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In Love With The Prince in Disguise

In Love With The Prince in Disguise

Author:Ejaes Vicky


Fay sells her baby and goes into prostitution just so she could save enough money and leave the country. Backstabbed by her best friend, she starts life afresh believing she was paying for all her past mistakes but little did she know that her past was coming to haunt her. In the midst of her troubles, she meets and falls in love with Chris a prince in disguise and in search for true love. In the twist of events, Fay and Chris take off on journey to find love and redemption.
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The grey clouds roamed freely in the sky, gradually hiding the sun behind their dark, angry demeanor. Birds hurried back to their nests as the rain started, unexpected given the cool and friendly weather earlier that evening.

Asuma City, not far from the countryside, was known for its peaceful atmosphere and adventurous appeal. It attracted tourists and people seeking a life of excitement. However, beneath its inviting facade, Asuma harbored a dark secret – the mistreatment and harassment of women. The city boasted a high number of brothels, where prostitutes sought a means to survive beyond the constraints of an average citizen's life.

Among the inhabitants of Asuma City were Fayoke and her friend Gina. Both in their early twenties, they worked as janitors at the Richmond's Guest House in town. Their evenings were typically occupied with visiting the night club, where they engaged in their main business. But on this particular night, the weather took an unexpected turn.

The once beautiful grey clouds turned dark and fierce, accompanied by bolts of lightning and fierce winds. The thunder rumbled like an angered predator, sending raindrops plummeting from the sky. The wooden electric poles swayed to the rhythm of the wind, while shop owners hurried to close up for the day. The children who usually hawked in the streets sought shelter from the impending storm.

The sudden change in weather disrupted Fayoke's plans for the evening. She had meticulously prepared for the night, but now it seemed as if her plans would be ruined by the rain.

"Fay, what are we going to do now? The clients will start coming soon, and you know the wealthy ones tend to arrive early. If we don't get there on time, we might miss out on the big spenders - those who are willing to pay significantly for our services," Gina expressed her concerns, leaning on her mop like a supportive staff.

"Lower your voice, Gina. This is between you and me, remember? Don't worry, if we miss out on the big cash guys, we'll have to make do with whoever is available, as long as they're willing to pay. But trust me, tonight we won't come across any men who won't pay at least 50k. The colder the weather, the higher the pay," Fay reassured, her smile widening.

"I think we should quit this cleaning job and focus on our hustle instead. We've been working here for almost a year, and I'm already fed up. The night club pays more, and we won't have to endure insults from these so-called customers who bring their families and disrespectful children," Gina suggested, her irritation evident.

"I understand that it pays more, but it's also essential to feel like we're being paid for something honorable and not just selling our bodies," Fay responded.

"I don't get you, Fay. How can cleaning rooms be considered honorable? We're insulted and treated poorly here. If it were up to me, I would have quit the moment we started, but you convinced me to stay during the day and hustle at night," Gina replied.

"Do you think I'm proud of what I do? Do you think I'm happy that every night a different man makes love to me, only to pay me off? At my age, I should be thinking about getting married and starting my own family, but instead, I'm here, serving as a sex object for anyone willing to pay the price to have me in bed. I'm not proud of this life, Gina, and I want you to know that I can't wait to save enough money and leave this country for good, to start a new life far better than this miserable existence," Fay responded emotionally, trying to hide her tears from Gina.

Fayoke was born out of wedlock, ignorant of her biological father's identity due to her mother's refusal to disclose it. Her mother, Mrs. Irewa, had entered into an abusive marriage, where her stepfather relentlessly subjected her to physical assault. Tragically, her stepfather further violated her by deflowering her at the tender age of sixteen, threatening her with death if she dared utter a word about the ordeal.

Mr. Nari, the man she hoped would fill the void of a caring father figure, had shattered her dreams. As a young teenager, Fayoke harbored aspirations of obtaining an education and becoming a lawyer. She desired to provide her mother with the life she deserved, free from the shadows of her abusive stepfather. However, the onslaught of puberty soon devastated her plans.

By the age of fourteen, Fayoke's budding physique attracted the attention of numerous suitors. Her burgeoning breasts demanded a bra to tether them, while her hips gracefully accentuated her lower body. She radiated an undeniable allure, attracting the attention of countless admirers. Naive and inexperienced, Fayoke failed to perceive her stepfather's inappropriate advances. Having been raised alongside him since the age of four, she considered him a father figure, albeit an imperfect one. Unbeknown to her, her stepfather secretly lusted after her, patiently awaiting an opportunity to fulfill his evil desires.

One fateful evening, Mrs. Irewa left to cater a wedding ceremony, given her profession as a caterer. Naïvely believing that her absence would preclude any harmful possibilities, Fayoke intended to take a bath. Clad only in a towel, she crossed paths with her stepfather, who knocked at the door. Oblivious to the impending danger, she informed him of her mother's absence and his imminent meal.

Unable to resist his sinister desires any longer, Mr. Nari seized Fayoke's hand and attempted to explore her body. Stunned but determined, she protested his advances. Recognizing the futile resistance, Mr. Nari overpowered her, and in the sanctity of the living room, he ruthlessly violated her. In that moment, the man she regarded as her father for over a decade forcibly stripped her of her innocence. While he reveled in a twisted pleasure, Fayoke suffered the agonizing torment of watching the person she trusted violate her in unimaginable ways.

The horrifying secret became a recurring nightmare. Mr. Nari exploited every tool of manipulation and intimidation to ensure Fayoke's compliance, ensuring her silence through constant threats. This vicious cycle perpetuated within the confines of her home without Mrs. Irewa ever suspecting the truth. The abuse continued until Fayoke became pregnant, unable to hide her secret any longer.

The air was thick with tension as Mrs Irewa's eyes bore into her daughter's. "Who's responsible for the pregnancy?" she demanded, disappointment etched deeply into her features. The weight of her words hung heavily in the air, suffocating Fayoke as she struggled to find the courage to speak. Finally, her voice trembled as she whispered, "Daddy."

The words were like a knife to Mrs Irewa's heart. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. How could her own husband betray her like this? And her daughter, too? The slap came before she even realized what she was doing, the sound echoing through the room like a gunshot.

Fayoke recoiled, tears streaming down her face. "Not my father," she corrected, her voice shaking with fear. "My stepfather."

Another slap followed, the force of it sending her reeling. "How could you be so stupid?" Mrs Irewa spat, her voice laced with venom. "You want to take my place as the one who was able to give him children? Is this the daughter I've been suffering for?"

Fayoke's eyes blazed with anger. "He raped me," she cried, her voice rising. "Right here in this house. And you were too busy to notice any of it."

Mrs Irewa's hand lashed out again, the sound of it ringing through the room like a death knell. "I'm your mother," she hissed. "And you'll learn to respect me. If not, you'll have to look for another mother."

The night was dark and ominous, as Mrs Irewa took the laws into her own hands. She had been betrayed by the two people she loved the most - her husband and daughter. The anger and hurt inside her boiled over, and she knew what she had to do. With a cold and calculated mind, she poisoned her husband's food.

Mr. Nari returned home that evening, expecting to see his daughter. But she was nowhere to be found. Mrs Irewa lied, telling him that Fayoke was out running an errand for her. Mr. Nari checked the time - it was already 10:30 p.m. He knew it was unlike his wife to let their daughter be out so late, but he had no choice but to believe her.

Little did he know, Mrs Irewa had sent Fayoke away in a fit of rage. She played the role of the loving wife, bringing her husband the poisoned food. He ate it, and soon after, started vomiting blood. The neighbors rushed to help, but it was too late. Mr. Nari had died from direct food poisoning.

But that was just the beginning. The investigation into Mr. Nari's death revealed the truth - he had been murdered. Mrs Irewa was arrested and thrown into prison, her life forever changed.

Haunted by the memories of her abusive stepfather and her complicity in his demise, Fayoke severed ties with her mother, refusing to face her after what she had done. She left, never to return again. It was during this time that she met Gina, a girl who had suffered just like her - both physically and sexually abused and together, they found solace in each other's company.

Gina sustained herself through dancing at clubs, occasionally finding patrons willing to pay handsomely for her company. She proposed introducing Fayoke to the trade, but was met with a sudden revelation: Fayoke's pregnancy. Gina suggested they terminate the pregnancy, arguing that it would hinder their endeavors. Fayoke, resolute in her beliefs, expressed her determination to keep the child and provide a better life for her. She vowed to work tirelessly and do whatever it took to ensure her child's well-being.

Fayoke carried the pregnancy to term, giving birth to a healthy baby girl. Gina, supportive and understanding, assisted with hospital bills and the initial necessities for the newborn, as they shared a modest one-room apartment.

As the child was born, Fayoke's heart sank. She knew deep down that she wouldn't be able to provide for the little one. The weight of responsibility was too heavy for her to bear. So, with a heavy heart, she made the decision to give the child away.

"You're right, Gina. I can't take care of this child. She'll die if she stays with us. I think it'll be better to give her away to someone else," Fayoke suggested, her voice trembling with emotion.

Gina nodded in agreement. "This child doesn't stand a chance of a bright future if we keep her. We are not the type of parents she needs. I know of someone who buys newborn babies and sells them too. Let's sell her. That way, we can be sure that a rich family will adopt her and give her a good life."

Fayoke's heart shattered into a million pieces as she accepted the offer. She sold her baby for a measly sum of #500,000. It was a decision she would regret for the rest of her life.

With the money, they upgraded their living arrangements, allowing them to delve further into their chosen profession of prostitution, aiming to accumulate sufficient funds to leave the country permanently

One day, Fayoke saw an opening in the biggest guest house in town. The pay was quite encouraging, and she knew it was an opportunity she couldn't pass up. She convinced Gina to join her, and that's how they both found themselves working as janitors at Richmond's Guest House.

"I'm sorry, Fay. I didn't mean to bring back the past," Gina apologized, regretting her decision to bring up painful memories.

"It's okay. Thank you for reminding me that I have been a terrible daughter and an even worse mother. Selling my child and becoming a prostitute... it's something that will haunt me for the rest of my life," Fay replied, holding back her tears.

"I'm truly sorry, Fay. I regret bringing up your stepfather and everything that happened. Please forgive me," Gina pleaded sincerely.

"It's fine. I think the rain has stopped. Let's get going. Our clients are waiting for us," Fay declared, mustering her strength to push through the emotional turmoil. She returned to drop her mop stick and bucket before changing into her provocative outfit for the night.

As she stood before the mirror, adjusting her skimpy skirt and sleeveless crop top, Fay couldn't help but think about her daughter. She worried if her child was in good hands, receiving the care she deserved. She hoped that one day, she would have the opportunity to see her daughter again, to apologize for her actions and to make up for the terrible mistake she had made. It had been four years since she sold her daughter, but the memories haunted her, a constant reminder of the irreversible choices she had made.

Taking a deep breath, Fayoke prepared herself for another night of work, hoping that somehow, someday, she could find redemption and a chance to rebuild her shattered life.