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Iker's Man

Iker's Man



Book 1 of Werewolf Series Iker Maximiliano De Russe is the most feared name in this side of the globe. The unbeatable billionaire lord, he is known to be the devil itself. More than a billionaire, Iker was also a Werewolf. Even though he had grown up in the pack, he was a loner. Always second best to his brothers and his stepmom, Iker became his own person at a very young age. Now he was an Alpha and most feared man. At 26, Iker has never searched for a mate. He did not believe in the stupid happily ever after stories. But when his mate comes calling, Will Iker leave everything behind for the man? Avadh Alwar is the King and Alpha of the living and the dead. Humans,werewolves, vampires and every other being in his land bowed to him, answered to him. His name brings shiver down the spine of every single leader across the globe. He is the king of Manovar- the biggest kingdom in the world. At the age of 33, he is yet to meet his mate. His land and his people waited for the day their king would mate. Avadh never imagined that he would find the mate while on a business trip to Illia, the land of Iker Maximilliano De Russe. Finding out said Iker is h is mate was surprising. Taking him home is going to be difficult. Very difficult. But Avadh has to fulfill his duties and he will take his mate home.
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It was easy. To let the bullets loose, to let his anger take over, it was probably the easiest thing Iker does. He relished in it. And when he can sink his paws into their necks and tear them apart with his hand, it just gave him a bit more satisfaction.

Iker watches as the man shuddered, his hands freezing, eyes rolling back as he let out a blood-curdling scream. Iker pressed on his boot to where he had already cut the man on his neck. The screams made everyone else flinch a bit, but Iker stood there casually looking at the guy in his face as he asked again - "Where is the case?".

"The - righ- right draw in the cupboard in- in my off- office," the guy stuttered.

"Verify," said Iker simply as he pulled a chair above the guy trapping him between the legs and sitting on it.

"I don't forgive- you know that. But you also know that I respect those who fight me face to face enough to not kill them shamefully, cruelly. But when it comes to backstabbers like you- Alan- " Iker snorted and then lifted the knife and pulled the guy's hand. He started by slicing the nail off. He paid no attention to the screams as he did the same to all the fingers. As a werewolf Alan should be able to heal, however, that's where Iker's special knife comes in. The knife has a silver edge.

Alan was his dad's guard. Algernon had suspected nothing till the guy backstabbed and left with crucial documents from the pack. It took Iker a few days, but he did find the man and here they were. Iker watched as his blood-drenched the ground. He waited till the guy was getting a bit relieved that the torture has stopped before doing it again and again.

"Sir, we have got it," said Xavier, his beta.

"Good. Now Acer, go with Xavier and retrieve the documents," said Iker.

Acer is Xavier's mate and he trusted them enough to let them do the task. Then Iker turned to Alan and mercifully raised the gun.

"Here is the mercy you begged for, you pest," said Iker as he shot the man in his head and then got up and stormed out.

Iker reached the packhouse and he felt all eyes on him. He can smell their fear, anger and even loathing. Like he cared. He just climbed the stairs after slamming the files before his father who looked at it in relief.


Iker has always thought of himself as a strong person and he definitely was. He steps down the stairs of his palatial mansion. He can see some of his family members involved in various activities. Iker had a meeting early morning with a rogue leader. He was on edge. The rogues had been teaming up and attacking the northern lands and they have killed ten so far. Negotiation was his dad's idea and he had made it clear that he disagrees. However, ever the diplomat, Algernon had insisted.

Iker looked at his bodyguards. They are the most loyal people he has. They were mostly betas and even a few alphas and omegas. Iker looked on as his brothers came down. He had six of them. All older ones.

His oldest brother Cristian De Russe is a good man. He is the only one who treats Iker with love and attention and the only person Iker listens to. Cristian at 35 is still unmated. A hulk of a man.

Iker actually wishes his brother would find the mate. Because being the pack's next in line and 'leader', he needed the power from mating. He was already showing signs of withdrawal. While he himself did not care for the shit, he wanted it for his brother.

The next are twins, unidentical, Valen and Terrence. Both, at 30, are mated to two amazing women, Clara and Merena. They were the lifeline of the family and Iker respected them a great deal. They also have kids. Two girls, Satara and Tareya, his nieces. The guys have bullied Iker at times, but mostly pretended he doesn't exist till he grew up to be unavoidable, important.

The fourth is Ethan. He was a nomadic soul. He was Iker's soul brother. Wherever he was, Iker knew that man wished him well. Ethan has suffered the most due to the greediness of the family.

Then there is the fifth brother. Hale was the happy go lucky guy. Always treats Iker like he is a teddy and not the most dangerous man around. Again unmated, Iker knew whoever got Hale was going to be damn lucky. He was so cute and an omega.

The sixth is Zaleno. Zal never liked Iker. They were almost the same age, except Zal was a few months older to him. The hatred was mutual. They behaved like enemies. Always. Zal was also a hunter, an alpha hunter.

Then there was his stepmother. She was never outright cruel to him. She just ignored him. Iker didn't blame her. Who can bear to look at a living proof of her husband's infidelity, of the fact that she was not his mate? Iker always wondered what would have happened if his other father had not died in childbirth.

Cristian was glaring at him. "Ike, what is it that I hear? What did you do to Alan?" asked Cristian.

"Oh, please he is Alan- the backstabber not some saint. Though it pains me to admit it, he did the right thing Alpha Cristian, with all due respect," said Zal rolling his eyes. One thing about Iker and Zal was that Zal agreed with Iker's methods.

Cristian rolled his eyes like the parent that he was. "Yeah, don't agree on things that matter," he said making the twins snort. Hale looks at them disapprovingly and looks at Iker like Iker thinks his birth father would have.

"Ike, you have to be careful. Do you know how many enemies you made by humiliating Alan thus? He is the heir to one of the biggest wolf packs in the Arterius region. They have vowed revenge on you-" the mother hen went on with the rant and Iker took his breakfast from Hale's hand and started having it.

Iker did not pay much attention to the rest of the pack though he knew they were staring at him, his grandparents, step-grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews. The one thing they all had in common was that they either hated him or feared him. After the age of 15, he never really bothered with any of them. It didn't matter. He had learned long back that he can never please any of them. So he had stopped trying and now he didn't even care. Actually, he couldn't believe that he once wanted the approval of all these people and felt disgusted by it.

Iker turned to leave. Before that, he went and stood near Cristian. The alpha looked up.

"I have arranged a meeting for you with the Almero region packs. You must go," he said. Only Iker would dare give an order to the alpha who smiled indulgently.

"Should I?" asked Cristian as he walked out.

"Yes," said Iker.

"You don't have to send me on random trips you know kid, what if I don't find my mate here either?" asked Cristian.

Iker masks his surprise that his brother knew why he was setting up these random meetings.

"Well, at least some political dialogue for the pack can happen. And I am not a kid" said Iker.

"You will always be my kid" smirked Cristian as he walked off ruffling Iker's well-kept hair.

Iker huffed and looked around to make sure none of his staff or subordinates saw him being treated like a kid. Only Zal and Hale were there and both were family and not surprised. Hale actually came and hugged Iker.

"Stay safe, kid," said Hale.

"I am not a kid," said Ike and rushed out trying to block out the idiotic Zal's guffaw.