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Her Vocation

Her Vocation

Author:Hareem Riaz


"Allah guides whom He wills to the straight path." (Al Baqarah | 213) Aasiya is the girl who has it all. At least that's what everyone tells her. So, why can't she escape this emptiness inside her; that's slowly eating her away? Moving back to Pakistan for her medical degree was the answer she sought, but her life turns upside down, when she is forced into an unwanted alliance. Can Aasiya untangle the knots of her heart, as she journeys through life, whilst battling with herself? Will a happy ending await her, with the one she desires? Or truth will break her and cause her to fall apart?
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"Allah guides whom He wills to the straight path."

Al Baqarah | 213

Aasiya is the girl who has it all. At least that's what everyone tells her. So, why can't she escape this emptiness inside her; that's slowly eating her away?

Moving back to Pakistan for her medical degree was the answer she sought, but her life turns upside down, when she is forced into an unwanted alliance.

Can Aasiya untangle the knots of her heart, as she journeys through life, whilst battling with herself?

Will a happy ending await her, with the one she desires? Or truth will break her and cause her to fall apart?


In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the most Merciful. All praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin

mankind, jinns and all that exists

. Peace and blessings be upon His messenger, Muhammed



Dear readers,

First of all, thank you for stumbling upon this book and giving it a shot. Hope you all enjoy, InshaAllah. Before proceeding further, I wish to give a brief introduction about what you may expect from this book, InshaAllah.

Her vocation is a spiritual romantic book in genre. The main theme revolving around the connection with the Creator, Allah SWT. How the characters in this book journey from a life of doubt and find faith through the blessings of Allah SWT.

"With it, Allah guides whoever obeys the will of Allah to the paths of peace, and takes them out of darkness towards light by His command, and guides them to the Straight Path."

Al Quran 5:16


Vocation, maybe defined as,

"A summon or strong inclination to a particular state or course of action,

especially: a divine call to the religious life." OR

"An entry into the priesthood or a religious order."

Merriam Webster

This book, primarily deals with the life of Aasiya, who fights through various struggles of life, in hopes to find peace and happiness.

Whether she does or not, is for you to find out, InshaAllah.

Lastly, I humbly pray to Allah SWT to grant His barakah and rehmah to this book and may everyone who read this book find hidayah. Thereby, gaining Allah's pleasure and acquiring success of both this world and the hereafter, InshaAllah.

Ameen. JazakAllah khair

P.S. This book is not free from flaws. It's only but a humble effort to convey the message of Allah SWT. The perfect and the most true source of guidance can only be sought in the words of Allah SWT; in the Holy Quran. May Allah SWT make it easy for us to understand it and implement it's message in our daily lives; as it's due. Ameen

P.P.S. Do checkout the verses on every chapter. It's an attempt to relate the chapter with an ayah from the Holy Quran.

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