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Love Sucks

Love Sucks



Eren was a typical, just-out-of-high-school boy living a typical life. That is, until he began working at the local asylum and began catering to a patient named Levi Ackerman. Then things started getting...interesting. And perplexing. oh, so perplexing
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Eren was nervous about his first day at his new job. Most people fresh out of Highschool went to work at a fast food place,a supermarket, someplace calm. Or,perhaps,they'd head off to college before they went on to tackle a harder profession.

But not Eren. Oh,No.

As he stood on the steps of what was to be his new workplace and looked up at the sign above the old,almost crumbling stone entryway,a single word etched in the stone caught and held his attention, causing a chill to go down his spine. Asylum.

That's right. The young male was about to start his first day being a janitor-assistant mix for the man who operated this place, a Mr. Smith. Of course his dad had to be friends with the head of a godforsaken asylum.

At least he had a job.

Taking a deep,shaky breath that sounded more like a sigh,Eren nervously smiled and walked in for the first time. What he saw surprised him.

He'd honestly been expecting a horror movie-like setting, Maybe with drab gray or white walls splattered in blood,wires hanging down from the ceiling,their spark perhaps being the only light illuminating the place as patients ran around, screeching and foaming at the mouth,waving weapons menacingly.

What greeted him instead was an old but clean entrance hall that lead to a receptionist's desk,much like in a hospital or a nursing home. The walls were painted a relaxing shade of lilac purple, and the receptionist was a middle-aged,brunette woman who peered up at him with a concerned,almost motherly look as she pushed her braid over her shoulder.

"Are you lost,sir?" She asked softly.

"Oh,U-um,no. I'm the new employee,my name's-"

"Eren! You're early!" He was cut off as his boss approached,a tall blonde man with a face that was a mixture between being stern,playful,and wise all at once.

"Good afternoon,Mr. Smith! " Eren said,bowing slightly before straightening, making the older male chuckle.

"No need to be so formal, call me Erwin. Come along, I'll explain on the way." He shook his head and began to walk away,gesturing for Eren to follow,which the teen did wordlessly.

"Let me start off by saying, this job won't be easy. Not at all. While there are bright sides to it,some of the patients can be quite a handful at times. If you can handle them, you'll do just fine." He said as Eren struggled to keep up, his legs being shorter. Erwin paused with a chuckle to let him catch up.

"We have twelve patients on this floor,sixteen on the floor above. For now,your responsibility is to help take care of the ones down here. You deliver their meals,clean up their rooms,and ask a few standard questions about their day. The receptionist will show you to the the kitchen later. But for now-" Erwin stopped next to a narrow closet door. Next to the door was an old janitor's cart.

"This is the supply closet. Everything you need should be in here. Sheets to change beds with,furniture polish, toilet paper and soap to restock bathrooms,the likes. If you can't find something,ask. And this-" he pressed a sheet of paper with names,room numbers,and triggers into Eren's hand,along with a rectangle of plastic reminiscent to a credit card in size,shape,and appearance.

"The paper will tell you who everyone is. Some like being called by their room numbers, while some like being called by name. Don't worry,they'll be vocal about it. The other thing is the key card you'll need to get into any and all rooms. Now,I'll let you get started. But a word of advice?" He paused,looking at Eren seriously.

"I'd save number four for last. And whatever you do,do not piss him off." On that ominous note,he turned and walked off,his shoulders tense. Eren glanced down at the paper once he was out of sight. Number four was listed simply. " Levi Ackerman. Exact triggers unknown. Violent. "

Great. Just great.

With a sigh,Eren loaded the cart up with some supplies,walking to one of the rooms and knocking on the door timidly as a warning before he slid the key card down a slit near door. The door hissed and opened slowly, almost sluggishly.

"Good afternoon, Miss Annie! I'm your new janitor. How are you feeling today?" He slid the card into his pocket and wheeled the cart in behind him, closing the door firmly. He froze as he meet the blond woman's icy gaze.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded in a low,harsh tone. Eren blinked at her,his green eyes larger than normal with surprise.

"Well? Are you going to answer, kid?"

"Oh! Sorry. Um,I'm here to clean and change your sheets. Come lunchtime, I'll bring you your meal." He answered. She scoffed.

"Hurry up,then."

"Yes,ma'am." Eren murmured, dipping his head before beginning to clean. Annie stayed silent most of the time he cleaned, occasionally giving him tips in a cold,detached voice,like how to get the sheets smooth. Finally,she sighed and shook her head.

"What's a kid like you doing working here,anyway?" She asked,her voice still indifferent, but the slightest bit less frosty.

"Kid? I don't think I'm too much younger than you. And I needed money,and my dad knows Mr. Smit- Erm. I mean,Erwin. So here I am." He smiled cheerfully, making Annie roll her eyes.

"Oh,Levi is going to tear you to shreds." She mumbled.

"Levi?" He played dumb,beginning to clean the tiny,three-inch wide window she had.

"Yeah,he's a patient here. We were brought in around the same time. He's a real dangerous guy,tough. Why wouldn't he be,though? He is put in here for murder,after all. I heard he ended up raping and murdering the last two employees who worked here,too." She said with an almost careless, cold attitude. Eren swallowed,the sound audible in the quiet room.

"He did what..?"

"You heard me.the first time,kid." She said. Eren looked away,cleaning the rest of her living areas with a nervous swiftness,his brain mulling over her story.

That can't be true...can it? Wouldn't I have heard about it..?

He had to admit,it made him nervous. Very nervous.