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Drastically Devoted

Drastically Devoted

Author:Rizalyn Torrev


When Melody woke up remembering nothing, she knew that her life would going to be so tedious. No matter how people around her kept cheering her up, she still found herself asking a lot of questions. But there's a man who introduced himself as her husband. Melody didn't believe him at first, but something good was telling her to trust his words. Melody found out that she's already a mom. She couldn't actually believe that she really had a son since she classified herself as too young to be a mother. Regardless, life really is spectacular, for in the middle of her doubts, a specific emotion kept making her realize that falling in love while forgetting some important things in her life is somehow possible.
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The moment I opened my eyes, an unbearable pain engulfed my whole system, making me breathe in turmoil. First thing in my mind was to stand up so that I could reach my phone from the white table just beside the clinical apparatus.

Just looking at the white surrounding, I couldn't help but to feel afraid and nervous. No, I reminded myself. I kept on telling myself that there was nothing to be worried about.

"Ma'am, kindly calm down and let me call the doctor, okay?" a brunette woman spoke with the hint of concern in her voice, making me drastically think about my situation right now.

What happened?

Bunch of nurses went closer to me and checked every part of my body. By that, I couldn't hold my emotions back anymore. Something about their actions that was attacking me mentally and emotionally.

I really had no idea why there were a lot of heath workers in front of me, because first of all I was perfectly clueless about everything. Literally everything. I just woke up remembering nothing. I just woke up feeling exhausted and heavy.

Right now, I needed an explanation.

"Who am I!?" I shouted as loud as I could. I felt like there's an invisible lump in my throat. "Who am I... Please..?" The whole white place glowed up by my shaky sobs and mourns. I had shouted with all my best, I already cried out the aches inside my heart, but funny how the world wanted to lash me to death still.

"Ma'am, the doctor is coming. Don't worry, everything will gonna be alright," said the nurse. She put another band aid around my legs. And because of that, I noticed my legs -- whole body -- being bombarded with plenty of bruises and red scratches.

I started to become uncomfortable. I began to think I was such an unlucky woman. I started to realize that being dead was much better than living with this fucking dumb body.

Someone tapped my back for moral support, and my mind was forcing me to stay silent and just calm down but my system was in chaos still!

I tried to the core to remember what had happened. I tried to remember my previous days for me to understand my sufferings right now. I felt depressed. I felt like I was bomb going to explode in any moment.

I was waiting for a damn explanation. I was waiting for someone who could at least make feel at ease.

"You are suffering from a temporary loss of memories, Ma'am," said the Doctor, concern and sympathy visible in her voice. "You look clueless. I already expect that. Ma'am, you came from an airplane crash."

Her voice was as tender as cotton. It was obvious she was trying her best to have a conversation with me without making me feel afraid and nervous. Nonetheless, she couldn't blame me if I would act the other way around. She couldn't blame me if I would act like an insane woman. Jesus, she might be an expert in this thing but she didn't know the exact feeling waking up knowing nothing!

If she was on my situation, she would absolutely gone insane while seeking for the right answer.

But... what did she say? Accident? What have I gotten myself into? I was sure I had a family. So where were they? Why couldn't I find them? Was I alone in that damn plane? Was I an abandoned child? Was I a rebel?

I shook my head.

No, even though I couldn't remember something about my life I knew I was a kind person. God I was ambitious! I could feel how independent I was.

"You survived, congratulations," the Doctor smiled at me sincerely, fixing the tubes attached on my skin. I just looked at her face intently. She was a Doctor, so obviously she had a lot of information about me. "Out of thousands passengers, you are the only one who... you're so lucky!" she exclaimed beautifully.

Despite the fact that she had a point, that I was still lucky for I was still alive, I still considered myself as unlucky one. As long as I couldn't remember who I really was, everything would be still as obnoxious as living in hell.

"Who am I?" I inhaled silently. "What's my name? P-please, I am begging you, what's my name?"

"Melody," she answered, slightly combing my already messy hair. Based on her looks, she probably now on her thirties or something. "In your birth certificate, you are a half-Filipino and a half-British."

I processed her words as careful as I could. I didn't want to miss even a single word. I begged for more details about me -- about my parents and about the reason why I was in that plane.

Since I couldn't remember right now -- my brain was indeed useless -- I hadn't any hint about the reason why I was in that airplane. Was I a traveller? Was I a blogger who wanted to explore the whole world for her vlog's content? But, damn, no, I wasn't a traveller, nor a blogger. I could smell my own passion, but I just couldn't define it with my own. I needed a help.

"Your handsome husband is already on his way,"  the Doctor chuckled, throwing a knowing smile. "He was really worried about you last night. I even needed to give him an injection so that he would calm down."

Instinctively, I chuckled. But I eventually realize that I should not feel happy knowing I wasn't single anymore! Was the world kidding me? Airplane crash. Temporary loss of memory. Melody. And a husband?

Knowing that I was already committed romantically was giving me crazy goosebumps and cold shivers.

"I don't have one," I gritted my teeth in annoyance. "Being committed is surely not on my plan. If I really have a lover, why did he leave me all alone here, ha? He is kind of a fuck."

No, I was wrong. I wasn't a modest woman for based on my words I could say that I was such a cocky one!

"Melody," a deep and baritone enveloped my hearing beautifully. I turned to my left side, just to find someone perfectly standing with a proper-built posture.

The man was holding a briefcase -- he might be from work -- and his presence was extremely addicting. Actually, I found his presence sweet and sexy.

Damn, woman, stop staring at him! I reminded myself.