportunity seized with gratitude.

Yet, as I stood in the midst of luxury while shaking my head, I could not help but feel a pang of pity for him, for he possessed everything money could buy but seemed to lack the one thing that truly mattered—wisdom to appreciate the true worth of his inheritance.

I snapped myself out of the thought, realising that picturing myself in his shoes was useless.

It was only a dream that would never come true—for now. I was a delivery man, a worker in a world that was ruled by the wealthy and powerful. I would always be on the outside looking in, a stranger in a world that he could never truly call my own probably until some years later.

What enveloped my mind now instead was seeing Sarah, picturing her expression, and imagining her delicate lips on mine.

I rapped on the door, and no reply came seconds later.

“I hope this guy doesn't delay me.” I prayed silently as I rapped on it again three times consecutively, but impatiently this time.

“Who the fuck is that? Do you know how much the door costs?" Micheal yelled.

I chuckled because that was exactly what I expected from him—to reply rudely.

“I'm sorry, sir. It's me, Lorenzo. I'm here to make the delivery you requested.” I informed him.

“How early you arrive only if you know how long I've been expecting you.”

He can't just stop being rude, can he?

I didn't reply to him because doing so would make him delay me with his silly talks and nags more.

“Babe, can you help me get that?”

I was certain that the person he spoke to was a woman whom he had planned to have a nice time with on his bed.

“Okay.” The person replied.

“I knew it.” I scoffed at verifying that I was right.

But! But the voice sounded familiar. Could it– Never! It can never be who I thought it was.

As I stood behind the door, impatience gnawed at me like a relentless itch.

I tapped my foot nervously. Each second felt like an eternity as I waited for the door to swing open, eager to leave and reunite with the love of my life.

Finally, the latch clicked, and the door creaked open slowly, revealing the figure on the other side.

My jaw dropped in disbelief as I stared at the person before me, my mind struggling to reconcile reality with expectation.

There she stood, framed by the doorway, wearing a simple night robe that clung to her curves and her hair still damped from the shower.

It was her—the last person I had expected to see, yet there she was.