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Nanny for Three Alpha Brothers

Nanny for Three Alpha Brothers

Author:Scarlett Orion


"Will Elsie be your Luna one day?" "You're asking a lot of questions," Rory stated "But if you must know, no. Elsie will never be my Luna, she is just a hole for me, an obedient toy who is at my beck and call," "If Elsie is not fit to be your Luna, then why is she good enough to bear your children?" the woman lying under him questioned further. Rory grunted once more, "I killed Elsie's parents to become Alpha, why would I want Elsie to be the Luna of the Autumn Pack? Do I look like an idiot? I'll use her for what I need, and then toss her away." After Elsie found out that Rory, the man she loved had murdered her parents in cold blood to claim the Alpha status, she was left heartbroken. 'It hurts, the man I loved, who I trusted and wanted to become his Luna,' I paused, speaking to my wolf 'He murdered my parents for his own selfish needs,' As I said these words, bile rose in my throat and burned my insides. Deceived and upset, she vowed to seek revenge on the Alpha of the Autumn Pack to become a Warrior for Rory's biggest rivals, the Summer Pack. Little did Elsie know the Summer Pack came with three arrogant Alpha Brothers, who she had to prove herself to first before seeking her revenge.
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Elsie's POV

"Come on Elsie! Faster!"

The encouraging words of my trainer rang through my ears as she kept her commands firm. I felt myself flanking, my energy dipped as my arms began to ache with the effort of slamming my fists into the chest of the human shaped target.

'I want to play!' My wolf Ashe spoke in my mind, but I pushed her thoughts aside.

"Speed up! Are you weak?" My trainer's words dug into me as I gasped for breath, my sweat poured from my forehead and into my eyes.

'Aw come on Elsie!' Ashe whined.

"Now shift!" The command indicated it was time to let the wolf take over.

'Heh, my turn,' Ashe spoke in my mind, her yellow eyes shimmered with excitement.

I leapt into the air, toward the target I had been pummeling with severity. My form shifted into the flame furred wolf.

I landed onto the target, my teeth sinking into the soft plump fabric of its face as I started to gnarl. Ripping the outer layer to shreds as the filling began to pour out of the gash I had created.

"Perfect Ashe!" my trainer spoke with praise "One more time, give your enemy a true end!"

Her words encouraged me to fulfill my duty. I switched my position to the other side of the target's head and ripped its throat out, and with my force, I cut its head clean off the neck stump.

"Not bad," My trainer spoke in dull response "You'll get there,"

I found myself back in my human form. Ashe had her fun and had been locked away for another session.

Returning back to my home, my main task now was to report my training to Rory Roth. The Pack Alpha, but also my adopted guardian. We never had that sort of family relationship though, and as soon as I had hit my teens, my feelings for Rory had developed into something else.

At first, it was a crush, but the older I aged the more I realised I was in love with Rory. I wanted nothing more than to become his Luna, give him children, and build a family with him.

Rory seemingly returned my feelings as well, through everything that happened I knew I was his favourite. His one and only Elsie.

Entering the home, I dropped my bag at the door. I desperately needed a shower, but first I would tend to the task in hand.

Making my way across the hallway, I reached Rory's study. The door was closed, which usually meant he was busy with work and to not be disturbed, but I knew he would allow me inside. Rory always enjoyed hearing about my training sessions.

Carefully I gripped my hand around the door handle, and quietly turned it to open the door as nimble as I could. As the door opened slightly, I heard the sounds of grunts and gasps coming from within. With the shaking of furniture, I knew what I was about to walk into, this wasn't the first time, and I knew it wouldn't be the last.

Rory had a woman bent over his desk, her skirt pushed up to her hips and he was positioned between her legs. I peeked around further to get a better view, his thick hands gripped at her hips as he rammed his cock deep inside her. Grunts sounded from Rory with each forceful thrust, the woman's face glistened with sweat, her cheeks rosy as he pounded her.

"Rory!" her voice trembled "I want you inside me,"

I knew I shouldn't be intruding like this, I should leave Rory to his business and catch him later when he had finished, but I couldn't help but watch. I could tell by his rasping breaths he was ready for release, so I waited.

There was something so satisfying about seeing Rory release, I enjoyed experiencing the pure pleasure on his face, all I wanted was my Alpha's happiness, even if it wasn't me giving it to him.

Rory growled, a low rumble as his fingers gripped into the woman's flesh "Fuck, you're so tight," He held himself deep inside her as he released, grunting with each spurt.

Satisfied he had finished, Rory removed himself from the woman and tucked himself back into his trousers. He raked his hand through his thick black hair before slamming his palm against her backside.

"You can get dressed now," He spoke with a cold tone to his voice "I'm done with you today,"

The woman stood up and adjusted her skirt, easing it back down to cover herself. I was careful to slide back outside into the hallway before she saw me. I pushed my back against the wall, but the door remained open so I could still hear any sounds that were made.

I had grown to love Rory as a partner, rather than a guardian. And I knew he felt the same. I had become accustomed to the sexual partners Rory brought into the home, it had become more frequent over the years, to satisfy his needs sexually.

I wasn't enough for him, Rory's libido was constantly craving sex, but I knew he was in love with me. He wanted to be with me, these women were just a means for him to release his tension. So I allowed him to have his fun when he needed to.

"Why do you let us women leave so soon?" I heard her ask "Are we nothing else to you?"

Rory chuckled "You serve your purpose, why would I want anything more?"

"Elsie seems pretty important," I perked up as I heard the woman say my name "You allow her to sleep in your bed with you, when the rest of us are tossed aside,"

Rory fell silent, aside from the grunt which left his lips.

I heard the woman continue "Is Elsie so special? Will she be your Luna one day?"

"You're asking a lot of questions," Rory stated "But if you must know, no. Elsie will never be my Luna,"

I felt my stomach turn at these words. Rory had no intention of making me his Luna?

I knew I should step away, but I carried on listening, as much as his words cut me "Elsie is just a hole for me, an obedient toy who is at my beck and call," He paused "She is also ripe, the perfect fertile age to provide me with heirs,"

"If Elsie is not fit to be your Luna, then why is she good enough to bear your children?" the woman questioned further.

Rory grunted once more "I'm growing tired of your questions," He paused "I killed Elsie's parents to become Alpha, why would I want Elsie to be the leader of the Pack? Do I look like an idiot? I'll use her for what I need, and then toss her away,"

The woman laughed coldly "That's so cruel, but incredibly sexy,"

Keeping myself hidden, my heart raced inside my chest. I tried to process this information I had heard Rory admit so casually. Rory had murdered my parents so he could be Alpha? Taken me on as his own so I could tend to his every need?

I felt my future shatter before me, my dreams had aligned with Rory's ideals on some level. Wanting to bear his pups and make a family. But my dreams seemed more wholesome than Rory's.

It appeared as though Rory wanted me to birth his children while he still messed around. Enjoying different women while I raised his children? So I could produce heirs for his pack while he had all the fun?

There was no guilt in him about what he did to my parents, how had he not felt that shame everyday since bringing me into his life?

My chest began to tighten with fury, the idea of Rory hurting my parents stung me. Clenching my fists, my nails dug into the flesh of my palms.

All this time Rory made me believe I was an orphan from the very beginning, I had no memory of my real parents. They hadn't existed to me until now, and the man I had loved had not only deceived me, but it was his actions that left me parentless.

As I released my fists, I pulled my hands to my eyeline and realised I had drawn blood from my flesh.

Tears began to well in my eyes, and I failed to resist the hurt. Water cascaded down my cheeks, but why was I wasting them on Rory Roth?

'He needs to pay, Elsie' Ashe spoke in my mind 'Let's go in there now and rip his fucking throat out,'

I wanted to. Every fibre of my being wanted to dismember Rory using the strength of Ashe's teeth. Rip his head off as we had with the target at warrior training today. My head began to dizzy and my vision blurred. I studied my hands one more, the blood began to crust and dry as the small wounds healed.

If only my heart could heal as quickly.

'The man I loved, who I trusted and wanted to become his Luna,' I paused, speaking to my wolf 'He murdered my parents in cold blood, for his own selfish needs,' As I spoke these words, bile rose in my throat and burned my insides 'Ashe...' I paused 'It hurts,'

'I want to taste his blood,' Ashe returned 'For what he did to your parents, he needs to suffer a slow and painful death,'

I pulled my sleeve over my hand and wiped my tears dry, I needed to stay composed and not let my emotions get the better of me.

'He will pay eventually,'