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Longing You

Longing You



It is a story about how a wife leaves her husband and daughter only because she loves them. Miranda and Eric. Circumstances tore them apart. Now after 7 years fate brings them together and to forget the little angel that they created when they were together.
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  Miranda was walking but her eyes were fixed on the phone as she was texting her coworker when she bumped into someone; if it weren’t for that person, then she would have surely fallen down and embarrassed herself in this party.

  “I am sor...” Her words were caught in the throat when she saw the person whom she crashed with. How can she ever forget him? For so many years she has been longing to see him.

  Eric was flabbergasted to see his wife after seven years in his arms. If it weren’t for Lizzy, his daughter, he wouldn’t know for how long he would have kept her in his arms. To have her so close to him was very familiar and felt too good to be true.

  Miranda was shocked to see her daughter so grown up after five years. She is ten now and grown into such a beautiful young girl. Her eyes have longed to see her sweet angel.

  “Dad, this party is very boring. When can we go home?” She asked him, ignoring her mother completely. She was oblivious about her mother’s appearance, so Miranda was no less than a stranger to her.

  “An hour or two at max. Lizzy baby, why don’t you hang out with other kids of your age here?” He told her daughter politely, wanting to protect her daughter from her own mother. Eric did not trust Marissa after she left them.

  “They are snobby.” She crossed her arms in annoyance...

  “Sweetheart...” But he was interrupted by his secretary Nancy.

  “There you are, Lizzy. Your friend Briana has been finding you for a long time. Oh, hey Miranda, it’s nice to see after so long.” Nancy was but surprised to find her boss’s wife after so many years. She had hoped for Miranda to come back rather soon because she had witnessed what Eric had been through.

  “Same here. It is nice to see you to Nancy” Miranda nodded her head in acknowledgment with a smile but her surprise to find Eric and Lizzy here was yet to be subsided.

  Nancy could feel uneasiness in the atmosphere between those two, so she left both of them alone and left from there with Lizzy.

  Eric could see that Miranda was looking at their daughter with a loving look. “You lost the right of looking at her like that when you left us seven years ago.”

  “You can hide the fact from my daughter that I am her mother, but you cannot stop me from loving her.” She told him firmly, knowing that every word that Eric told was true.

  “What are you doing here, Miranda?” He asks her in anger.

  Before she could reply, the host of the party interrupted her. “There you are, Miranda. Meet my husband Louis.” Penny greeted her.

  “Nice to meet you.” She replied politely to them.

  “Same here. I see that finally; my wife has managed to bring the owner of ‘Little Star Orphanage’ to this party. She had spoken so much about you; I can’t even begin to tell you.”

  “I am not a big fan of going to a social gathering.” She told them truthfully with a small smile. Having Eric standing so close to her was making her uncomfortable.

  After a few more exchange of words even they left and she was left alone with Eric again.

  "Not a big fan of social gathering! Nice Miranda. Now you even started to lie." He mocked her.

  “Believe what you want, Eric. I have got nothing else to say to you.” She told him softly as she was herself at a loss of words.

  But again, they were interrupted which annoyed Eric to great extent but Miranda was relieved as she didn’t want to talk to him, but then she panicked when she saw who intervened.

  "Hello, Miranda." Dr. Harold greeted her.

  “Hello.” She replied back hesitantly.

  “Hello, I am Dr. Harold Levis.” He greeted the man who was standing beside his patient.

  “I am Eric Levis” his names clicked bell in doctor’s heads as he recognized him instantly and a look to Miranda, which she clearly understood.

  “Very well. My nephew works in your company, so I must say I have heard a lot about you.”

  “I hope all well,” Eric replied back to him.

  “May I have this dance with you?” A blonde came out of nowhere and asked Eric for dance. To say Marisa was jealous was an understatement. Even after all this year, she loves him.

  To prove some unstated point, Eric agreed and went dancing with her.

  “It’s OK Miranda to feel like this.” Dr. Harold told her, trying to comfort her with words.

  “Yes, I know. After all, it’s not his fault that he doesn’t know the real reason for me leaving him. It’s completely justified to hate me. Plus, god knows how many girlfriends he might have had or have now. I will get used to it. I am completely fine.”

  “You are rambling now.” He stated.

  “I am sorry.” She sighs. “I think I am going to call it a night. I knew it was a bad idea to come here.”

  “But a good thing came out of it. You saw your daughter, didn’t you?” To which she smiled brightly. Talking about Lizzy or even thinking about her brightens her a day, but at the same time, her heartaches.

  “Yes, I just wish I would have been there during the last few years.” She sighed loudly.

  “It still not late. Tell him the truth.” Dr. advised her.

  “No, Doc. It’s too late. And I doubt that my daughter would even accept me, and whereas Eric is concerned, he completely detests me. He would never let that happen, and he won’t be wrong by doing that. Anyway, good night. I don’t think I can take this anymore.”

  “You want my driver to drop you?” He asked her worriedly. He knew very well what Miranda has been going through.

  “Don’t worry, I will be fine. Thank you, though.” With that, she left.

  Eric was confused why Miranda was talking to the doctor so closely. It seemed that both of them knew each other well. Those being in a relationship are hardly possible as that Dr. Harold seemed quite old for her.

  “Your ex?” The blonde asked him with whom he was dancing.

  “Something like that.” He told her vaguely.

  “Well, it’s clear that you still love her and I think she loves you back.” The blonde stated.

  “I think it’s too late for that.” With that he left the blonde standing alone on the dance floor; he was clearly not interested to continue with the talk that they were having.

  While searching for his daughter, he again banged into someone.

  “God, can’t you see where you are going?” The unknown glared at him.

  He was about to reply when she again spoke angrily.

  “You! Eric, right? No wonder she left.” With that, the strange girl left.

  He rolled his eyes and looked around to find Lizzy and when he finally found her, then even they left for home.

  Eric didn’t know how he was feeling. He was content to see Miranda again, but at the same time furious. He was also feeling guilty, as Lizzy still didn’t know who her mother is. He has hidden these facts from her as he wanted to protect her.

  God only knows what twists and turns his life is going to take now.