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Just The Benefits

Just The Benefits



Ariadna Martin wants nothing but to move out of her home. When she finally did, she badly needed a job to support herself, and becoming Triton Russo's secretary— a ruthless, dominant, and sinfully good-looking Billionaire— isn't easy. Despite having trouble adjusting to her new world, giving up isn't in Ariadna's mind. She's determined to prove to everyone that she can do things on her own, without using connections and asking for help from anyone. But things didn't go in her favor leaving her with no choice but to associate herself romantically with her boss. As they begin to gamble, they found themselves enjoying the game they created but every game must come to an end.
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Ariadna's POV

I wiped the sweat streaming down my face and took a deep sigh before I continued walking. Gosh, I never thought it was this hard. Trying to find a job is more difficult than I expected, especially when you always get rejected from the job you're applying to, and I get hurt every time I get turned down.

I know it's just me being petty but I can't help it. Well, I guess it's because of the thought that I'm not used to it— getting rejected and all.

I focused my gaze on the huge and tall building in front of me. Applying to this kind of business isn't in my plan but every coffee shop and convenience store I tried rejected me because most of them aren't hiring at the moment.

"Russo's." I read the bold letters on the top of the building. I sighed. If I continue to find more coffee shops or convenience stores it'll not guarantee my food for the next day and besides, I'm tired already.

This is my last resort.

I was about to step forward but halted because I'm still hesitating. This isn't really in my plan but if I won't get a job right away I will not be able to eat because I don't have money left to buy food or anything.

My savings was only enough for my rent. And my savings isn't that big because I don't save money. I spend money like there's no tomorrow. Money that isn't even mine in the first place.

I mentally chuckled, If you wanted to move out from your house, money is so important. Save until the day come.

Oh well, for my case I didn't move out, I ran away.

After debating with myself for a couple of minutes I finally had the courage to enter the building.

"Good afternoon," I greeted the receptionist.

She smiled at me, "Good afternoon ma'am, do you have an appointment?"

"Uh, no. I'm here to apply." I replied.

"For?" she asked.

I wanna punch myself because I have no idea what I'm applying for.

"Oh, for the secretarial job, yes," she added.

I sighed inwardly. I guess lady luck is on my side today.

"Yes," I smiled at her while nodding.

"Do you have your documents with you?" she asked.

I showed her the envelope I'm holding. She nodded and showed me the way to the place where the interview is going on.

Several women are sitting in the waiting area right outside the interviewing room. Now I just have to wait.

After a couple of minutes, it's finally my turn and since I was the last one here, I'm going to nail this interview.

"Good afternoon," I greeted the woman inside.

Judging by the look I think she's in her late 40's. She introduced herself as Mrs. Johnson.

She gestured me to sit, "Tell me about yourself."

I handed her the brown envelope I'm holding, inside is where all of my documents and files that are usually needed in applying for a job. And I'm confident that I'm highly qualified for this job.

"My name is Ariadna Martin, 24."

I introduced myself not wanting to go further.

The interviewer asked me a couple of questions testing me if I'm capable of the job as she scans my resume. And I answered her question to all my knowledge. She looked at me as if she's scanning me and trying to find something in me. She looked confused and I kind of understand her.

I crossed my fingers hoping I will get this job. I know, for the nth time, this isn't in my plan but I have no choice.

Mrs. Johnson quietly read all of my documents and I know her amazed face and it gave me confidence.

The interviewer looked at me, "you're hired," she announced.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Urgent hiring, you'll start tomorrow," she added.

She briefed me about my job and schedule and gave me my starting bonus. I know there's a thing such as "starting bonus" in the field like this and I badly needed the money. This is so sad but so true, you can't live without money, you'll starve and die eventually.

She also told me about my starting salary and it's big enough to pay my rent and feed me. I guess I'm just really lucky today.

I'll be a secretary to the boss. I'll be maintaining the smooth running of the office through a variety of administrative and clerical duties. Accompany him to his every meeting and I will also be answering calls and emails, make appointments for him and fix his schedules.

"Thank you so much," I smiled at Mrs. Johnson. I stood up from my chair and left the interviewing room. I quickly entered the elevator.

As I made my way down, I saw my reflection in the elevator and I can't help but think.

So this is it. I finally get myself a job. Although it's not the kind of job I wanted to put myself into, I was left with no choice.

Right, I shouldn't worry because after all, I was the one who got it. I did it myself. Without the help of anyone but me.

Ha! See, I can do it. I can do things on my own.

I flipped my hair and damn the timing because the elevator door opened showing a tall, gorgeous, and dominating man. "Get out," he spoke. How rude.

I was about to say something that will make me lose my job I haven't started but I stopped myself.

I swiftly went out of the elevator.

He entered the elevator confidently as if he owns the world, as if he owns the place. Oh well, he indeed owns this place.

That's Triton Russo, a ruthless, dominant, and hot billionaire. Yes, he's undeniably hot but I prefer him labeling a bastard.

How did I know him? Let's just say that I always see him in magazines and on TV. Let alone that I always hear something about him. He's famous for his business and stunning look. He's a young business tycoon. A heartless and a bastard business tycoon. I know it's not nice to assume things about him and believe in rumors but everything about him screams arrogance.

Our eyes met before the elevator door closed. And I almost fell from where I'm standing because I realized that I'll be working with the boss. And who's the boss? The bastard, Triton Russo. I mentally chuckled, working with him is like dealing with the devil. I just know it.

As I turn my back I saw a construction going on and it makes sense. He's forced to take the ordinary elevator because his own elevator isn't working and they're fixing it.


I lay flat in my bed. It's late afternoon and I'm tired. I had a long day today. I applied to several small businesses today and all of them rejected me. It's because they're not hiring or I'm not qualified for the job.

I chuckled.

Of course, I'm not qualified for the job. Who am I kidding, I have no idea what they do in there. I have no idea what the actual job is.

My order from the restaurant finally arrived. I'll be eating nice today since I just got a job. I deserved it.

I hurriedly stood up and took a shower because I'm already starving.

I am alone in my apartment and that means I will also be eating alone.

Oh well, as if I'm not used to it.

It didn't take long until I finished showering. I quickly slip on comfortable sleeping clothes and prepared my food.

I savor every slice of the steak. This tastes so good, gosh.

This is the first time again since I had a meal like this. The last time is when I was still at our house.

After having my dinner I prepared to sleep. My apartment is just small but I'm fine here. It's peaceful and I love it.

I'm gonna sleep early tonight because I have to wake up early tomorrow. It's my first day of work tomorrow and I'll be late if I'm not able to catch the bus in the morning.


I groaned as I turned off my alarm clock.

It rings again.

"F*ck," I cursed under my breath and turned my alarm off again falling deep in my slumber one more time.

It rings for the third time and it's my cue to wake up.

"F*ck!" I cursed.

It's exactly seven a.m and my work starts at 8. I don't understand why waking up in the morning is so hard.

I squealed when I step into the adaptor of my charger.

F*ck this.

I massaged my toes. Now I'm awake, completely.

I hastily took a bath and put on my nice clothes.

I'm wearing a pencil black skirt that has a small slit on its side partnered with a white long sleeve blouse. I put my hair in a ponytail and applied light makeup. When I'm finally done I gathered all of my things; a cellphone, wallet, and keys before going out and locking my unit. I used to not having breakfast so I guess I can deal with not eating every morning since I only know how to cook the basics anyways. I walk towards the bus stop and wait for the bus. Good thing I'm early. I'll be able to catch the bus.

My apartment isn't really that far from the Russo's company that is located at the heart of the city so I arrived at the right time in the office.

Mrs. Johnson, the woman who interviewed me yesterday showed me my small cubicle right outside Mr. Triton Russo's office on the top floor.

I settled with my small office and prepared for my work. I have no idea if Mr. Russo is in his office already since it's pretty early. Well, for me, it is. Waking up early in the morning will forever be a pain in the a$s for me.

"Inside. Coffee." I heard a baritone voice from the intercom and I'm sure it's Mr. Russo. So, he's already in his office huh. Arrived earlier than me.

I promptly stood up and went inside his office. I didn't bother knocking because I'm sure he's expecting me. He's busy doing something on his laptop. I explored my gaze and saw a door in the side. It has "Kitchen" labeled on the top. I entered the kitchen.

I opened the cupboards. There are a lot of different kinds of coffee beans & now I gotta figure out how to make coffee. Fudge.