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Lost You Years Back

Lost You Years Back



Vivian coney got married with her high school sweetheart Alan Simps but due to the financial problem. Vivian get divorce from her husband but when she found out that she was pregnant after the divorce . She moved with her sister June in London where she got a job and three years later, when she fired from her job and got the news of her mother passing. She moved back to California with her three years daughter Lilly. " Will the fate cross again there path ? will Alan gave Vivian a second chance?
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I head into the restroom to check out my face.

In the full-length mirror, the woman I see is well put together. She’s stylish with alert eyes and a brain that feels rested. I’ve pulled back my shoulder length hair to show my pearl earrings. However combined with the chic black suit, a blue striped shirt and pumps, I look more like a boss today.

Maybe the suit was overkill, but I wanted to make proud my daughter lily and gave my good first the impression that I’m right for this job.

I found myself on the second floor of the North end of the Tenn tech... shaking so hard that my folder, which held my resume, cover letter, two pens, notebook paper and a cheesy motivational quote stuck to the inside cover, nearly fell out of my hands. My job interview was an experience that I will never forget. My anxiety reached the point of exacerbation during the fifteen minutes that I spent in the empty lobby. I had intentionally arrived fifteen minutes earlier than my appointed time and was only accompanied by my own thoughts, which were fraught with worry. Had I arrived too early? Am I at the right place? Had the interviewer told … A lady comes me to me and ask me, " Are you come for interview?

" Yeah I come for interview ." I said with a nervous smile and she said, Okay.

She returned the smile, traversed the lobby, and exited the room. It was at this point that I realized that I had no idea what my interviewer looked like.

When will she be here? Was that her? Could she be pretending to walk by but actually spying on me to make sure that I wasn’t goofing off on my phone or doing something unprofessional?

I spent the ensuing fifteen minutes, which felt like fifteen hours, waging my internal battle with my fears and insecurities until another person entered, called me by name, and escorted me to a office and it was the most beautiful office glass walls and a wooden panel in between each glass wall .

" Good Morning "

" Good Morning , Please have a seat . " I sat down he fun was about to begin! “Tell me about yourself,” my interviewer, Nolan, said.

The question was somehow a shock to me, and I was sure that my surprise was communicated to her via my facial expressions. I’m not off to a good start, I

clear my throat and pushed my file on the table towards my interviewer .

" I'm Vivian coney and I'm a single mom of three years old and Just an ordinary person with an extraordinary dream. I like long walks along the beach… and by the beach, I mean from my couch to my fridge. " words fly out of my mouth . He look me and lift his brow and I made myself embarrassed .

" I am sorry , Awkward interests me, " I said. He's a good looking guy, no question. All bluster and confidence while I'm whatever the opposite of that is. Apologies and embarrassment. Awkwardness and sorrow. First dead in a Zombie apocalypse .

Suddenly, the door open from behind and a lady wearing a formal suit and She came to Mr, Cory and whisper something in to his ear .

" Excuse me , Miss Alyssa just gave me a moment . " He said and I nods . He got up from the chair and went out of the office with the lady .

I spin around on the swivel chair and look up at the ceiling; lily being lily being Vivian being Vivian. I am suddenly aware of the separation between my-actual-self and myself-as-seen-by-others. Who would win in an arm wrestle? Who is better-looking? Who has the higher IQ?

When I gaze down and looked around , my eyes stopped on him . When I saw his

Ink black hair, dark smoldering eyes with eyelashes so enviably long they cast shadows upon his cheekbones, a dimpled smile and broad shoulders and a height a little over six feet was all that comprised of Logan Jackson. Basically, he looked like he had just stepped out of the cover of GQ magazine and belonged in Milan and not Haven Falls.

He looked the same but completely different all at once. His pretty boyish features had hardened. He was still handsome but in a rougher more masculine way. Gone was the slightly mischievous innocent child. Now there only remained a devilishly handsome young man .

Some small rational part of me realized I was in deep shock. It repeated the fact to me again and again. I did not want to think of what I saw. I did not want to know what had happened here. I did not want to know what any of this meant.

The shock that comes so quickly and strikes so deep that the blow is internalized even before then skin feels it. The strike must first reach bone marrow, then ascend slowly to the brain where the slowpoke intellect records the deed.

I jumped out of the chair in terror and frighten and I can't anything in front of me . The only I know is to get out of there . I left my file there in Rush and when I open the door he was talking on the phone I quickly cover my face with hand bag , so he couldn't recognize me .

He was standing on my way towards the elevator .

" Think , Think something Vivian " I thought in my head.

My gaze stop on the artificial decor trees on the left side at the corner . I slowly moves towards it the artificial decor trees without getting noticed . I duck down behind the trees to hide myself from him

I ran as fast as I could, but the memories were fast too . I stumbled upon them and fell to the ground. The memories got up and stared into me eyes menacingly, they laughed harder and kept their foot on my neck. I choked and fought to breathe. I tried and failed to scream.

" This can't be real ! Alan ! This can't be real . How he could be here . "

3 days ago

I marched into work in an even worse mood than usual for a wet Thursday morning.

Stamp importing wasn't quite what I'd had in mind . when, after a school career of almost total mediocrity spent entirely in the shadow of my misbehaving sibling, I'd landed a proper office job in Brandford - and I hadn't planned to be there for two years either, but it was unde - manding as jobs go- processing stamp orders from overseas.