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Love's Second Best

Love's Second Best



It started with fate, bounded with love but will it end with goodbyes? It is when Carmella Ruth thought that she had it all in her hands that she met Elise Hope, an honest friend and a classmate. She was a transferee from abroad. When Elise is getting closer to her, she notices that she seemed to get the spotlight that's intended for her to shine. Now that she's treating her as a threat, she realizes that Elise is also slowly falling in love with the one she loved the most. She wanted to be selfish but how could she? After all the tragedy that happened between the two of them, Elise Hope's love is also the reason why she must choose between falling in love or finally letting go...
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  Carmella's POV

  "Hey! You jerk! Come back! I will really kick your ass off!" I shouted as I chased someone who got my last bill for this day. I never thought I could be this unfortunate even if the day is almost starting.

  That was the last hundred-peso bill that I am reserving for the whole day. For everything that I have to spend for myself. That’s including my meal and everything. However, it was gone in an instant because of some opportunists coming my way.

  Remembering all the unfortunate events that I've been through today, I feel like giving up. And one girl came into my mind all of a sudden.

  Elise Hope Glitz.

  Our transferee who came all the way from America. She's half-Filipino, half-American. From the very first time our teacher introduced her to all of us, everyone was in awe. Her beauty is striking.

  "Hello everyone. I am so happy to meet all of you here. Thank you for the warm welcome. I hope I could be friends to all of you." She said, never letting her smile fade away from her beautiful face.

  I rolled my eyes as I mimicked what she said using my mouth.

  I don't think she's kind or what. For me, she's plastic and a 'too-good-for-everyone' type of girl. I knew a lot of people trying to be kind and yet the truth is, they are mean and evil deep inside. I think she has that attitude. A part of me doesn't like her at all even if she appeared to be very kind to my other classmates.

  They look very excited as they welcome Elise, they forgot that I am also existing. I entered our room as most of my classmates were all eyes on me. They were all loud and they were all having fun before I stepped inside the room. I noticed that as soon as they saw me glancing at them, they all stopped. I looked at them and they also did the same. It was too awkward.

  The whole day ended like a flash. Since my best friend is in another section, I had no choice but to stay all alone and sit inside the mini-forest talking to nobody. Here I go again, thinking how fortunate our transferee Elise Hope is. Her life is so different from me that I can’t help but be envious.

  I sighed as I wiped my tears using my hands. Irritated and sad at the same time, I almost stomped my feet as I am nearing one of the benches to the mini-forest that's located at the heart of our school. It's the only place where I could relax. It's the quietest place for the record. This is only the place where I find my solitude if I am sad or I am not in the mood for anything.

  "Hello." Somebody greeted me as she stood in front of me. When I looked up, I saw Elise Hope smiling at me.

  "Oh, hi." I awkwardly smiled at her. I remembered how I hated her a bit a while ago. It's really amazing how she can instantly change that mood in me.

  "Can I sit down here? I am sorry this is the only vacant seat that I found here."

  "Of course, yes. I don't mind." I nodded as I answered. She smiled as she followed what I said.

  "Do you like to be alone?"

  "No, not really. I just wanted to hang out here for a while."

  I can see that her smile suddenly faded a little. She looked down and awkwardly smiled again. "I'm so sorry. I guess I bothered you."

  "No. I'm sorry you seem to misunderstood that. Of course I'd love it when someone will hang out with me. It so happened that most of our classmates went home already." I can't help but chuckle. The way she's telling me is too adorable.

  "Oh? Is that so?" She said as she glanced at her wristwatch. "I am also here because I am waiting for my father to drive me home. Would you mind if I wait for him, here?"

  "No, not at all." I smiled at her. I suddenly felt guilty because I thought of bad things against her.

  "Oh, it's already four in the afternoon. Why are you not going home yet?"

  "W-Well, I am still studying here."

  "Oh, I see." I saw her smile as she roamed her eyes around the place. She looked really amazed from what she could see in the mini-forest.

  "I'm sorry I never had a chance to welcome you here in our school. By the way, my name is Carmella Ruth Fleur. I am happy to finally meet my new classmate." I smiled as I offered my hand. She chuckled a little and it made her more charming in my eyes.

  "You know what? You're a bit funny. You don't have to be too formal if you make friends. Just be yourself." She accepted my hands and we did a cute handshake. She giggled as we did it. I can't help smiling, too.

  "I am Elise Hope, but to tell you a secret, I prefer my close friends to call me Hope."

  "I am not your close friend so I guess I will call you Elise." I smiled as she jokingly frowned in front of me.

  "Now, I am pleased to request to you that from now on, you'll be my close friend. Deal?"

  "Deal." We continued the handshake like silly, little children. A few moments later, a car honked beside us. The bench where we are sitting right now is near the pavement of the mini-forest where cars slowly passed by.

  "Carmella, before I go, what's your phone number?" She said as she smiled. I was able to give her my phone number right away. She bid goodbye as she waved her hand while inside their family car.

  "See you tomorrow, Carmella!" Her voice still resounded meters away. It made me laugh a little. No wonder she's loved by many because she's really fun to talk to. I heaved a sigh when I couldn't see their car from a distance anymore.

  I slowly got up and packed all my books and placed them inside my backpack. Now, I have to go back to reality. I guess six kilometers is not a bad distance. I will just sing and dance along the way until I reach home. I am really sad because that thief doesn't know how to find a real victim. Life is really unfair.

  I walked slowly until I noticed I had been walking for more than twenty minutes nonstop. I felt really tired, hungry and sleepy at the same time. I stopped when somebody honked at me while I walked beside the road. It was a beautiful car. The glass window slowly went down and I realized it was Elise Hope Glitz, my classmate.

  "Oh my! Are you just going to walk all the way to your house?"

  "Y-Yes. It's a great exercise, you see." I smiled at her but all I can see is the worried look on her face as she talked to me.

  "What? It's already late. I will just tell father to drop you off to your house before we go home ourselves."

  "Really?" My tired eyes glistened.

  "Yes, please get inside now." She said as she smiled. She even went outside the car and opened the door for me.

  "Oh, there you are, dear. I saw Carmella going inside the car so I also bought some for her."

  I saw Elise Hope's father get some take-out food from Burger King. He ordered three hamburgers, some pasta and drinks.

  "Thanks daddy! You're the best! Good thing you also ordered something for Carmella."

  "Thank you so much for the food, thank you too, Elise."

  We started eating the food that's on our lap. I am so happy I got to taste these foods again. It's pure heaven after starving for a long time while walking a while ago. Having a best friend like her feels great. It soothes my whole being.

  "It's a pleasure, dear. Oh, before I forgot, where do you live by the way?" She asked in an enthusiastic manner as she looked into my eyes.

  "I live at Apartment 4B, 12 S, 42nd St. Lucena City. How about you?"

  "Seriously, Carmella?" We only live five houses away from you! I am very happy to know this!"

  "That's really good to know! Thank you once again."

  "Not a problem. We're already close friends, right?"

  I nodded as I smiled.

  "By the way, why did you decide to walk that far? I think the road is really dangerous because there's a lot of criminals and thieves around, you can never be so sure." She said, feeling curious at the same time.

  "I actually have my reason why I only walk all the way to our house. A while ago, a thief stole the last fifty-peso bill that I intend to reserve as my fare and allowance as I go home."

  "Is that the reason why you seem to be sad a while ago?"

  "Yes. He badly ruined my allowance. That's why I looked mean while I talked to you a while ago. Please forgive me, Hope."

  "Good thing you came just in time." I added. I can see her glistening eyes as she faced me.

  "It's okay, dear. I am happy to meet new friends and I am happy to know someone like you. Close friends?" She said while offering me a pinky-finger promise. I know this day will be better very soon.