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The Return: Abused Wife

The Return: Abused Wife



"I can't die now." Leena groaned, feeling like her blood was being drained. "I need to fix my mistakes. My entire family was thrown into jeopardy because of me." She had blindly believed her fiancé and her cousin, leading to her parents being framed and killed, her family going bankrupt, and her own life being threatened. Five hours later, Leena woke up. She had a second chance to correct all her past deeds. "This is just the beginning. Everyone that crossed my path in my past life should get ready for the war before them because heads will roll."
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In the central town of Mayami, it rained cats and dogs.

The wind blew at the roof making it creak like an old rickety chair threatening to break into pieces.

Everyone ran into their various homes while mothers tucked in their babies in a comfortable bed to sleep peacefully but what no one knew was that a soul was about to be lost in the hands of evil people.

Leena Swarez, a young lady in her twenties could be seen in a pool of blood mixed with muddy water. Her beautiful brown hair was tangled with twigs and grasses while her blue eyes were fading from the torture of unexpected death.

She breathed heavily as Kelsey kicked her bleeding ribs which made her yell in pain. Tears dropped down her eyes because she knew no one could come to her rescue. If only she knew the true nature of her cousin, this wouldn't have been her fate.

"Bitch!" Kelsey cursed in a cruel tone as she rolled her pencil heels on Leena's nipple making her sail.

"This would teach you not to ever cross my path!" Kelsey hinted with so much irritation.

Leena wasn't giving up either although she was almost losing consciousness but she glared at Kelsey with intense hatred and barked with a croaked voice, " You should consider yourself lucky you miserable witch! Always reaping where you did not sow."

Kelsey turned red with fury and ordered her men to finish Leena off.

The dark tall dude that looked like the devil himself sent a dagger through Leena's stomach, intentionally stabbing her kidney.

Leena coughed up a large quantity of blood, and she suddenly stopped feeling her body.

Memories of her broken life filled her head as she passed away. If only she wasn't blinded by her emotions and fallen in love with her demon of a fiance named Jeremy who also led her to her early grave. Maybe, she'd still have been with her beloved family.

She remembered her kind father who had a heart attack on receiving the news that his only daughter was being sent for a four-year prison sentence, her mum who committed suicide due to the devastating situation in her home, and her kid brother battling for his life with a deadly disease.

But the pain in Leena's heart made it hard for death to take her away.

"It can't end this way." She muttered quietly. My family name can't be wiped away from the surface of the earth by my supposed relations.

Kelsey flashed through her mind as she reminisced the days she spent with her not knowing that all her smiles were fake and the advice's, evil!

Even in her demeaning state, she still couldn't acknowledge that Kelsey was the mastermind behind the ill fortune that befell her family.

She took that fool for a sister!

Rage filled Leena as she clenched her fist in resentment. The pain in her chest got worse with each passing minute. She craved only one thing and that was revenge. She wanted to make that lowlife of a whore pay for all her misdeeds.

Jeremy won't be left out either. Taking her love for granted and manipulating her innocent mind for his selfish desires.

"Not now...I can't die now."

Leena groaned as the dirty water that Kelsey's guard threw her into, to decay and rot forever swept her away to a place she didn't know.

She shivered as her heartbeat dropped. It felt like her blood was being drained. She could feel the leaches in the water biting hard on her weak skin and stuffing their bodies with her blood.

"Lord, give me another chance... I need to fix my mistakes. My entire family was thrown into jeopardy because of me."

"God of the heavens, answer the prayers of crushed soul. I do not deserve to end this way."

"Please Lord, I need redemption."

Leena said her last words as her consciousness disappeared completely.

Five hours later, she woke up with a heavy gasp as her eyes flashed around to reconnect with her environment.

It now dawned on her that a second chance had been granted to her by God to correct all her past deeds.

Leena stood up from the pool of mud. Everywhere stunk terribly so she hurriedly moved towards a bush path that led to the main road.

All her memories were back!

That was the best part of it all and luckily for her, she found her phone on the floor.

To her amazement, the calendar showed she was eighteen again. She could even feel the agility in her body. The ugly injuries were gone and the terrible leaches too.

Straightaway, a new resolve was built in Leena to get justice for her family. No one will toil with them and go scot-free, not even the devil himself.

Leena's phone rang and on picking up the call, she found out it was Jeremy.

"You good for nothing girl!

How many times have I told you not to leave this house without my permission?"

"Leena listen, I own you and I will decide how you live your life.

You better, get back here before I teach you a lesson you'll never forget!"

Jeremy thundered like a wounded lion.

"Jeremy or whatever you call yourself, the next time you say shit like this to me, I'd sue you for emotional abuse you brainless animal!" Leena threatened.

"Did you just speak to me in that tone huh?"

Jeremy sounded flabbergasted.


She hung up before he could say her name.

"This is just the beginning. Everyone that crossed my path in my past life should get ready for the war before them because heads will roll."

Leena declared.

"No one has ever seen an Alpha female right? Well, one is coming their way with fire that burns in sulfur."

She laughed at her thoughts and savored the bliss of torturing her enemies in the near future.

She closed her eyes briefly, thinking of how brutal her game would be.