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Love Or Fortune

Love Or Fortune

Author:Love and war


My heart pounded so fast that I thought I was going to vomit it out of my chest. I woke up and my whole body was in pain , as I looked around I saw nothing but an old dark abandoned warehouse with myself tied in chains. How did it come to this but as the saying goes you made your bed now you must like in it for I was warned and apparently that warning fell on deaf ears.
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My heart pounded so fast that I thought I was going to vomit it out of my chest . I woke up and my whole body was sore, as I looked around I found myself tied in chains like a dog.

It was a dark to what looked like a warehouse and judging by the silence there was no one in sight for miles. My mouth was gaged up with an old sock , hands and feet tied with chains on to the wall. My face had been brutally smashed my vision was blurry and I could barely feel it.

As I was still in shock I saw the door open and I felt a shiver up my spine. Light filled the room as the door opened and a tall female figure stood at the entrance with a baseball bat in her hand. She approached me and bends over to me and raise my chim. " I gave you a choice and I was kind to you but you took that for granted now I'll deal with you "

Although my vision was blurry I could recognize that voice from anywhere and believe me I was not going to let a heavily make up blonde with long manicured nails kill me . So I started begging for mercy as she called one of her henchman from outside to hand her a pistol so she could finish me off.

I started searching the floor with my hands for anything that could help get these chains off me so I can man handle her. As she waited for her henchman to return she started pacing up and down .

She kept mumbling to herself saying" should I kill her , what if I go to jail and I'm way too perfect for prison ." Either way revenge will he served and it will be very sweet" she said while staring at me with a huge grin on her face.

A voice shouted from outside " finish her so we can leave" it was a male voice and a very terrifying and intimidating one it also sounded familiar. As I fumbled my hands on the floor I came on a key! Slowly I tried unlocking the chains with the key , but as I was shaking with fear while trying to open a lock without raising suspicion it was difficult.

The henchman returned and gave her the gun and told her to make it quick. When I heard those words I felt a shiver up my spine. As I tried unlocking the chains the lock was stuck and I hoped and prayed that it wouldn't end this way. As I was trying to unlock the lock she was loading the gun. I tried turning the key one more time with tears in my eyes and praying in my heart, I felt the lock fall open. I felt a huge sense of relief as I lifted my head I found a gun pointed to my face. I quickly pounced on her and we both fell on the floor hitting our heads. We hit our heads so harshly I could feel the room spinning, we started fighting over the gun and I heard a loud Boom! The gun went off and I froze.

My name is Jessica and I am from a small town in Africa where the people there are so narrow minded that they believe in old customs I mean iron age customs and stupid beliefs , don't get me wrong I love my town but you will find out why I hate it so much. I was seventeen at that time and I had big dreams in a place of limited

opportunities. See I was a girl and where I'm from girls are worthless and really not appreciated. It was believed that the value of a girl child lies on how obedient she was and most importantly how submissive she was towards her husband. Boys on the other hand were treated like Kings as if they were gods and of course I never liked this concept I had dreams I wanted to be a music producer and have Fame, glory and money. But my father believed that the only thing I was worth producing was a baby. I lived with my parents and my little sister we were an okay family I guess . My father owned a small supermarket that was our only source of income since women were not allowed to work .

According to custom girls must be married before they reached the age twenty and I never wanted to get married I was Soo desperate for a way out of this town that one day it presented itself on a silver platter. Not what you are thinking that " daddy dearest probably got you a job In his company or married you off to a billionaire, it's nothing like that if anything it quite the opposite so relax.

One day I was at the local river which was the only source of water in the town with my friend Beauty and we were talking about our dreams, when I was surprised when she told all she ever wanted was a husband and two children to call her own along with a big house. I told her mine as I stood on a huge rock near the river bank picturing myself accepting an award and rehearsing my speech.

As we talked Beauty then mentioned something about a job advertisement on the newspaper for a record label company in Johannesburg. I was astonished. What are the requirements a person has to meet for this job I asked interested. " Well I'm not sure maybe we should go through the internet Cafe to see this post because I saw it there, replied Beauty. I was a tall , dark skinned and curvy girl . I had short jet black hair with big round brown eyes and I would say medium sized lips.

Beauty on the other had was exactly like her name she was short at least shorter than me light skinned with big black eyes and frackles and had the most wonderful voice when she sng. We had been friends since we were babies and she was the only one who knew how much I wanted to fulfill my dream.

She looked at me with her eyes full of doubt " but you know your father would never allow you to go let alone in a different country." I paused for a few seconds and held my friend's hads, looked her in the eyes and said " I am willing to sacrifice everything I have for this . "

"Even if it costs your relationship with your father ?" She asked while looking deeply in my eyes , I couldn't answer I was speechless and honesty speaking I didn't think it would come to that . Instead if answering her question I told her it's time to go before out parents think we are missing I said jokingly.

As we were walking home carrying buge buckets of water on our heads since our houses were only a walking distance from the river and we were practically neighbours. We came across a group of people surrounding four guys who were driving huge cars I mean .big cars . One car particularly stood out to me a BMW X5 I knew that very moment that this is the car I wanted and the kind of life I was destined to live.

I quickly put my bucket down and approached the owner of the car his name was Michael well Mike for short he was really successful and was every parent's dream that their daughter gets married to him. I greeted him and admired his car . Well guess what he said " if you want I could take you with me and show you all the wonderful things I could buy you if you just gave me your virginity. "

The nerve! The gull! As I was still shocked buy that he grabbed my butt and ohhh could tell you now that it it didn't end so good at least for him though. What I didn't tell you is that I had i a really and temper I slapped his face across his beloved "car" and grabbed his ear telling him to never touch me like that or there will be trouble.

Everybody's jaw dropped as I walked off and took my bucket along with my friend and left I could tell Beauty was flabbergasted and she asked me if I knew who I just slapped was. I replied confidently I don't care who or what he is nobody touches me like that. And boy did I live to regret it.

When I got home I found my dad in the kitchen and he looked eranged he was so angry I didn't even dare ask what happened. See my father bwas a short tempered man he was tall dark skinned and was very mascular an fit for his peers . When he is mad you can tell it will not end well

He looked at me and yelled to my face and I couldn feel him spitting at me as he yelled at me telling me what a big of a disappointment I was to him how I embarrassed him. " What did I do this time " I asked shaking. He grabbed me by the arms " You disrespected one of the most important man in this town and he burned down my shop now thanks to you big disappointment we have lost our only source of income!"

I replied shouting at him " if you allowed me to work we wouldn't have to grovel and take nonsense from self absorbed arrogant fools" . I could tell by the look in his eyes that I crossed the line. He told me to get out of his house and slammed the door at my face. Now besides this being a cold night and me wearing nothing but a skirt and a short sleeved top . I was ranging with anger , when I saw the kitchen door slowly open I was scared my dad had come to finish me off I stumbled on the dumpsters trying to hide. To my surprise my mom came out and hugged me in tears and brought me a jacket and some food she invited me back inside.

I told my mom about the job advertisement and asked and pleaded that she allows me to apply , she just looked at me and said with a small and calm voice " okay but if you don't make it you drop this whole charade."

I agreed.