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Liliana: The Thorn

Liliana: The Thorn



- In a story, there's always a female lead, they're pampered, given a love story, given attention, and all that. But, what about the side characters? Aren't they also a main character of their life? Oh? What's this? A...G...O....R..... that's it! My dear human, I'll let you experience the life of a side-character in AGOR! I'll be watching you....
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  "You have a message!"

  "You have a message!"

  "You have a message!"

  Walking in the hallway of a school is my target, yes my target.

  "You have—" She grabbed her phone tightly and stormed inside a classroom, surprising the others by the loud bang, she went up to a girl looking at the window.

  Grabbing her by the collar, she goes "JEEZ!! My phone wasn't on silent and your messages got me in trouble!"

  She turned to look at the annoyed girl, "Hahaha! Sorry Sorry! I just had to remind you about something." Letting go of her collar, she and the other students calmed down, some still shaken but they knew the two were chaotic friends.

  "AGOR is ending today~." She hummed, leaning back on her chair with her arms on the back of her head. "WHAT?!"


  Alicia's Garden of Roses, otherwise known as AGOR. A best selling romance novel telling the sweet story of Alicia, an Illegitimate Princess. 

  "How cute, I wish I could be there to see that.." A mumble inside a dark room echoed.

  "Ahh~ Is the author going to end it so soon?" She whined leaving her phone screen on, a message popped up.

  "Huh? Whose number is this...?" Frightened at the thought of having a stalker, she immediately started typing the words "F*** off, leave me alone stalker!" and sent it without looking at the message she had received.

  "You have a message!" this time, she read the message...

  ........ "'Would you like to experience something new?'....." 

  "Hm? There's a link." she pressed the mysterious link, as her phone screen began to glitch.

  "W-what the—!" Before she could gather her words, the light from her phone screen began shining brighter and brighter by the second.

  She looked around the room in a panic, her feet already giving out from surprise, her hands trembling and her face, terrified.

  In the light emerged......



  "Who a

  r e you?" She asked, terrified, and nearly bawling her eyes out.

  I'm your Narrator! More importantly... do you wanna experience something new?


  at's hApp en

  ing? Wh y a re m y wo rds cu t off li ke  t h is? Wh y is eve r ythi ng gLit cHy??"

  Don't mind that. More importantly, answer the question! I've already asked you twice. 

  "WH at d0 y Ou me an b y 's oMe th1n G nE w' ?"

  AGOR... that novel series you were just reading. Do you want to experience the life of a side character there?

  "Wa1 t w h at? What ab

                      o ut m y li fE he R e?"

  Don't worry about that, when the novel ends you'll come back to this world!

  "W hY A GOR? I   rE a d tH e al Te RnA Te eNd In  Gs, wH Ic h oNe aM i gOi N G tO eXpE  rIeN c e?

  What? Isn't it common sense to make your own ending? Don't worry it won't affect the main story that much, Just have fun~ create drama! go on adventures!

  "ThA t's c on v 1n cin G b  ut, wHy ar e   y o u o ff  Eri Ng it t0 me?"

  Hmm, You're life is too boring. It's not worth watching, you have no love life, no drama, no funerals, nothing! It's so boring~

  "H ey it'$ n Not y fa Ul t m y liF e is p lai I lN ! AN d y Yo u

           sho Ou uld b e th ankFul th3re's No fu Ne r4ls!"

  Sure sure, I'm thankful. Anyways, yes or no? Like i said before, you can go back to this world once the novel has ended. Just enjoy yourself there!

  "ArE yOu goi ng to h Elp mE sur  vi

  v    e the r Ee li  ke thos Se othe Er stor ie s?"

  Hmmm nah~ It's more interesting this way. Oh and, be careful not to die in that world, you'll also die in this world if you do.

  "B ut yo Ou'r e atle Ast g  oing to g ive me so m e  s ki lls ri g ht? _ri  ght?

  Why're you asking? Are you agreeing?

  "Ye Ah Su R E   f I Ne j U St gi Ve mE mY Ol mE m o rI e s"

  Well the—