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Author:Patrick Divine


Synopsis "The Tra Grade S” is a book depicting a story of the experience of a young boy, named Divine, born into a family of twelve (12), as the eleventh born, endowed with supernatural ability. He can connect events to events and link words to words, fetching out the encrypted thoughts to reveal deep secrets, painting the bigger picture of knowledge hidden from the ordinary eyes. This book will not speak much about Divine as a person, but his encounter in the form of revelation to enlighten those who seeks the knowledge of the very truth of what is happening in our world today. For the purpose of clarification, TRA is simply used as the short form of TRANSFORMER in this book, but it translate to mean to liberate, as connected to a Sanskrit word trayate. Divine, the unusual child with a rare gift called Knowledge Experiencing Life’s Light (KELL), which envelops his thought, such that right in his heart the knowledge reached impenetrable storage and cocooned. His experience became his form of education against the invisible thought impressing knowledge. Nevertheless, he was ordained to expose the drive of every system with a define code, which has a beginning and end, when knowledge does not end; they put a limit to knowledge by limiting people to think what they want them to think in their defined limit. An arrow released, as current impulse defining the form of impression into the heart of the heart (ear) as thought. The void was a dark space, where a forming thought became the impulsive signal (A – Z) known as International Standard. However, that thought formed to reveal light, originally not evil, but darkness, unobserved, has also born monsters against the stars. When Divine was about a year old, he was attacked by a force that made him convulsed and was left lifeless, as his parent tried everything possible to resuscitate him back to life, but all attempt failed. In an attempt to resuscitate him, flogging him became the last option, all with the aim to make him respond, but there was no response. However, Divine had journeyed far to the past. After much effort, by his parent, with his mother weeping uncontrollably, somehow, Divine sneezed, and came back alive, staring at everyone present, as they were all like transparent to him, as he can see into the soul of everyone standing, lost in thoughts, as emptiness brew....
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  For the purpose of clarification, TRA is a short form for TRANSFORMER in this book, but it translate to mean to liberate, as connected to a Sanskrit word trayate.

  Divine, the unusual child with a rare and unique gift called Knowledge Experiencing Life’s Light


, which envelops his thought, such that right in his heart the knowledge reached impenetrable storage and cocooned. His experience became his form of education against the invisible thought impressing knowledge. Nevertheless, he was ordained to expose the drive of every system with a define code, which has a beginning and end, when knowledge does not end; they put a limit to knowledge by limiting people to think what they want them to think in their defined limit.

  An arrow released, as current impulse defining the form of impression into the heart of the heart


as thought. The void was a dark space, where a forming thought became the impulsive signal

A – Z

known as International Standard. However, that thought formed to reveal light, originally not evil, but darkness, unobserved, has also born monsters against the stars.

  When Divine was about a year old, he was attacked by a force that made him convulsed and was left lifeless, as his parent tried everything possible to resuscitate him back to life, but all attempt failed. In an attempt to resuscitate him, flogging him became the last option, all with the aim to make him respond, but there was no response. However, Divine had journeyed far to the past. After much effort, by his parent, with his mother weeping uncontrollably, somehow, Divine sneezed, and came back alive, staring at everyone present, as they were all like transparent to him, as he can see into the soul of everyone standing, lost in thoughts, as emptiness brew.

  The experience of what happened to Divine while he was about a year old was told Divine when he was nine years old by his mother, but somehow, he knew everything that had happened in his past, even beyond what his parent knew was his past, he was only journeying back to reaching knowledge.

  One night Divine had a nightmare, and woke up crying! “Why are you crying?” his Mum asked him and he started by narrating his experience…

  All the contents of this book are the narration of Divine’s nightmare experience

  Why, from a pristine source emerge a monster with a corrupted thought?

  Find out the answers to the questions in our hearts in the chapters of this book!

  The flow of this book will start as someone narrating Divine’s experiences and then, switch to Divine communicating as the first person singular “I”.

  “THE TRA GRADE S” is a book full of encrypted deep thoughts from deep stream, revealing the Transformer’s Grand Design. However, THE TRA GRADE S means what the deep stream reveals. Nevertheless, I have deliberately separated the S from the first three letters


of DESIGN, by adding up the first two letter


of it. Nevertheless, the first three letters


of GRAND reveal separately, the secret code of this book as a SIGN of Divine Experience


, of which, the last two letters of GRAND, reveals a position of man as the second in the Divine hierarchy, but do we know who we are?

  ND defines the Nature of Divine, which you can right spell it as Divine Nature, where “OF” becomes the current bond “AND”, invisible in nature


, pointing to the fact that a force is fighting against the Divine Nature of man and that nature is SPIRIT.

  Divine who grew up to later realize the weapon used against him as FEAR, resolved to never allow fear to be his drive. However, this happened when the frequency of the heart of heart


stirs up, he hears voices no one hears, and tries to communicate it, but people tends to see him as weird. He grew up and became an agent of positive change in an apostate system, with his central message “LOVE” and his gospel beyond religious dogmatism “PEACE”.

  In this aspect of the book, I will explain briefly the background and the hidden knowledge of this book in codes. However, it may not go the conventional direction as in the normal configuration of writing a novel. Therefore, you need to sharpen your mind’s eye to see deep and dive into the avant-garde stream of dimension, as the contents in this book will provoke your thought with mind-blowing revelation by inspiration beyond the normal and this will be a sign.

  People do not often believe anything is real, until they see a sign, and this is the major reason why we disconnects from our source. However, this book will show you a sign for good, that those who hate truth may see it and be ashamed, because the knowledge released by inspiration is a sign that the mightiest of all forces has come to dwell with man, teaching men to refuse the evil and choose to do good.

  ….refuse the evil?

  …which evil?

  This was a conversation-taking place in the heart of Divine, it was as if, his mind is a platform, where deliberations of thoughts occurs and each thoughts in one way or the other affects his psychology and orientation toward life.

  Who is Divine?

  Divine is the main character of this book, having an encounter with a supernatural force beyond his control, on the other hand controlled by the one the uncontrolled force, not to be controlled by the system now dragging the world into chaos, with the guise of making the world a better place. Nevertheless, right is being turned left and left turned right and the world seem not to know what is good, as good is now being opposed, while evil promoted as the new age good. It is called the opening of the eyes, with the pilot program of the eye, as Divine is mandated to defile the influences of the program of the eye with the knowledge divine. This is the sign…

  From cradle, the thought line of Divine tends anti-direction of the conventional norm, but he could not just understand why. He desires to live a normal life like every other person, but that was never ever possible for him, as his deep knowledge of things poses threat to every system he finds himself, even when not taught those things that he now knows. However, Divine was dragged into a state of obscurity, as he tries to find out his true identity in the world of great carnality, as something deep down in his heart tells him, “you are not what they says you are, you are I AM”. Divine became self-dependent as he depends on and believe nothing, except that which agrees with his inner convictions, which is the supernatural force dictating his thought and speaking into the heart of his heart. Divine have the ability to hear thoughts clearer than voices, so as results hears people’s thoughts and often time respond to people thought when they are speaking with him, and that makes people scared of him, as they seem not to have a secret before him. Therefore, the inspiration of this book was knowledge gathered from the experiences of Divine accessing deep secrets by revelation insight, especially, secrets relating to what is happening in our world today.

  It began from a distance far from reach


with a ticktack sound, brought to reach


, just with the spoken words, “Let there be!” An ancient clock brought to view, hanging in a dimension beyond the cloud, as in fogged into the cloud like a graphic designer playing around his paint, creating a background with visibly blurred image of a clock, ready to paint his thought. However, the designer has his thought, seen with a dark matter radiating light and dragging nothing in, and out of, came something. There was a collision, as things started forming from the in, dragged in and throwing out something indescribable with radiating lights no carnal eyes have seen. However, in the heart of this young boy, he knows, as he has the very clear memory beyond what was impressed him growing up after his birth, that he exist somewhere not near where he now is, from where he saw the present from time past all the happenings. He could not explain how he saw, even when nothing was the form. Eyes started forming into thoughts, but in an impulsive signal form, looking for a container to rest in, found a secret tree


and poured out the content into the heart. The young boy saw the contents poured in as the power eye


with the nature of the source bonding the reflected eye


, driving the will before there was a form, there is a form and that form is the ultimate thought now known as SPIRIT. Therefore, the form became the nature of the thought, now becoming the body of the SPIRIT with the content of life


and light


, where PI defines the Principal Idea, and RI defines the Recognition of the Idea called knowledge.

  The world runs on knowledge, if you do not have the knowledge, your mind rebrands to function as their program



  What do you know?

  Ticktack…! Tacktick…! All exist but in a void unavoided avowed awakening, a potent reality with appearance, nothing became something as education now ride on the will of an invisible system with an eye on the summit of the pyramid.

  Divine, found himself in the midst of some children, who perceives him as an alien, while he was four years old, his dad who works as an air service man, was on course abroad. However, Divine, was left with his mother and his other siblings. One night, Divine was sleeping; he had a feeling of this figure-as if darkness flowed into the room, straight to him and engulfed him.