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Love Will Never Lie

Love Will Never Lie



After Ashley gets engaged to Tom Holland, CEO of a multibillionaire company because of her mother's advice, she gets an important assignment from her boss. Going on the tour, she meets Nico Gomez, a unique photographer who stays with his family in a small poor town. When Ashley starts developing feelings for him, she decides to leave the town but what happens when he proposes to her in front of his family? How can she tell him that she's engaged already in front of his family who assisted her when she needed help?
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Ashley's POV

Her hips rolled back and forth on him, his own hips had started pressing up under her weight to meet her. She tried to hold back his face, but his mouth burst open, in a flurry of breathing. She smiled and slowed, pressed down into him as he pushed inside of her.

The door was pushed open and Lisa walked in, I slowly pushed the book underneath my pillow. "Hey, what are you doing?" Lisa inquired with a bright smile on his face.

Lisa Reynolds has been my best friend since high school and she definitely valued our friendship. We gave each other advice and helped each other. We were practically more than sisters because of the love we had for each other.

"Hey sweetie, I'm not doing anything. I was just huh, reading a book." I answered.

She pouted her tongue at me. "A book?" She asked. Licking her lips, she didn't hesitate to ask the next question. "What genre?" She inquired.

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Genre? Yeah, I was huh.... reading...a horror novel." I lied.

"Argghh," she made an awful noise. "You don't have to lie baby, I know you don't read horror novels and you don't watch horror movies either."

"What are you doing here though?" I asked.

"My mom went to work, she asked me to stay here and prepare you for your date tonight."

I frowned as soon as the realization dawned on me. I had agreed to a date with Tom Holland, CEO of a multibillionaire company who was also a spoilt brat. "I don't want to go." I sulked like a baby. It was the truth. I wasn't even happy about meeting his family again. It was just like a family dinner date.

Lisa gave me a cold stare before grabbing the book underneath my pillow. Wait, how did she see it? "That's why you need to go on this date with Tom. Who knows what might happen? I mean, a lot of things can happen." She said and dropped the book on my bed.

"How did you see the book?" I asked.

She chuckled. "You didn't even hide it properly. The pillow didn't cover it totally, I saw the cover and discovered that you were reading an erotic novel."

I scratched my eyebrow. "Babe, I'm not supposed to even read this. I'm just researching a project." I lied.

"I don't think I care. I just want you to look lovely for your date with Tom. You might likely hit the jackpot today." She said and walked towards my wardrobe.

"I haven't changed my wardrobe lately." I told her and her eyes widened. Her mouth fell open as she saw the clothes in my wardrobe.

"You haven't gotten new clothes?" She asked in an horrified expression.

I took a deep breath. "I have the money to buy them but I'm not the outdoor type. I don't even have time to go shopping."

"You could have called me, I would have helped you get new clothes."

"I'll use what I have. I have better things to do with my money than waste it on clothes."

She frowned. "Honey, don't be too stingy."

"You don't get it, do you?" I ventured cautiously as I stood up and walked towards her. "My mom's here and she's also relying on me to take care of her. Do you know the advice she gave to me last night?" I asked as I brought out a red gown from the wardrobe.

"What did she say?"

I mimicked her voice. "If Tom Holland ever proposes to you, don't hesitate to say yes."

"OMG, she said that?" Lisa asked and I nodded.

"You're also surprised, right? Yeah, I was too."

She shook her head and leaned on the wall. "No, I'm really shocked. I mean, you have the best mother in the world who gives you the best advice."

I stared at her in amazement. "Wait, what? You're actually taking sides with her. C'mon, she knows that I don't really feel a love connection with Tom." I reminded her.

"No sweetheart, believe me when I say you've got the best mom in the world. My mom would never ask me to pursue my dreams, she would never understand how much I wanted rich guys." She explained.

"We're different actually. My dream is not to become Tom's wife and also, Tom's a spoilt and rude brat. I'll never want to get into a relationship with him. His parents are also arrogant and rude." I explained, gently with a sigh.

"Look, mothers can be wrong sometimes but they all want the best for their children. I'm actually happy your mom's been giving you good advice lately," She replied and pointed to the red gown. "And huh one more thing, Tom has seen you in that gown before. I don't think you should wear that to the date."

I slumped down on the bed in frustration. "This date is definitely going to be a bummer."

"Wear this blue gown here, I don't think he's seen you on one." She suggested.

I frowned. "Have you forgotten? That's what I wore to his uncle's funeral."

She narrowed her eyes on me. "A blue gown? I thought it was supposed to be black gowns."

"Well, Tom's arrogant parents requested for me to wear a blue gown because I was not a family member. It makes sense, doesn't it?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm speechless." She answered and we both chuckled.

A knock was heard on my room door and I sprang up to my feet. "Who's there?" I asked as I adjusted my shirt.

"Sweetheart, it's your momma. C'mon, open up."

I sat down on the bed while Lisa opened the door and mom walked in with a bag full of new clothes. My eyeballs nearly popped out of its socket when I saw them. Where did she get all that money to buy new clothes?

"Oh my God, Ashley, these gowns I'm seeing right here are definitely going to make you look elegant and rich." Lisa said as my mom neatly arranged them in my wardrobe.

A lot of thoughts were just running through my head. I didn't want to sound rude but I wanted to know how she got the money. "Mom, I was wondering," I paused and looked at her trying not to make her offended. "Huh, where did you get the money to buy all these?" I asked.

"Is that a way of saying 'thank you?'" She inquired and gently closed the wardrobe. "Now your wardrobe is filled with clothes, I can't wait for you to use them."

"Thanks Mom, so...."

She cut in. "I used my savings to buy them."

I was stunned. Her reply came as a complete shock to me. How could she use her savings to get me new clothes just because I was going for a date with Tom?

"OMG Ashley, you've got the best mother in the world." Lisa said and giggled excitedly.

I shot her an annoyed look before looking at my mom. "Thanks for the clothes but please don't use your savings on unnecessary things."

"You have to make his family love you and you can only do that when you look elegant and beautiful." Mom corrected me with a light smile.

This was really frustrating! No one wanted to listen to me.