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The Evil King's 'Ugly' Wife

The Evil King's 'Ugly' Wife



  Before he died, he found out that his gentle husband, his cute sister, and his loving parents were all lies. However, after being a ghost for fifty years and learning all the underhanded methods, he opened his eyes and turned back to sixteen! The stepmother was sinister, the father was hypocritical, the younger sister was hypocritical, and the bamboo stallion harbored evil intentions? Pull them all out and cut them into pieces! What? You said that even fatties have spring? No, she just wanted to quietly make a sesame seed ball with baby fat. Feng Jiu Li: "Tang Xiao Qing, come over here!" Let's talk about life. This King did not feed you to give you the strength to lose weight!
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the bridal chamber with her?


In the early winter, the north wind howled mournfully as it stirred up the dilapidated window paper, causing it to splatter loudly.

A cold wind blew into the room through the hole in the window, causing the already cold room to grow even colder.

Under the window was a wooden bed. The person curled up on the bed held tightly onto the tattered, blackened quilt. The huge body that was barely covered up trembled, was fat and ugly.

The one who was lying on the ground was called Tang Qing, the wife of the Dazhi's hussar general, Li Fei Yun. He was the first wife of the current prime minister and held an illustrious identity.

At this moment, she was not asleep. Instead, her eyes were wide open as she stared at the door that had been locked for over eight months.

It had only been eight months since she had been framed, but she felt as if a lifetime had passed.

She had been inexplicably caught in bed, then beaten and imprisoned. She had watched her younger brother being killed by her husband and sister, from vomiting blood in pain to becoming angry and killing herself. It had only taken her a month to realize that her entire life had been a scam.

Then she lay still and waited, staring at the door day after day.

At least, she thought, she would save some strength, and when those beasts came to kill her, they would at least pounce on her and tear off a piece of flesh.

The park was still in the middle of the night.

A sound came from the door. The door that had been silent for eight months actually made a sound!

Her eyes suddenly moved as she stared at the door that was being pushed open. She licked her parched lips.

"Creak ~ ~ ~"

The door was pushed open and a beautiful foot stepped in. It was an embroidered skirt, a noble and warm fox fur cloak, and then a gentle and beautiful face.

Tang Qian Yu, the number one beauty of the Dazhi, her sister. Even though her smile was filled with malice, she was still elegant and beautiful to the point of making people shocked.

Tang Qing's eyes instantly reddened, as if she saw that day when Tang Qian Yu casually said "hit", and her younger brother Tang Su was beaten into meat paste.

Tang Qing wanted to immediately rush forward to pinch her throat, but she endured it. She knew that now was not the time.

"I want to see Li Fei Yun." Tang Qing said softly, her nails digging into her flesh, the warm smell of blood making her feel as though she had increased her strength by 20%.

"Ha!" Tang Qian Yu seemed to have heard some kind of joke, "Tang Qing, it's been so long, you still haven't seen the truth, right? Mother and Father would never like a fat ugly and stupid pig like you, much less the Elder Brother Li. If it wasn't for that thing in your mother's family, who would treat you well? "Ha, you are so stupid!"

Tang Qing raised her scarlet eyes, and her hoarse and mournful voice sounded like a ferocious ghost, "I want to see Li Fei Yun!"

Tang Qian Yu frowned, and laughed mockingly: "You want to know everything because of what? Hehe, it's just for a boring thing, why don't I tell you something else that's extremely interesting. Do you know where Elder Brother Li was on the night of your wedding? "

Tang Qing suddenly raised her head, her face turning white.

"Elder Brother Li, he …." Tang Qian Yu moved closer to her ear, her voice carried a carefree and crazed tone: "That night, Elder Brother Li pressed down on my body, he was really brave."

Tang Qing's body trembled, her lips instantly lost all color.

If Li Fei Yun wasn't there that night, then who was the one who married her?

"You! "Nonsense!" She gasped, barely able to breathe.

When Tang Qian Yu saw what she wanted to see, she was instantly overjoyed. "Hehe, the beggars that I choose every month all have robust bodies, just to satisfy big sister!"

Tang Qing's mind buzzed, and her voice became even more chaotic and indistinct.

She thought of the endless darkness of the bridal chamber that night, and she thought of the round chamber that she had to endure every month, trembling with fear, and she felt a wave of shame and disgust wash over her.

So, this was the truth behind the so—called adultery. Turns out, that man, from start to finish, was not Li Fei Yun!

"Ugh!" "Ouch ~ ~ ~"

She wanted to spit out all the shame and dirt, but she also wanted to skin herself alive. However, she was in so much pain that her face was full of tears and despair, but other than constantly vomiting blood, she could not get rid of all the dirt.

She had been soiled to the point that she didn't even have the courage to live anymore!

Tang Qian Yu was pleased to see her miserable state. Her wild and sharp laughter was filled with pride, and every word she said made her want to die even more.

"Hahaha, to think that you would always have a shy face. Do you know that when I saw your neck covered with scratches, and you still looking shyly at Elder Brother Li, I was laughing so hard?"

"If you don't look at yourself in the mirror and see how ugly you look, pigs are better looking than you. Even if you're a beggar, I'm afraid only the dark people would dare to talk to you!" Elder Brother Li is clever enough to think of such a good method! "

She pulled at her hair and lifted half her body, then slapped her face.

"You, who are even uglier than pigs, dare to think about my things? Heh, I'm not afraid to tell you, I don't like Li Fei Yun at all, but who told you to want him?

Oh, right, there's also your brother Tang Su, and he's even more stupid. Obviously, the two of you have been instigated by us since you were young, and after I purposely let him hear what I said to Elder Brother Li, he actually risked his life to tell you the truth.

So it was like that. So it was all her fault. She was the one who implicated her little brother!

They had lied to her. They didn't love her at all, yet they made her work so hard for more than twenty years for this lie! When she lowered herself to the dust for love, they only looked at her coldly and mocked her stupidity!

Thinking about Tang Su's blood—stained smile, she couldn't help but cry out loud.

"Tang Qian Yu, you will all die a horrible death! Give Xiao Su back to me! Return it to me! "

She was in so much pain that she wanted to rush over and fight with Tang Qian Yu. However, the woman who was holding her back sneered and twisted her arm, then threw her onto the ground as if she was throwing a rag.

She wiggled her body to get up, but in the next moment, as if frozen, she stared at the door, as if she had turned into a stone.

The people standing at the door were still as spirited and handsome as before. However, after removing her gentle disguise, there was only disgust and killing intent in her eyes.

Tang Qing's head was buzzing right now, everything in front of her was turning black. She forced herself to stare at him, watching this adulterous couple walk up to kiss me.

"Yu Er, be careful she might go crazy and hurt you." Li Fei Yun said warmly. That word "she" was uttered extremely lightly, as if the slightest bit of effort was enough to make him feel uncomfortable and nauseous.

Tang Qing raised her head, she felt her entire body turning cold, and only her eyes burned.

She had married him for a full ten years. For his sake, she could endure the ridicule and scheming of others. But he, had always been deceiving her!

"Fierce!" Fly! Yun! " Tang Qing used all her strength to call out this name that she had loved for more than ten years. She slowly stood up and walked towards Tang Qian Yu, step by step.

It was the first time she raised her chest and looked at him like this instead of acting so lowly like a bug. You, you! Tang Qian Yu, Tang Tian De, Feng Qiu, you are all beasts! "An animal worse than pigs and dogs!"

She let out a roar and pounced forward with tears and blood flowing. She really wanted to tear this hypocritical man in front of her into pieces.

Li Fei Yun suddenly frowned as she approached him. Then, he mercilessly raised his leg and kicked her abdomen.

Looking at the smashed Tang Qing, Tang Qian Yu laughed out loud. She hugged Li Fei Yun's arm and giggled: "Elder Brother Li is so powerful!"

Li Fei Yun reached out to stroke Tang Qian Yu's head, and said in a low voice: "You should be careful, your stomach is more important than anything right now."

Tang Qian Yu laughed: "Alright, but I want to see Elder Brother Li take care of her himself."

Li Fei Yun smiled lovingly: "I'll listen to you."

Tang Qing's body twitched and she could not raise her head, she could only roll her eyes and stare at them.

Tang Qian Yu smiled at her, then with seductive eyes, she reached her hand into Li Fei Yun's clothes!

However, Tang Qing didn't care since long ago, she only gritted her teeth and endured the pain as she gathered her power. The moment Li Fei Yun walked over, she howled and rushed forward, biting on Li Fei Yun's leg, and tore off a large chunk of flesh!

"Haha!" Li Fei Yun! Tang Qian Yu! I, Tang Qing, swear a blood oath here today that I will turn into a ghost when I die! I'll skin you alive! For days and nights, there will be no end! "

She opened her bloody mouth and laughed like a madman.

Li Fei Yun and Tang Qian Yu felt chills down their spines when they saw her ferocious look.

After a moment of dead silence, Li Fei Yun's face revealed a look of anger, he suddenly raised his leg, and with a bang, kicked towards Tang Qing's lower abdomen. It was obvious that he did not want to wait any longer, he was prepared to kill her right now!

"Haha!" Li Fei Yun! Are you scared? Are you actually afraid? " Tang Qing fell hard onto the corner of the wall, but as if he didn't feel any pain, he started laughing with tears flowing down his face.

Tang Qian Yu frowned and said angrily: "Bitch! You want to be a ghost? I have already called the Madonna over, we will slice your flesh and seal your altar so that you will never be able to reincarnate! "

As she said that, she indicated for Li Fei Yun to kick Tang Qing. Then, she raised her leg to kick Tang Qing's stomach, the sharp tip ruthlessly digging into her stomach, instantly causing Tang Qing's blood to flow like a river.

After a burst of tearing pain, Tang Qing felt something slide out from her body and fall onto her bloodied dress.

Stunned, she subconsciously lifted her hand to pull away her skirt. She saw a blood—colored infant with umbilical cord attached to it, lying between her legs while twitching its body.

His small body was twitching, his face was ashen, and there was a terrifying depression in his head!


The screams of Tang Qian Yu and the servant rose and fell, pricking their ears to the point that it hurt. Tang Qing held onto the life form that was related to her in a daze, being both cautious and at a loss at the same time.

Was she pregnant? She was pregnant! She, she was too fat to know anything.

Tang Qian Yu suddenly screamed, "Monster! Evil child! You all deserve to die! " She kicked the child to the ground.

"Tang Qing you slut, don't even think about letting your little bastard live!"

Tang Qian Yu turned and pulled out the sword at Li Fei Yun's waist, and instantly slashed down.

Tang Qing screamed in fear and instinctively rushed forward and protected the child in her arms.


The sharp blade slashed across her neck, causing blood to spray out, but Tang Qing did not dare let go. She could only hug her cold little body tightly, crying like a desperate child.

No, she had nothing left …

In a trance, she heard Li Fei Yun say, "Alright, didn't you say that you wanted to take her for an act? Madonna is right outside, don't move, I'll be fine! "

Tang Qian Yu laughed out loud. Tang Qing felt someone frantically ripping her arm apart and snatching the cold little body in her embrace, and when the umbilical cord was ripped apart, her body that was already in pain suddenly trembled. A large amount of blood flowed down her leg, and spread to the ground under Li Fei Yun's feet.

She widened her eyes as she watched the child get further and further away from her. She stretched out her hand with a trembling hand and finally dropped it with a 'pa da' sound …