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Author:Slicky T


Tania gets cheated on by Greg with Greg's so called 'cousin' which was Tania's classmate and friend. Tania found out when they were drunk and she confronted them then she got pranked and then the gorgeous cheerleader became no more she was not loved anymore and people laughed at her she was the school's laughing stock but someone saved her and loved her but their love is not strong so it went through a lot due to Greg and his girlfriend
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  I woke up to a great morning, my life is not perfect but it's worth living for. I got a goodmorning message from Greg such a sweetheart and he is very thoughtful. I love him but I'm not I love with him, he's a great guy but not one you can marry, He's not husband material. He's a great boyfriend tho. As a cheerleader I need to have good marks at school so I will be able to participate. Today it's practice day, we only practice for two days cause we are writing exams. My cheerleading team is very sassy they like being in control. I'm the gorgeous and I get that a lot. Most of the cheerleaders envy me... I wouldn't say jealousy cause that's mean and it would .ran I'm just like them, mean and sassy. When I get downstairs for breakfast my mom is humming, "oh sweetheart you're awake sit down breakfast is ready, I made you your favourite , salad" "Mom how many times should I tell you? I don't like salads I never get full." I say pouting, "Well if you still want to keep that sexy body of yours...I suggest you start liking them especially if they have veggies" She says kissing my forehead "You should take care of your body so you will find a good man like your father, oh we were so I love since high school days, he was the perfect jock and I was the gorgeous cheerleader just like you and Greg. You should keep him, you should also be healthy and beautiful for cheerleading.... Are you gaining weight?" She says while inspecting me, I love her but she can be annoying sometimes. "Oh mother cheerleading is not about being thin, it's about flexibility" I say . "True but nowadays people don't believe that" " You're right but I gotta go." "By don't be late for your practice, love you!

  I see Stacey my best friend in the school corridors.. Stacey,"Hey girl, where you been?" "My mom was busy lecturing me at home"

  "I feel your pain my mom was also trying that but I cut her off"

  "So where are you going?"

  Stacey, "Math class, you?"


  "Oh so you going to that Kaitlyn girl, she's very strange you should be careful of her"

  "Oh please Stace she's Greg's cousin what harm can she be?"

  "Just be careful around her I don't trust her she gives me goosebumps and her smile is so obviously fake"

  "Bye now"

  "Bye" She says while we hug

  When I get to class Kaitlyn waves at me with the biggest smile and I must say Stacey is right her smile is to fakey, I mean who smiles that way?

  "Heyy Kaity" I say while sitting down, we so next to each other

  "My name's Kaitlyn not Kaity" she says rolling her eyes

  "Oh sorry Kaitlyn" I say smilling then I gently pushed her shoulder and she mumbled, "some people don't know boundaries"

  "Hey I said I'm sorry what's the big deal?"

  "You are"

  "What do you mean I'm the big deal?"

  "Just the fact that you are the big deal, you are the one who always gets the attention and everything else, and us? Nothing we get nothing"

  "Okay listen up I don't know what's your deal but get over it"

  "How can I when you have the most perfect life and me? I get treated like sh*t because of you!"

  "Okay sorry then"

  "No need miss perfect"

  "Okay now I've had it with you , you are not the only one who has problems everyone does"

  "Oh I'm sure yours are whether about your hair is perfect enough or you look good for school"

  "Thats not fair"

  "Life is unfair sweetie you just have to deal with it" she saysthen when I'm about to talk the teacher walks in

  "We'll talk about this later" I say whispering

  "No need" she replies, this girl's got some nerves.....

  Lunch time I meat with my besties "Heyy girls" I say then Ashley my other best friend says... "Heyy T you are so scarce"

  "What can I say the exams got us busy" I reply

  "Yeah true that" Ashley replys and also says .. "Where you been?"

  "Somewhere" I say blushing " she probably went to Greg by the way she's blushing" Ashley says

  "Oh please Ash whats wrong when I go see my boyfriend?"

  "Mhm nothing besides the fact that you deserted us" Stacey replies

  "Sorry guys, but at history class something strange happened" I say

  And Stace replys with "what?"

  "Kaitlyn told me I am miss perfect and I ruin people's lives coz mine is so perfect"

  "I told you that girl is troublesome, what did you say to her?" Stacey asks then I told them the whole story

  "What a b*tch" Ashley says

  "Yeah" Stacey says

  "Well... Are guys coming at Greg's party?" I ask

  "Of course we are" they both reply

  "Great" I say...

  Let me fully introduce myself.. My name is Tania Johnson I live with my mom and dad but my dad is hardly home he always goes on business trips and that annoys my mom a lot. I also have a younger brother which dad got from those business trips which is why my parents are now constantly fighting coz my mom is against my dad's so called 'business trips' he probably already has 3 kids from those business trips. My brother lives with his mom in another city, he's twelve years old and his name is Andre he is also a very silly boy.

  I have two friends my best of friends: Stacey Baker and Ashley Anderson. Stacey is very smart and not very stylist and Ashley is a stylist she wants to be a fashion designer, she has a very slippery tongue

likes to cuss

but she is also very loving. Stacey hates liars and hypocrites and she is a quiet and shy girl while else Ashley is not. I love them both very dearly.

  My boyfriend's name is Greg he is very arrogant but he's also loving and caring to me though I've never seen him kind to someone, even his cousin Kaitlyn. Which is very strange but what can I say Greg is Greg no one knows what he thinks in that handsome skull of his.