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Love  Beyond  Borders

Love Beyond Borders



Mr. Wang Lin a very successful businessman based from China meets Ammu ( Ms. Simi Varma) an Indian girl during his business trip to Dubai. Later they gets married in China due to certain reasons. Lin is very handsome whereas Ammu, though she has a very attractive physical features a scar on her right cheek makes her unattractive. The story is about how their love develops beyond the limits though they differ in religion culture and custom . The most interesting part is Ammu does not speak or understand Chinese language.
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36th floor WC Corporation....

Assistant Han Yong reporting to CEO Mr Wang Lin "Boss our system has been hacked and the entire accounting data has been deleted. The culprit has been caught and we are waiting for your approval to terminate Mr Harris who has committed the crime to disclose our bid amount to our competitor Lu Group"

Mr Lin replied with cold expression "settle his account and throw him out, make sure he doesn't get any job in the entire X city."

Lin makes a phone call to his PA Jia to book a flight ticket for Yong to Dubai. Yong astonished and exclaimed 'ticket to Dubai".

Lin ordered "You go to WC LLC in Dubai, its our office that maintains corresponding accounting records to face such situations. Within a week we can restore all the data as it was, there is nothing to panic."

WC Corporation is a renowned and powerful enterprise in X city and handles many international businesses. They have branches and sister companies all over the world. However Yong was not aware that in certain organisations they secretly maintain and stores accounting information as a control measure against loss of crucial data.

Yong hesitatingly nodded as he didn't want to leave Mr Lin as he knows nobody else can handle this arrogant and short tempered CEO. Because of his cold nature nobody dares to approach him directly, all the staffs communicates matters through Yong.

Later in the afternoon Wang Lin received a call from his mother Mrs Li Min informing that his younger brother Wang Fuzhi has met with an accident and been admitted in a hospital in Dubai. She was really worried and Lin consoled that he will do the necessary and rest assured.

Fuzhi was on one week vacation trip with his friends to Dubai. He is just opposite of Lin, he is jovial and an easygoing person. Only problem is that for him girls are just a source of enjoyment, he is never serious in his relationship with girls and hence keeps on changing girlfriends. He also handles many of their family businesses successfully however women are his weakness, he is a successful businessman cum renowned playboy of the city.

After hanging up the call from mother Min, Lin informs Yong that he will also accompany him to Dubai.

While in Dubai, Fuzhi who was sleeping in Prime Time Hospital bed wakes up. Today he feels afresh as there is no more pain in his injuried, so he open up with the nurse to pass out time .

He asked the nurse how he was hospitalised, he vaguely remember one of his friends had quarell in between their party and ended up in a fight with some strangers in the hotel. During the fight somebody smashed beer bottle on his forehead and he fainted.

The nurse Priya replied " Sir, You were found unconscious in the hotel corridor by a girl and she helped you to hospital. The police came for investigation and the girl had given a written statement that she witnessed the drunkards beating you and two other guys who were lying on the floor along with being stabbed by them. "

" Mr Fuzhi, its your luck that she was there on time, otherwise you would have been beaten to death. You were bleeding and lost lots of blood, she brought you on time to hospital too. She had made arrangements to contact your family as well. Your brother Wang Lin informed us that he is on his way to Dubai.

Hearing his brother is coming Fuzhi got terrified, as he was afraid of being scolded ruthlessly by his second brother for being irresponsible and wandering carelessly. For one second he thought that unknown girl is an angel saviour of him but the very next moment she had pushed him to hell by informing his brother.

The nurse interrupted his thought saying that the girl has send lunch for him and whether he wants to have it now. Fuzhi affirmed and the nurse served him the lunch. He was surprised to see that all those were his favorite food.

While eating Fuzhi asked whether she know who the girl was.

The nurse frowned and said " You don't know her, we all thought that she was somebody close a with you. She was crying madly when you were being admitted, even when the doctor said that you are fine with mild injuries we saw her sitting in the waiting area and weeping.

" Really" Fuzhi murmured.

Priya : for the last two days she was the one who brought lunch for you and would call and enquire about your health atleast three times a day.

Fuzhi : Where is she now.

Priya : she left half an hour ago after sending your lunch. She came twice to the room but you were sleeping.

Fuzhi and nurse Priya chatted for a while and both felt friendly. When the nurse was about to leave the room..

Fuzhi : Is she... Is she beautiful.



: Not sure as she was wearing a niqaab covering most of her face, however she had the most beautiful and attractive eyes I have ever seen and her rosy lips were too visible.

Fuzhi :


What is her name, can you get me her contact number and details from the admission form.

Nurse : Sorry sir, we don't have her details. The contact detail were filled by one of her colleague Mr. Fang Yu. She accompanied you to the casualty while he was the one who filled up the admission form.

Nurse opened the door and about to leave she suddenly stopped and turned back to Fuzhi... "Sir I heard her saying on phone while answering a call that she is" Ammu".

"Ammu" Fuzhi mumbled happily.

Nurse asked curiously"Sir . Ammu, is she your acquaintance "

Fuzhi remained silent for few seconds and replied gazing out to the window" What do you feel "



: We all feel there is a close acquaintance.

Next day morning in International city Dubai, France cluster fourth floor. Ammu woke up and laying in her bed lazily watching the street covered with fog through the window. The fog blinds folded the distant view. During winter season the climate here is so good. The night and the daytime upto noon is blanketed with the fog and the afternoon with mild hot as if the sun is lazy.

Ammu woke up from her bed, had her bath and prayed by lighting lamp. She went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Today is Friday and hence she had no office. Its her routine to get up early morning but during off days she prefers to sleep and sit idle. She seldom goes for outing with her friends.

But today she woke early as she had to go to hospital to visit Fuzhi. For the next two days she is busy in the office so she had to make sure that Fuzhi's family is here to take care.

While getting ready her roommatea teased her asking whether she is going to meet her new Chinese boyfriend.

I just smiled at them and got ready. They also made fun of me saying, "it's good that you wear this niqaab, otherwise your boyfriend will faint seeing your beauty."

I didn't give my ears to them and left hurriedly. My cousin sister who is also a doctor in Prime time hospital came to my room looking for me. My roommates for funsake told her that I went to meet my new Chinese boyfriend. She frowned and left.

I reached the hospital at 10 am and saw nurse Priya sitting beside Fuzhi who was sleeping.

Fuzhi prefers Priya to serve him as she speaks Chinese, so doctors put her on duty in his room. When she saw me, smiled and said " You are here, Sir told me to wake him up when you arrives."

Ammu : No... No.. Let him sleep, I will wait..

She nodded. Later after ten minutes Fuzhi woke up and saw Ammu playing with her phone. He watched her anxiously and nurse Priya smiled suspiciously. To add fuel to her doubt he said to Priya in Chinese 'hey, can't you give us some privacy so that I can talk to my lover freely. "

Priya went out nodding with a meaningful look and Ammu stood up from the chair hearing Fuzhi's talk and smiled at him

Ammu : Hi.., Iam...



: Hi Ammu...

Ammu was surprised and her lips curved up with and dimples appeared on her delicate cheeks. They both chatted nearly for an hour introducing themselves, sharing their contact numbers. Fuzhi was good at handling ladies so he could easily make Ammu open up and Ammu also like to talk a lot.

Fuzhi wanted to show his gratitude while Aamu want some distraction from her personal problems. While they were busy chatting, In the doctor's room, Wang Lin and Yong enquired about Fuzhi's health and was relieved hearing that he will be discharged tomorrow. Doctor called nurse Priya to lead them to Fuzhi's room.

On the way to the room, Yong asked Priya...

Yong : Nurse, since you are an Indian and also from same state of where Fuzhi's saviour is from, do you think whether it would be polite if we offer a gift to her to show our gratitude.

Priya : Sir offering gift to a saviour is fine, but to a lover I don't think its a good idea

Yong blinked and exclaimed "Lover"

Lin who was walking in front heard their conversation, he strodes stiffly to Fuzhi's room. Before entering the room Lin receives a call and Yong alone enters the room. He saw Ammu and Fuzhi chatting and laughing as if they had known each other for long.

Ammu mistook Yong as Fuzhi's brother, she greets him politely and conveys that she is happy that his family is here. However Yong was curiously scrutinising their behaviour to confirm on what the nurse told.

Ammu bid goodbye to Fuzhi and Yong and came out of the room. In the narrow corridor while giving way for a patient who was being moved in a stretcher to the next room, she hit Wang Lin who was standing beside with his phone. From the sudden push the phone dropped from his grip to the floor..

Wang Lin furiously turned back...