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The Alpha King's Addiction

The Alpha King's Addiction



SYNOPSIS In the heart of the Night walker pack, two figures stood at the center of an age-old conflict, their destinies entwined by the moon 's guiding hand. The female lead, Luna Keanu, is an enigma wrapped in fragility. She bore the mark of an Omega with grace, her ebony hair cascading in gentle waves down her back, contrasting the purest blue eyes that held the depth of an ocean. She moved with a serene elegance, unaware of the powerful allure she possessed. Luna Keanu's scent, like a rare and intoxicating potion, lingered in the air, captivating the Alpha King. The Alpha King, Phoenix, a force of nature, a tempestuous storm incarnate. His name struck fear into the hearts of his subjects, yet, his obsession with Luna Keanu was a closely guarded secret. Towering and regal, he exuded power and dominance. His obsidian hair framed a face chiseled with both ruthless authority and a simmering intensity. But behind those eyes, there was a vulnerability, a yearning that only luna Keanu could soothe. Their paths were destined to cross, two forces drawn together by a bond neither fully understood. The Alpha King's Addiction to Luna was an insatiable hunger, a burning need that threatened to consume him. He craved her like the air he breathed, but whether it was a simple attraction or the fates binding them together as mates remained uncertain. In this world of secrets and desires, Luna and Phoenix were about to embark on a journey of passion and peril, where their love would be tested by destiny itself.
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The alarm kept ringing, disrupting my good sleep. I stretched out my hand to turn it off but the stupid thing wasn’t turning off.

I threw the duvet away angrily and took the alarm, smashing it on the ground. Then, my eyes caught the time. I didn’t know when a bewildered scream left my mouth. My eyes widen in astonishment. What the heck was I doing? It’s fucking twelve in the afternoon. Then, I quickly looked back to check for my sis.

I was scared she’ll be late for work; " Huh? Where is she? " I searched around the small room, as if looking for a pin. Well! You might not understand why I’m searching for her that way but I promise you’ll know later in the future.

I walked to the bathroom to check but she wasn’t there. So, I had to conclude that she already went to her workplace. I sat in front of the mirror and Rieka appeared instead of my reflection. I groaned, rolling my eyeballs. If she shows up that way, it only mean one thing and that’s; " You woke up early enough to wake everyone up in the pack. " Yeah! She’s here to scold me.

" Where’s Luna? " I asked, hoping she’s going to stop scolding me.

" Is that a question I’m supposed to answer? " Ptf! * you guys might be wondering who Rieka is. She’s my wolf. After Luna, she’s the second thing I’m scared of. After them, I’m scared of no one. The door to my room opened and that made me look back. Oh! There she is, my lovely sis who’s twenty minutes older than me.

She’s the most beautiful creature one will ever see. Even I am always jealous of her captivating beauty. She’s unbelievably gorgeous and her shape, isn’t for an eighteen-year-old girl. She’s heavily endowed.

" What are you looking at? " She asked, dropping her bag on the bed. She looked around and her expression changed. I swallowed, knowing well what that means.

" Uhm… I just woke up and…" Her enraged glare made me shut my mouth. I shouldn’t have said that, what’s wrong with me? She snapped her fingers and everything went back in order including the alarm that’s been broken by me. Yeah! She’s not just a werewolf but also a witch. She’s the first omega to be known with so many powers and abilities. Even those from the Alpha lines don’t have the powers she possess.

" Go check on dad! " Without looking back, she vanished into the bathroom. I exhaled heavily on seeing her vanish. One thing about her is that she’s cold and her aura is intimidating. I looked back at the mirror and found Rieka gone. Why wouldn’t she? Almost everyone is scared of Luna.

I quickly arranged my dishevel hair and ran out of the room.

« LUNA »

My fists was folded into tight balls as I allowed the shower to stream down my body. I had to come shower first so that I can cool my nerve. The darn boss I was working for tried to harass me. So low! I hate people like them. Just because they had little, they wouldn’t help those in need.

I hissed loudly and turn off the shower. Everything is just pissing me off as it is. I entered the room and found Raff in the mirror. Raff is my wolf. I ignored her and changed into something comfortable.

" Ain’t you gonna talk to me? " Raff asked, coming out of the mirror. I slumped on the bed, ignoring Raff.

" Ain’t you suppose to thank me for today? " She asked, sitting with her toes. Raff is one of the wolves that’s supposed to belong to one of those in the Alpha line. She’s not small like every other omega’s wolf.

" I really want to sleep and forget about today. I feel so weird. " I mumbled, and Raff climbed the bird, lying beside me. Then, she asked in her dead voice; " Should we just kill him? " She knows well more than anyone that if she uses that voice, it’s like she’s controlling me without a command.

" Don’t use that voice on me. " I ordered in a groaning sound. " To even think I’m so mad at the moment is giving me the urge to kill him. Then, I rose from the bed, sitting on my ass. I exhaled heavily and wanted to say something when Raff vanished.

She does that when someone’s coming. So, I had to see through the door. It’s my dad and Sierra. A knock came on the door and I groaned before answering it; " Come in. " They both entered and I stood from the bed, helping Sierra out.

My dad touched my hand, up to my face and smile widely. Yeah… He’s blind. He wasn’t born blind, it just happened to occur like that. I held his hand to my face and kissed it.

" Was work stressful? I can perceive irritation from you. " I chuckled before responding; " Maybe, I’m just stressed out. Well, I brought you something. " To disclose the matter, I had to use that as an excuse. I stood to my feet and snapped my fingers. My bag appeared and I brought out something.

" Woah!!! You’ve gotten your salary? " Sierra exclaimed, on seeing the money in my bag. I ignored her, then, hand over the stuff to my dad. It’s a pipe for smoking. Immediately he observed it, he wowed happily.

" How do you know have always wanted this? " He asked, smiling widely. I smiled back at him and sat beside him.

" Where’s mom? " Thinking about it, I didn’t see her earlier today when I was leaving for work.

" She went to the farm early today, saying there’s so much work to do. " My father replied and I had to exhale for that. Mom is the one who does the Omega task for our family. Sierra is responsible for taking care of dad while I, I’m responsible for providing for the family which is a must thing for me to do.

" Have you eaten? " I asked, glaring at Sierra who kept mind-linking with me.

" Yeah.. Sierra cooked before going back to sleep this morning. You should go and eat. Sierra claimed that you’ve not eaten today. " Sierra looked away from me and I nodded with a smile before squatting to my father’s level.

" Dad! I’m not hungry as it is. I’ll eat with mom once we return. " My dad knitted his brows as he furrowed it.

" We? " He questioned.

" Yeah, what I’m saying is I’m going to meet mom in the woods and assist her with the remaining errands she has to run. " With that, I kissed my father’s hands and ran off. If I stay one more minute, I’m sure that he might convince me and I’ll have to end up staying home.

On reaching outside, I looked around before vanishing into thin air. Then, I stopped somewhere nearby in the woods where the Omegas are working. I had to stay for some minutes, observing everyone around.

Being an Omega is one of the hardest and unfortunate things to happen to a wolf. They are more like servants than members of the packs. Being part of the Night Walker Packs, we, Omegas thought it’ll be easy for us but it’s the opposite. I don’t have any idea how other Alphas are treating their Omegas but ours is worse.

The Alpha King is known only by those in the palace and those that lives near the palace like the royal subjects of the palace. The King barely shows himself to the world and to me, I’ll say he’s somewhat like a snob. How can he allow his appointed executives treat his pack members like this? It’s suffocating to be an Omega.

Kids at my age in the Alpha line are getting the best treatment as we speak. They take courses in the palace on how to use their powers and all but here we are, the unlucky young-adults, we are here helping our parents out with everything with these fucking errands.

Only the wealthy Omegas don’t work. They get the best treatment because they bribe the palace executives. Life is really unfair and I wonder if the moon goddess really exist.

I swallowed going further into the woods.

" Luna's here!!! " One of the Omegas screamed happily and they all looked up from what they were doing. Well! I’m popular. I’m popular because there’s no Omega like me. I am an enigma amongst all Omega’s line. I smiled widely, waving at everyone.

I sighted my mother at the farthest end where the palace stand-men are at. I smiled at her and she waved at me. I rarely come here so, none of the guards knows me. I vanished and appeared where my mother’s at and the stand-men flinched.

" Sorry about that. My people are already used to it. " I Uttered in my adenoidal voice and winked at the stand-men. I faced my mom and hug her before helping her up.

" Time’s up! Luna's gon' take over. " I helped her on her feet and she smiled widely at me, patting my hair slowly. Even though it’s her usual thing to do but I’m not used to it because I always feel special and like a baby when she does that.

" How was work today? " On hearing that question, I almost lost it as the memory of how that snollygoster harassed me.

" Luna? " My mom called and that got me out of my reverie. I nodded with an assuring smile. She patted my hair again and went to sit somewhere. I took over her work, making use of my powers in order to be rapid about it. It hasn’t been up to ten five minutes when an announcement was made that the maids to serve are around.

I scooted over to the girl beside me and asked; " What do they serve? " The girl looked at me for a while before nudging her head to their direction.

" What? Are we slaves? " I asked, already pissed at the sight of the food they are all serving. It’s not only small but also poorly cooked. I exhaled on seeing my mom gesturing me to look away which I did. I might just flare up in rage if I keep staring.

I continued working hoping I won’t be given the food no matter what. I was still on it when I heard a maid spoke; " You wretched old lady! What are you doing not working? " I looked back to check if it wasn’t my mother but couldn’t face my work back because it was my mom she’s referring to. I didn’t know when a scoff escape my lips. The girl I asked a question earlier dragged my clothe so that I can sit back down.

It was funny because none of the omegas dare to look at the direction.

" Who’s she? I haven’t seen her here before. " Now, this is hilarious because ion know who is who among the two that was talking. They are twins, not just twins but identical ones. I kept staring at the two without saying anything and maybe, that got them pissed.

" Is she new here or what?! " They exclaimed angrily and that kinda got me. I had to chuckle at the way they both got the sync right.

" Hmph… she’s even laughing. Do you know who I am? " One of them asked and Raff interrupted; " Lexi and Loki. " I smiled, then replied; " Lexi and Loki? " They both faced one another and faced me back in a sync.

" Isn’t that weird? " I asked, pointing at only what the moon goddess knows. They both looked back and faced me again in a sync. Then, asked in a sync; " What? "

" Were you cursed to be synchronizing in everything you do? " I asked, already pissed at what they were doing. Then, they both super-sped to where I am, trying to attack me which I duck immediately, leading them into falling into the mud I created.

Everyone gasped, including the stand-men. Their eyes widen as all eyes are now on me. My mom hit her forehead in frustration and looked away, knowing fully well that I can handle myself.

Lexi and Loki lifted their head up in a sync and everyone got themselves rolling hard on the floor because of their face.

" How dare you?!!! " They screamed, loudly with veins popping out of their neck. Their nose were scrunched up as they both glared at me.

" Well, my mom isn’t old and you had the gut to call her a wretched old lady. Who the do you even think you are? A cockalorum? " I scoffed, walking away from them. I haven’t taken the third step when they made another attempt and that got me boiling because I had to throw them away angrily.

I looked back only to hear a crack sound. They shifted forcefully into their wolf and with the look of things, it seems they had their joints broken.

" That was hard! Anyways, get well soon, babies. " With that, I sped to my mother and we vanished together.