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Not Your Mate

Not Your Mate

Author:Susie Q


a young she-wolf with ambition a no hold bar kinda girl does not want a mate Strong in beliefs you get respect when shown respect no matter where you are within the pack not to be tied down to a kitchen and pups at an early age. I have goals I must meet I just don't want to be some guys side kick mate I must do me to be proud of myself, for my self worth.
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Kyleena wake up we need to get going, KYLEENA wake the hell up..this is my wolf Shea.

Shes the wolf who's yelling at me, who is so annoying because she thinks I give a shit.

Fine..but SHUT UP I say as I roll out of bed.

Another day in Jackson fucking High where I have to deal with all the Ken and Barbie wannabe's bullshit.

This is my thoughts as I take a quick shower and dress in my go to colors Red and Black. I'm not gothic by any means, it's just that I like these colors.

They really pop with my skin tone hair and eye color

Crop top is black in color check, skirt is a red and black checkered mid thigh little number check very cute I might add, which I paired with my black combat boots sexy I say very sexy.

Like if any guy in school has a chance with me, I have big plans for my life and it don't include some dude.

I leave my auburn color hair straight down my back

yep key word is straight no wave, no curl nothing, nada

it reaches just at the top of my ass and with minimal make up my green eyes pop and clear lip gloss, I'm done Walla, not bad, not bad at all as I look at myself in the mirror.

I had that Marilyn Monroe kinda of figure I guess or maybe Sophia Loren, 36 DD, small waist at 26 and 36 inch hips the saying use to be " a brick house".

I'm very toned due to kick boxing and martial arts at the local gym in town, she-wolf's in this pack are only in training to defend which is way different from the males in the pack, but Gary the owner says with how I look I need to protect myself and kick ass just in case they don't get the message the first time around lol.

Gary is like a Godfather always looking out for me, but if you ask me I think Alpha Cole is stupid to not train us females better hey but who am I why the hell should I care just one more reason to add on my list that this pack is jacked up.

Damn with all the internal talking to one's self I just might be late

shit a brick

now I have to run to school.

So here I am, a senior, my last year of High school, my grades must excel this year. Im heads above the maturity level of these clowns my age but hey maybe it's because I've been living on my own since my parents went on vacation a year ago or maybe it's because of the stupid games these rich kids play on people, which just pisses me off.

I mean it's hard enough for some kids to be in this school without assholes making your day a living hell everyday.

I mean I don't get the treatment like some cause no one really knows me and I have this resting bitch face that says back the fuck off or I will kick your ass.

But this year some new barbie just can't seem to get the memo, so with all the name calling and her thinking I'm an orphan I'm really close to ripping her a new ass.

Really an orphan, I have parents and i know my parents aren't dead because I get a 4000.00 deposit on the 3rd and 20th of each month plus every 4th month, I get a postcard telling me where they're at.

I mean I figured out all on my own that they've most likely not coming back even for my milestone achievement of graduation.

My big clue was when I got the deed for the house in the mail signing the house over to me.

So what can I think, i don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.

15 minutes to spare, I open my locker to get my first 3 periods of books when I hear that nasal bitch Gwen a.k.a the new barbie yell my name from half way down the hallway,

Lord please don't let me kill this bitch today I pray

I close my locker, turn around and say what is your malfunction this early in the morning Gwen?

I was not prepared for the slap that hit my face, but I could see all the kids backing up even her two cronies and I knew my eyes we're flashing between blue and green in a rapid manner.

Even Gwen deflated a bit but still had to open her cake hole.

How dare you talk to me like that I'm the soon to be Alpha's girlfriend, the soon to be Alpha female, Luna of Diamond moon pack.

Before I could blink I had the bitch by her neck up against the wall.

ONE: let me tell you for the last time, when I checked this morning the Alpha of this pack was Alpha Cole and he has a Luna and it ain't you.

TWO: your just the lastest booty call of the son of the current alpha.

THREE: touch me again and you will only be identified by your dental records you got that Barbie wannabe.

I finally realized she had a nice purple color going on so I released her and watched her in slow motion as she slides down the lockers coughing her head off.

As I squatted down next to her I still had to ask in a very controlled voice DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME BARBIE, I see her nod so I stand up and take off to my first class which don't take me long since everyone moved the hell out of my way.

Since Gwen has showed up at school I have started taking a recorded to school because she made me so mad that last time I missed 2 periods of note taking so now when I have a run in with the bitch I record my classes until I cool down and take notes when I get home.

I was still livid so second period was getting recorded too.

I had just flipped the cassette over and hit record.

Color me surprised when I was grabbed by my neck and yelled at.

How dare you touch what's mine yelled Alex.

I'm the next alpha of this pack you will respect me and what's mine.

I quickly went in defense mode and broke his tight grip on me.

Then I saw Gwen with her little smirk over by the classroom door watching the drama she created.

I can make your life a living hell in this pack just by snapping my fingers, touch what's mine again and I will have you in silver in the dungeons.

I looked at Alex and state in my most controlled voice ever .

Oh really Mr. soon to be Alpha

soon to be is the key words here


Alpha Cole your father is still current Alpha, and we all know little Miss Barbie Gwen here is only your flavor of the month and by your words not mine isn't everyone in this pack soon to be yours so by your definition why does Gwen get to slap what's your for no reason?

Are we not all yours and also by your words does that mean I can't touch myself like this,

as I grab my nice size tits and squeeze them together just enough to pop a good amount of cleavage out of the top of my shirt and then place a hand under my skirt and give a little Moan


Cause I'm also part of your pack which by your word will be yours.

I almost laugh out loud when I see all the mouths that our open with drool, so if you will excuse me soon to be Alpha I'll leave first.

I pick up my things and walk out of class but when I get to the door I stop and I turn my head to look back.

I then calmly say, hey by the way Alpha Alex shut your month before you catch flies.

Oh and you may wish to take Gwen here to the janitors closet to take care of your little friend.

My recorder was going this whole time which surprised the hell out of me but I'm sure I will get a laugh when I listen to it later after my workout at the gym cause I'm thinking I need extra time today.

The rest of the day was problem free although I get weird looks all day long from confusion, shock or lust and the last one scared but I really don't have the time or the effort to look into the whys I just wanted to get to the gym and have an awesome work out.

Finally the Last bell of the day and all is well so I head to my locker put my shit in except for my notes and recorder and head to the door.

Fuck why me, I see Gwen coming my way with her head down when she gets parallel to me she lifts her head and I feel the hate rolling out from her but I also see a nice split lip.

All I can say at this time is girl don't fuck with me your only a snack in my book that can be taking out with the trash.

I lean in her direction and repeat my words slowly but clearly, DON'T FUCK WITH ME Gwen, you leave me alone you live you mess with me you die is that clear as mud?

You got your rose color glasses off while looking at me?

I hear a quick and long yesss from her so I say good have a great day and walk off.

Thank God I put my recorder on cause I have a feeling I will be reminding this dumb bitch again in the near future.

I get to the gym going straight to my locker to get my workout clothes on but soon remember I forgot to change these out cause they feel a little snug I look down at my boobs and ask did ya grow a little cause these fit just fine at the beginning of the year.

Maybe it's from working out and toning up but who knows oh well, okay then maybe Christy and I can go to the mall Saturday.

Christy is my BFF who is a year older than me, we usually meet up at the gym for training however she just got a new job at the main hospital and works the mid shift 3-11 as a tech.

She is also in RN school at the local college from 830a until 2p before work 1130p until 8a she gets to sleep or have fun.

However she has the weekend off so shopping here we come.

Okay back to my workout no mind drifting, concentrate or you might get hurt.

I go find Gary for some sparing action in the ring but I can't shake off the feeling of being watched.

I have to shake it off cause I really need a good workout today.

Hey Gary ..yep..can you give me some combative training..why..well ya know it's my last year in school.

I will have to go out into the real world soon and you know they're rogue's and hunters and a lot of other bullshit I don't know about plus it looks like it's my year at school for dumbasses so how about it?

I plead with a bribe of his favorite cherrys.

Gary laughs and says sure but not here and he writes down an address and he hands it over and says no crying it's gonna be hard and we start Monday.

I gotta call my guys to train ya I will only evaluate you throughout your training and I will be your final test.

Thanks Gary your the best as I do my happy dance and then Gary says and get some clothes that fit your ass can't have ya spilling all over the place.

Well it just so happens I'm going shopping this Saturday as I stick out my tongue at him and I proceed to go to the punching bag area but I still can't shake that feeling that I'm being watch so I casually look around, nope nothing out of the ordinary.

I put on my gloves and beat the shit out of the bag.

I never saw the old man in the corner he blended to well with his surroundings.

Since the gym was in town 3 other packs trained here so I never noticed new people as out of place people cause they always changed.

I was done by 6p so I told Gary I was leaving but asked if he needed my number now that he was giving me trained in combat and it was not at the gym.

Ya sure good idea.

So I gave him my number and a hug and wished him a goodnight.

Christy was to pick me up the next day at 930a so pizza for dinner.

I had a long bath for my sore muscles and off to bed at a decent hour.

I was just about asleep and remember my notes that I needed for school, nope will do it Sunday must sleep and forget all these stupid assholes.

I really never slept so good.

I was unaware that Alex was watching me half the night while someone else was watching him.

Beep beep beep as I tried to shut off my alarm, Shea what you only wake me for school?

Yes only the important stuff.

I look at the time 900a, shit Shea now I have to rush thanks.

Welcome young pup. hey Shea? yes do you get like we're being watched or followed at all?

Sometimes but it's like right outside my grasp or sight and I can't get a bead on it.

Same here Shea, let's just stay vigilant and see what happens maybe with my new training my senses will heighten but for now I'm off to the mall to get shit to cover my ass as Gary says as we both laugh.

One good thing about being a wolf you always have your best friend with you, your backup buddy someone that will tell ya straight when your being a dick.

I just pulled on my shoes and hear Christy's car in the driveway,

I run out after locking the door and say great timing let's eat first my treat.

I could eat a small child.

Let's get some gas in this old girl before she dies, you've checked all her fluids and tire's?

Not really Christy says I have other things to pay for like rent and my portion of food.

Girl why are your parents like this?

If I could move out I would.

Well Christy, I have something to talk with you about, hear me out before you answer, my parents aren't coming back I just got the deed to the house signed over to me in the mail it's paid for so no rent needed, food we can shop to together and split it and you know electric and water is provided by the pack so win win.

Are you for real Christy asks with a surprise look on her face if it's real hell ya I will.

Okay then it's for real now how much stuff do you have and can we get it all in a day?

Yep okay then right after shopping we go get your shit.

We need food also and then we start our happy dance in the front seat.

Okay mall here we come let's sail this ship baby LOL.

Let's just say Everytime I go shopping afterwards I remember why I hate is so.

I got 7 pairs of workout clothes and a few new skirts and shirts and thigh high hooker boots to die for.

I'm so going to wear them to school come Monday.

Next on the list is the grocery store we decided Christy would just put $50 in a jar every paycheck.

We have a lot of food which is fine because that means less time at the pack house.

I also invested in a crockpot and toaster oven because of schedule purposes It would be easier to throw something in it in the morning and forget about it.

Walla Dinner as ready upon your return.