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The beginning of Ms. Parker

The beginning of Ms. Parker



She is young, too young to even eexpirience such a thing. She sent thrills throughout your entire body at one single glance. Her graceful steps towards you feels like trapping you and looks at you like she can see through you and finally smiling at you while looking at her dark brown eyes as fear grows deeply into your heart and make your limbs grew weaker and weaker making you submit to your master. Her... with her natural black wavy hair, sweet and delicate smile, Rosy lips, fair skin, tall and beautiful body. who wouldn't want the young mistress of the Parker's household? Yes. She is the one and only Ms. Devi Parker
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  An eleven years old girl such pureness. not a single thing signifies impurities to the young girl except her devil like eyes but just like any girl she play with her dolls...paper dolls...

  "Made of paper, glue and paste, glue and paste, glue and paste. Made of paper glue and paste my fair lady."

Tune of London bridge

as she sang the paper dolls move on it's own.

  "Wear those dresses with black and red, black and red, black and red. Wear those dresses with black and red my fair lady" she sang again and the paper dolls wear the dresses with black and red like she wanted. how creepy she is but with her natural black wavy hair, sweet and delicate smile, Rosy lips, fair skin, tall and beautiful body. who wouldn't want the young mistress of the Parker's household?

  There were one suitor who's brave enough to face her for he was her first and last boybestfriend and even at such a young age he courted the young mistress but nobody knew her identity nor her ability. Not yet. At least.

  Nobody knew her identity nor her ability but they were scared to anger her.

  She sent thrills throughout your entire body at one single glance.

  Her graceful steps towards you feels like trapping you and looks at you like she can see through you and finally smiling at you while looking at her dark brown eyes as fear grows deeply into your heart and make your limbs grew weaker and weaker making you submit to your master. Her.

  As her enemies expanded. She has to obtain no weaknesses in the eyes of everyone until one day they found out.


  "Eve! Here's the ice cream I bought you" Liam Anderson said while handing it to her "thanks" she said with a sweet smile.

  "Well. Well. Well love birds I'm sorry to ruin your moment but don't worry there will be no such moment like this will happen again" as the man in Black said that we were knocked out unconscious.

  Eve woke up tied in a wooden chair while Liam was still unconscious in front of her also tied in a wooden chair.

  She struggled and struggled but there's no use. She couldn't think logically because... Because she was worried for him.

  She couldn't do anything. "I feel so useless." She muttered to herself

  "Awww the little devil finally has a weak spot" a man spoke in the background she couldn't tell where he is.

  the only light in this room is only at the center which where the two of them are.

  "How unfortunate! You don't know how to leave not a single trace!" A familiar voice said then chaos was brought in the dark room.


  "Devi! Devi! Devi Parker! Please Wake up!" Someone called her suddenly she remembered they were kidnapped! She sit up straight but as soon as she did her back ache so bad it feels like it's cracking.

  Her eyes adjusted at the bright light given by the hospital

  "Where is he? Is he safe?" Devi ask full of concern to her cousin Cole Watson not caring about her own health.

  "Yes he's fine, he's on the other side of the room and I... I need to tell you something important" he said nervously.

  Devi waited patiently as he spoke again ready to admit "I made him forget about the kidnapping" he said. She nodded understanding the situation and said "that's good".

  "And also you need to push him away" he said looking at her eyes. "


I knew this day would come. Don't worry i will" she said disdainfully "I'm afraid I am more worried of you." He said then left me in my room. But before he could go out entirely "please restrain yourself from calling me Devi Parker" she said and looked at him in the eyes. Cole knew she doesn't want anyone to know who she is and see just wanted to live a normal life but how can she? When from the very beginning she's not normal at all. He didn't responded, he just walk away.


  She loved her first suitor but she didn't approved nor did she decline. He knew their feelings was mutual but she has to decline she made excuses that has no validity but it worked and so she left with satisfaction that he was no longer in danger because of her.

  "Part of loving you was letting go" she cursed as she walks away farther from him.


  2 months have past. She stalked him. He was doing well without her. She felt relieved and hurt. And so high school came.

  She change the way she looks but such disguise can't bury such beauty.

  She looks even beautiful in tan skin with her black wavy hair, dark Brown eyes and pointed nose the only three aspects of her that she didn't bother to change.

  But everything change. her clothing is different, her fair skin was filled with scars, bruises, and imperfections but even so she looks even beautiful aside those imperfections she put.

  She put great effort to her disguise so no one knows who she really is and from the very beginning she's using a fake name but only now the looks must be changed too and her... actions.

  She saw him. Staring, daring to look at him and she did but he no longer can make an eye contact.

  "That's right hate me. Feel disgusted by these imperfections" she thought.

  "My, my. What kind of man is he not to notice such beauty?" A man with remarkable looks but shows darkness that she likes and hair that is dark as black, eyes that is same as hers and an intimidating outfit, ripped jeans shows his fine and fair skin black casual shirt that shapes out his efforts of having a fine body. How infatuating.

  "Oh! My apologies. My name is Ciel Michaelis" he said and smiled that resembled so much like hers.

  "What a great match" she thought.

  "It's quite alright. My name is-". "No need to introduce my cousin already told me which is I believe is one of your friends" she was cut off mid sentence by him.

  "Of course that'll be... Lizzie Ferrer am I right?" She asked although she already knew "Oh! Yes! That little brat. But how did you know?" He asked out of curiosity.

  "She often talks about you." She simply said "Oh? Did she?. I suppose she talk about you how troublesome I am" he said shyly. "Cute" she thought of his reaction.

  "Not really.. but I kinda like it Phantomhive" she said and walked away leaving him dumbfounded.

  "We shall meet again Phantomhive" she said to herself. You are the only reason why I gave everything up.