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High School Fever

High School Fever



Being a dullard, Eun Kyung has totally lost all hope of becoming a bright high School student. Her life gets more complicated as her and her mother try to fit her to a school Eun Kyung had enough and attempts suicide but is stopped by a guy who tells her it's not over until it's over, Eun Kyung goes back home and her mom breaks a news of a scholarship. Eun Kyung starts school and bumps into Seo Yun who saved her from commiting suicide, he pushes her away and she's stunted. Later she figures out that the Seo's are actually brother with nearly identical figures, she meets with Seo Jun who really saved her life but Seo Yun makes her life a living hell, she's been mocked and addressed as a dullard..... Seo Jun is actually a perfect in school and has little time to talk. Eun Kyung regrets coming to high school as Seo Yun has already made her a laughing stuck, how would she cope in a world like that......
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"Come in Eun Kyung" said Tae Hyun" the principal of Seoul global high school. Eun Kyung opened the door slowly and walked in, "Take a seat" he offered. "No Sir, my Mom's on the way" replied Eun Kyung, "Seat Eun Kyung, your mom isn't going to be a solution to your problem, stop using her as an excuse to cover your shortcomings" Now he pulled out a file and dropped it on his table. "I'm waiting for your mom".

The door opened and Jo Eun Hee walked in, "Good to see you Mrs Eun Hee, please have a seat" he offered. "Are you okay Eun Kyung?" She asked "Yes Mom, I would love to wait outside please" said Eun Kyung and she walked outside closing the door behind her.

Eun Hee sat down slowly and Tae Hyun handed the file to her. Eun Hee slowly opened it, "She failed again, Eun Hee your daughter doesn't want to help herself, that's just it and you're a single mother , I know it's not easy but Eun Kyung can never be something in this life, I think you should open a grocery store and let her work there, she could raise an income for you and...." "That's enough!" Interrupted Eun Hee, "You don't have the right to write my daughter off, Eun Kyung will make me proud one day, too bad your school will lose someone like her" she said and he scoffed. "Proud?, Call me when that happens" he said, "Oh I will" replied Eun Hee and she angrily stood up to leave

"Em... Please ask Eun Kyung to submit her ID card before leaving I don't have the energy to come over asking for it" he said.

Eun Hee opened the door and banged it angrily, she turned and saw Eun Kyung stretch her hand towards her, "The ID" she said quietly. Eun Hee looked at her and slowly took it from her, "I will be waiting outside the school" said Eun Kyung and she slowly walked away.

Eun Kyung walked sluggish when a hand grabbed her shoulder, "Oh Eun Kyung were you really withdrawn from the school because you failed?" Asked a girl. Eun Kyung ignored her and continued walking when another girl stood in front of her, "Hey Eun Kyung aren't we talking to you? Is this the twentieth school you've been withdrawn from?" Asked the girl and others laughed heavily, "Hey Eun Kyung, will you begin to sell in the market?" Asked another and they laughed loudly. Another tried grabbing Eun Kyung but she pushed the girl to the ground, "That's enough already!!!" She yelled. " Hey are you yelling at us fool, don't do that again else I'll beat you" said the second girl. "Huh what exactly can you do to me?" Asked Eun Kyung, the girl angrily slapped Eun Kyung across her face and another pushed her to the ground.

Eun Hee walked quietly when she saw a commotion which Eun Kyung was being pushed to the ground. "Eun Kyung!!" She yelled and rushed to her daughter, "Leave now all of you" she said to the girls, "Hey woman teach your daughter some manners, she shouldn't talk to us anyhow, we're not on the same level" With that the three girls walked away.

"Eun Kyung get up please" said Eun Hee as she helped her up, "Are you okay?" She asked. Eun Kyung stood up and adjusted her skirt, "I'm fine Mom, let's go home".

Both of them arrived to their house and Eun Kyung walked straight to her room, she locked the door once she got in and slowly sat on her bed.

"Eun Kyung please open up, you can always talk to me" said Eun Hee. The door opened and Eun Hee walked in, "Are you okay?" She asked and Eun Kyung nodded, "I'm alright Mom" she replied.

Eun Hee slowly sat down beside her on the bed, "It's not your fault honey...." "It is mom, I'm not good enough, I'm just nothing" now she smiled painfully as tears filled her eyes, "But within me, I really wish I could be more", "And you are honey, you're more than what you think and I know that completely". Eun Kyung now looked at her Mom, "Are you sure?" She asked, "More than sure" replied Eun Hee. Eun Kyung slowly rests her head on her mother's shoulder, "I love you my baby, just the way you are". Tears now flowed freely from Eun Kyung's eyes as she wept so much. "Let it out honey, it's okay to let it out" said Eun Hee consoling her daughter.

The next morning, Eun Hee woke Eun Kyung with an appetizing breakfast, "Get up and eat honey, I don't want you getting hungry today" she said. "Mom I'm fine, I won't get hungry" Said Eun Kyung and she laid back on the bed.

"Eun Kyung, I'm going to see your uncle here in Seoul, I want him to help us in getting you a scholarship" At this point Eun Kung sat up. "Mom stop!!, Not again, you want to raise your hopes up and have it crashed down again?, I'm not ready to be depressed and I don't want you getting hurt when this doesn't happen" she said. "Eun kyung, all hope is not lost, not yet, you have to be strong and remember I've got you In everything, this is also one of the ways we could get you to a good school" said Eun Hee. "I'm not interested Mom!" Said Eun Kyung, "I just want you to trust me" said Eun Hee.

Eun Hee left the house that day and Eun Kyung stayed at home worried, she was tired of being rejected it just didn't make any sense, She turned on the TV and watched it, she needed to pass time, After a while, she went out to get some groceries.

"Eun Kyung!!!" A voice yelled and she turned sharply to whoever it was ....... One of the persons who could ever talk to her.

"Eun Kyung why do you walk so fast?" She asked after reaching her. "What is it.....?" . "It's your Mom, I heard she went to Seoul global high School and was insulted by Tae Hyun, she wanted to beg on your behalf, she wanted them to give you another chance but Tae Hyun won't agree to it, people who saw it said it was so embarrassing" she said.

Eun Kyung became furious and angrily walked back home, on her way she heard some chatting from people along, they said all sorts of stupid things about her, ' she was the bad seed of her mother's life, she wants to drain the blood from her Mom '.

Getting home, Eun Kyung threw the groceries on the ground and scattered everywhere and everything, she screamed loudly as she wept loudly.

The door opened and Eun Hee rushed inside, she looked at everywhere which was in a mess and now looked at Eun Kyung, "What's the meaning of this?, Why are you turning this place to a trash dump?" Asked Eun Hee. Eun Kyung angrily walked to her mother and faced her as their faces were so close. "Are you that desperate?, Must you ruined our image just for your selfish motives, lots of people have looked down on us and said so many horrible things about us even Tae Hyun, why would you still stoop so low to beg him, how could you mother!!!" She yelled loudly. Eun Hee angrily slapped Eun Kyung across her face, "Everything I do, I do for you" now tears filled her eyes, "All I've ever asked of is for you to be grateful, be grateful Eun Kyung that's all I want"!" She yelled as tears now flowed from her eyes.

Eun Kyung began weeping now, "I've been grateful Mom but things don't want to get okay for us, let's just quit, I quit!" Wept Eun Kyung and she turned to leave but Eun Hee grabbed her. "You can never quit this fight, we will do this till the very end, do you understand!!?" Eun Kyung chuckled, "I'm sorry mom but you're all alone cause I quit this life" Eun Hee slapped Eun Kyung again, "Just listen to me, you can't quit when we're this close!!" ." Let me go!!" Wept Eun Kyung and she pulled from her mother's grip and ran out of the house.

Eun Kyung stopped after running for miles, she didn't even know where she was anymore,

She sat down quietly as she thought, life wasn't going her way, everything was crazy, even her Mom was acting weird, there was no way she would let people keep saying horrible things about her. She walked down the road until she reached a bridge which linked to the Han River.

She stood for a while and thought, what was she actually thinking about?, Only one word came to her mind. ' She was done with life' .

Eun Kyung slowly climbed the bridge, She stretched her hands side ways as the wind blew her hair and clothing, "I'm sorry Mom" She muttered as she closed her eyes and a tear dropped from it.

"You really think that's the best solution to whatever your problem is?" A voice asked and Eun Kyung flipped her eyes open, she turned her head and saw a guy facing the river as he rested his hand on the concrete.

Eun Kyung looked away and faced the river, "Just mind your business" she said and now the guy looked at her, "Everyone has a problem or another but how we react to it makes us strong or weak. You now are exhibiting weakness because you can't face your fears. I'll give you an advice, come down from the bridge and go back home, your Mom don't know you said sorry" he said and Eun Kyung faced him again, he was just too cute and handsome to behold, she muttered 'Sorry' how did he possible hear it?, She looked away again, "Please go away, you're distracting me" she said and he chuckled.

"What's your name?" He asked and Eun Kyung looked at him, "What for?" She asked

"What is your name?" He asked again and Eun looked at him for a while. "Eun Kyung" she said.

The guy slowly walked close to where she stood. "Eun Kyung, give me your hand now, let me stop you from making this mistake" he said.

"Go away, you cannot stop me, and why should I even listen to you?" She asked. "Because it's not over until it's over" he said and she looked at him, he already stretched his hand towards her. "Come Eun Kyung" he said quietly and Eun Kyung could sense sincerity and care within him.

Slowly she took his hand and he held it tightly, "Come down slowly and don't take yours eyes away from mine" he said.

Eun Kyung slowly began to climb down but looked downwards. She fearfully missed a step but the guy pulled her towards himself and she fell on him while he fell on the ground heavily.

Eun Kyung quickly moved from the guy as he sat up and sighed. "How do you feel?" He asked with a smile on his face but Eun Kyung avoided his look and she stood up.

"I have to go" she said and began to leave as the guy hurriedly stood up.

"Where are you going Eun Kyung?" He asked and she stopped, "Just forget I told you my name okay and I'm going home, don't follow me, not like any of my problems will get solved" she said and walked away.

Eun Kyung reached her house but hesitated a bit before she knocked on the door.

The door opened and Eun Hee's eyed widened, "Oh my God Eun Kyung" she said and hugged her tightly as she broke down in tears. Eun Kyung looked ahead and saw a man slowly stand and walked to them. Eun Hee pulled from her daughter and looked at the man, "Eun Kyung, this is Him Chan, your father's brother and he has good news for you" she said with a smile on her face. Eun Kyung looked at the man who walked forward with a smile on his face, "Congratulations Eun Kyung, you've been offered a scholarship at Hana.......

Eun Kyung moved backwards a little, " Mom, what's happening?" She asked "It's true Eun Kyung, you really gotten a scholarship" .

Him Chan then handled a file to her, "Congratulations again Eun Kyung". Eun Kyung took the file confused. "How is this possible? She asked, "it's possible honey and it's happening" said Eun Hee