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Loving The Heartless

Loving The Heartless



The multi-billionair Mr Shivaay Singh Oberoi, Heartlessly handsome was obsessed with his PA Maya Mehra while having relationship with her sister Tia Ahuja. Anika was trying a lot to not to fall in his traps especially after her past experience but the harder she was trying the harder he came close to her, having no option she fell in love with the Heartless. Soon she realised it wasn't easy as she thought, he was a unsolved mystery while she was an open book. With each passing phase he was killing every bit of her peace, her soul. But things changed after she left him for ever, unaware about the fact that their destiny was together. A mysterious rollercoaster ride.
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Book-1 in Heartless series


  Anika Ahuja was driving her car while her mind was traveling to him, his thoughts. Her face was covered with sweat and hands were trembling. She was nervous. She was a simple beautiful and ambitious girl. Moreover, she had everything a girl will ever wished for, a beautiful house, loving parents, a crazy younger sister, a good carrier after studying business from one the best University and being billionaire was just a cherry on top.

  But as people say, God will give you anything and everything yet there will be no satisfaction as you will desire more than what you already have!

  She never thought in her wildest dreams that her life will turn out like this! She wasn't that weak until she met him.

  She parked her car and reached to gate of office building her eyes went up at the top where there was a cabin of his boss.She closed her eyes as she understood that what she had to face today, nothing new but the fight with her own betraying body.

  With heavy heart and racing beats, She entered in her cabin slowly and placed her belongings there.

  "Yes Dad, I have reached to the office. Yes, Shivaay is here only.

  Don't worry I'll take care of mine...

  Missing you badly daddy,

  I love you too..." she replied her phone.

  It was her daily schedule, as soon as she reached office she had to call her father,Mr.Tej Ahuja. who loves her daughter more than anything.

  As for her training in a business she was staying away from them all alone, Tej didn't wanna take any risks or didn't want his daughter to suffer from any trouble. So, after so much thinking one idea popped in his mind to send her at his best friend, Anirudh Oberoi's office.

  He thought she'll learn everything from her childhood bestie shivaay and she'll remain safe in this unknown city.

  But only if he knew what he had caused for his own daughter, What was she going through all the while.

  She was just going to took her sit when her intercom ran.

  She sighed as she knew who was there on other side.

  "Yes sir..."she replied.

  "Call me shivaay..."he stated back.

  "We have to maintain professional relationship Sir..."she said with emphasizing the word 'sir'.

  "Come in my cabin right now..."he ordered.

  And she knew he was back in his angry arrogant, jerk avtar.

  She knocked the door.




  And finally she was moving back but

  "Come in" he replied.

  She entered in the cabin and took the sit in front of him.

  "Don't you know the basic manners Miss Ahuja???" he asked with his eyebrows up.

  She looked confused.

  "I didn't say to sit...remember I'm your boss Miss Anika Tej Ahuja..."he said rudely.

  Which made her stood up immediately.

  "Ohh chill Miss Ahuja...if you want you can sit here..."he said with evil smirk while showing her his thighs to sit.

  She immediately closed her eyes and settled back at her sit.

  "I want you to learn about this presentation, so we're making it together..."he said and that evilness didn't leaving his face.

  "Come here"he said while opening his laptop.

  She marched towards him, maintaining proper distance.

  He tilted the laptop little at his side,which made her unable to looked in it.

  As she understood she hadn't any choice left she came closer to him to see in his laptop.

  Which made the great Mr.Shivaay Singh Obroi smirked.

  Her long opened hairs were waving in the air,while his hot breathe was causing tingling sensations in her body as his breaths were touching her earlobe.

  He moved his face further,more closure to her and his lips touched her crook of the neck.

  She closed her eyes and a little moan escaped from her mouth unknowingly.

  He placed his hand on her cold shivering one which was placed on the table for support.

  And an electricity ran through her body.

  His another hand caught her waist and she wasn't able to protest because of her betraying body.

  He made her move more closer which made her sit on the hand rest of the chair,while his lips were running through her bare and forearm.

  Both were living in their own world of Desire or love!?!

  These were the things which she regretted every day,every time.

  She had promised herself,prepared herself to not to react on his touch,his husky voice,his temptation.

  But her body ,Maybe heart always betrayed her.

  The moment he came closer to her,she forgot the rest of the world.

  Even the fact that her own sister was madly and badly in love with him.


  Anika's pov-

  Finally i was able to escape from him.

  But I could still feel his touch on my skin.

  Juz His thoughts made my skin burn red.

  I couldn't understand the connection,it was weird!

  But still I couldn't able to get over his thoughts even if I wasn't in love with him.

  My cell buzzed,

  Aww,my mom was calling me.

  She informed me to came on Skype so that we could see each other.

  "Hey mom,hey dad..."I greeted them.

  "Hi sweetie...how's you???"dad asked me.

  "I'm cool...you say.."I said with brightest smile.

  "Juz look at you Anika,

  Can't you just take care of yourself???

  God knows when you'll understand your responsibilities..."she said in annoyance.

  I smiled silliest.

  I missed this,my mom and her tantrums.

  "I'm not like your son,Rohan...

  I'm not perfect and I'm happy with my imperfections mom..."I replied with irritated face.

  "Oh common Janvi,

  Don't start all your crap again...

  Let me talk to my daughter peacefully..."he said with a smirk.

  Oh they were still the same!!!

  Juz like there "Love".

  "Oh okay,

  Who I'm!!!???

  You both continue..."she said and stood up.

  Papa held her wrist tightly and pulled her.

  Awwww my mom was blushing juz like me...

  I closed my eyes as I knew my parents could able to do romance anytime anywhere.

  There love was still so refreshing more than any teenagers.

  I coughed to grab their attention.

  Mom was still red and I could see my dad to teasing her with whispering something in her ears.

  "Dad..."I said a loud.

  "Yes princess..."he replied.

  "You wanted to talk something important..."I said.

  "Yeah princess,

  Actually Shakti and I have some important works in manali hotels,

  But we have important meetings to deal with...

  Some clients from London were coming this week...

  So we had decided to send you and Shivaay there for this..."he was going to say something but I interrupted.

  "No way dad I'm not going anywhere...

  «««Especially with him»»»"I said.

  "Oh common princess you have to learn everything and it's important thing for our business...

  It's our new hotel but still going in loss because of some issues or maybe something wrong there...

  And more ever,

  You aren't going alone...Shivaay will be there with you..."he said.

  My mind yelled-

  Dad how can I make you understand that's the biggest problem."Shivaay"

  "I had already talked with him,

  And princess we'll talk later we have to attend meeting

  Janvi,let's go"he said and mom nodded.

  "Bye dad...bye mom..."I replied with a sad little smile,I miss them.

  "Bye Anu.we miss you take care"mom said with moist eyes.

  "Miss you too love you dad take care mom cya."I said and closed my lappy.

  "So...are you ready for our honeymoon???"Someone said from behind.

  And I felt no need to look behind,

  "Shivaay"my mind remembered.

  I looked back the great Shivaay Singh Oberoi was standing there in his black and gray armani suit.

  His one hand was in his pocket while another was on his chin.

  He was smirking while rubbing his chin with the index finger.

  His perfect body and sharp, stud look can able kill anyone at any place,

  No doubt each girl in his office drool over him.

  "You're doing the same."he said.

  I gave him confused look.

  "You're also drooling over your boss."he said.

  What the hell!!!

  Had he have the art of reading my mind???

  "Oh common Anika now don't copy Tej uncle's dialogue in your mind."he said staring in my eyes.

  I just wanted to pinch his nose and enjoy wincing him in pain...

  "No way don't you dare to touch my nose."he said.

  My jaw dropped to the ground.

  "How what means"I was struggling for words but he interfered.

  "Stop staring at my nose"he said like a puppy.

  Aww he was looking cute,like baby

  No Anika,


  You knew it,

  He can read your mind

  Take a deep breath


  Don't think about him


  "Now stop thinking about not to think I have an important work to do...let's go..."he said.

  Not much,

  But again my jaw dropped "0".