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Two kids killed in a month and the school teacher, Eve Lafeyette is suspected. Thrown into the cage of scapegoats, she seeks for help from the well renowned unstable journalist, Vic Davidson who only accepted the offer for his own selfish interest. Will Eve ever be able to clear her name and get justice for the little ones ?
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As for me, my soul's crackled.— Charles Baudelaire.


Great woke up with a start. His shirt soaked in sweat even with the chilly air of November crept into the room through his broken window. Bad dreams. He tried to remember what exactly made it him scream but he couldn't. He yawned and turned to the side of his bed. Scratching his ear, he got up from the bed and stretched his legs. It was almost dawn and the house was strangely quiet.

Clumsily, he made his way into the sitting room.

“Tony!” he called out.

No response.

“Pfft. Tony's still asleep ”he scoffed.

He thought of going to his parent's room but he'll pass. His parents hated him going up there. Merely because he was...

No. Not that forbidden word. Today was special. No sad thoughts today. 26th November has always been a sacred day for Great. His dog, Nick died around this time two years ago. And he swore on every 26th November, he would keep his mind pure and filled with ”happy thoughts” just for Nick.

He strolled into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of coke from the refrigerator.

Buzz, Buzz

The lights were fluctuating. Gave the house the creepy haunted look. He wanted to change the light bulbs yesterday but his mom warned him not to.

“you're just thirteen. Don't start acting like a grownup.” he mimicked banging the refrigerator's door hard.

“I can't even think for myself. I hate this place.”

He grabbed a bag of chips and headed back to his room. As he passed Tony's room, a brilliant thought came to his mind.

“What if I scare him? Just a little “ he grinned. He dropped the snacks in his bed ,took off his bunny shoes and sneaked into Tony's room.

Something wasn't right here. The door was slightly opened. Someone got into Tony's room before him. His mom? Obviously not. She was out with her friends. His dad? He's out too. Out cold.

He pushed the door slowly. Tony's study table was arranged as usual with his colourful picture-books all stacked up. His bed welldressed and his toys surrounded his bedlamp. The only thing missing was Tony.

“Tony?” This came out as a whisper. Scared, he began searching. Under the bed, inside the closet but he wasn't there.

Where did he go?

The basement. That's the only place he would be at this time. Once he finds him, he'll smack the shit put of him for making him worried and scared for nothing.

The basement was dark ,cold as a mountain and smelt of old clothes and wet wood. His stomach churned. He couldn't find the light switch. Plunging into the dark, his mind began racing.

*What if he's not here?*

“Tony!” he called out.

The backdoor was opened. He could see the early morning light rays crawling into the basement. Great panicked. Tony wouldn't have opened it, would he? Did he run away?

He saw something that somewhat resembled a large heap of clothes. Summoning courage, he went closer.


HE was all curled up. Hands tied to his his back and a piece of cloth in his mouth. Dark stains of blood on his shorts. His shirt had being torn off. Just the chest region.

He froze for a second. He tried screaming but his mouth was dry. He pissed on himself.


He fell to his knees, crawling just to get closer to him. None of this was happening. It's just a nightmare. Nothing else.

The pAir of lifeless eyes sucked the life out of him. It was HIM.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he threw his hands and began rocking him.

“There, there. Big brother's here..”

The Devil stood watching the strange ritual between the brothers and smirked.

26th November's the devil and it just knows the right spot to hit him.