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The Billionaire's Choice

The Billionaire's Choice

Author:Gios Sapiens


Dave Philips the only son of Mr/Mrs Philips...Dave Philips a young billionaire CEO, He grew up as a loner being controlled by his Parents.. His parents would tell him what to eat, drink and also the clothes to put on..Mr/Mrs Philips were always busy with work and had no time for their son making him grow in the hands of maids through their supervision.. Dave Philips had no choice but adhere to his parents instructions although he was fed up of his parents always dictating his life..Dave who later took over his Dad company was not confident in himself but he later became confident and a breakthrough to the company by bagging deal,his father didn't acknowledge his good work.. His parent pressured on getting married to Bella which will seal an everlasting deal with her father as he wanted to invest in the company.. Dave wasn't in support of plan and he decided on a contract marriage with Sara who was his personal assistant,making his parents stop their plans on him getting married to Bella.. Maria who was Dave secretary also had feelings for him and she became angry and jealous when she seeing Sara getting close to Dave Bella who was a drug addict,ran over Sara's sister but luckily she survived and Dave promised Sara to do everything possible to bring Bella to bar..After finding out she was a drug addict,Dave brought Bella to bar and she was charged three years imprisonmeny due to her father's connection..Bella vouged for a revenge when she was out ..Sara and Dave loved each other dearly and got married ,after some years sickness struck and Sara was terminally ill Will Mr/Mrs Philips accept Sara after finding out the truth about Bella being a drug addict? Will Bella fulfil her revenge or will it bounce back? Will Sara survive from the illness?
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Dave Philips a young billionaire CEO,the only child of Mr/Mrs Philips..He grew up as a loner being controlled by his Parents.. His parents would tell him what to eat, drink and also the clothes to put on..Mr/Mrs Philips were always busy with work and had no time for their son making him grow in the hands of maids through their supervision..

Dave Philips had no choice but to adhere to his parents instructions although he was fed up of his parents always dictating his life..

"You will have to continue the company as you have come of age,you are no longer a child."Mr Phillips said as he picked up his glass of water..

"Dad I'm not experienced,i don't know anything about the company how do you expect me to run it."Dave said,he was already confused and he didn't know where to start from as he had no experience..

"My son, your Dad and I will be going for a business trip which may last for a year and we want you to continue from where we stopped...i believe in you and I know you will make us proud."Mrs Philips said as she filed her nails..

"My assistant will put you through and you must pay attention to every detail of what you will be thought.. Am I understood."Mr Philips commanded..

"Ye..Yes sir."Dave stuttered..

"Will you speak like a Man..If anything happens to my company in my absence, you won't like what I will do to you. "Mr Philips shouted

"Talk to your son."Mr Philip said pointing at his wife

Mr Philips stood up feeling disgusted by Dave's reply and headed to his room.. Dave had always been scared of his dad, due to how his dad treated him and he questioned himself if he was actually his father..Mrs Philips on the other hand, is a skincare addict as she is always concerned about her skin..she pushes her motherly duty to her maid..

"You have heard what your Dad said..Do your possible best to make us proud."Mrs Philips said she patted her son's back as she left the sitting room..

Dave was wished in was raised in another family.. He prayed to have a normal life where his life won't be dictated by his own parents..He couldn't share his pain because no one was there to listen but he kept it to himself and became a loner..He hardly talks and always keeps a strict face..

The next morning,Dave couldn't sleep the whole night as he wondered how he was going to run his father's company..He also wondered how he would associate with people as he was always restricted from having friends as his parents will always tell him that friends are bad influence and he obeyed to their instructions..

Dave encouraged himself and was ready to set out as he stepped out of his room he met his mom...

"Why are you putting on this."Mrs Philips said assessing his dressing from head to toe..

"What is wrong with what I am putting on."Dave asked

"Please go in and change because your outfit doesn't look good..i will get you something to wear."she said

"Not again..,So u can't choose what I want to wear again. "He murmured..

"Are you talking to me."Mrs Philip asked as she wanted to be sure of what she heard..

"No.. Let go. "

"Please don't waste my time because I have to prepare,i dont want to miss my flight."Mrs Philips as she dragged him inside..

She chose an outfit which she left would be better for him and she praised her son telling him he looked good on it.. Dave wasn't comfortable on it as he felt stuffed in it,the tie felt like a choker but he decided to act cool...He stepped out and was driven to the company by his Jude his driver..Jude had been his Dad's driver for a long time as he has worked for them for years..Jude Was the only person Dave was free with and he discuss part of his problems with him..

"Young boss how do you feel today. "Jude asked as he wanted to start a conversation with Dave

"I don't know how I feel as it is my face time to work in my father's company..Am I not too young for all this? "Dave said as he became discouraged..

"My dear you are young for all this put what can I say..You just have to do what they said and make them proud.. I believe you can do this,i trust you. "Jude said assuringly

Dave breathed heavily and wasn't ready for all this drama but he had no choice..Jude said encouraging words to him which lifted his spirit and made him more determined..

"Good morning sir."A staff greeted as he entered the company..

He thought why the people that were way older than him would address him as sir.. Mark his father's assistant welcome him and took him to his office.. Mark ordered for a board meeting where he wanted to introduce Dave to the company..

"Good day everyone..we have a new face in our midst today,let us welcome Dave Philips the only son of Mr/Mrs Philips the CEO of this company. "Mark said pointing towards Dave direction..

Dave started feeling light as his worst nightmare was coming to reality..Dave wondered how he would say a speech in front of all this people..He scanned the room and saw a good number of people..They were patiently waiting for his speech and all their eyes were on him..

"Th..thank you all. "Dave stammered

The cleared his throat,opened a bottle of water and drank from it.. Everyone was surprised by his actions and wondered if he was okay..Dave felt embarrassed and decided to summon his courage to say something..

"Mark has said it all.. I'll be looking forward to your cooperation and we all working as a team."Dave said as he bowed his head as though the words were written on the floor..

Mark noticed what was happening and distracted the mood with a clap and the meeting was dismissed..Dave breathed as his heart pounded heavily...