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Forced To Marry The Mafia's Son

Forced To Marry The Mafia's Son

Author:Khardi J


{Complete}.... "I don't owe no one apologies. Now listen really good..", he whispered into my ear " Stay outta my stuff or you'll be more than sorry. Got it", I nodded "Word puttana, I said got it?", " Yes", I whimpered ****** The Mendoza family is the most feared family in the Mafia world. When Adela Montes steps in to save her father from being killed, giving her off as a bride to their son Stephan, becomes the only way out. Adela is heart broken at the news but has no choice. Will she be able to cope with being forcefully married to a mafia's son?
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             It was 9pm in the night, my dad had not spoken to any one since he came back. I was upstairs in my room, when I heard a knock on the door.

"Go get the door Adela", my mum said

" Okay mum", I replied.

"Who's there", I asked when I got to the door. When no reply was forth coming, I opened the door and I was really sure that what I saw would change my life forever. There stood this old man and a guy standing next to him, they were both suited, handsome and had a resemblance to each other. What scared me was that I had never seen these guys before.

"Move aside young lady", the older man said " We're here to see Mr. Montes", I cleared my throat and tried to look tough.

"Ehm sorry, but who are you?", I asked. He didn't answer me but just corked his eye brows. The younger one pushed me aside and stepped into the house and oohh, did I forget to say they came with some men who were well… armed to the teeth.

" Adela, whose that?", my mum asked, I could hear her feet descending the stairs.

Yeah mum, come downstairs real quick and teach these men some manners. She stood transfixed for a while then spoke.

"Who are you?"

"Nice to see you too Mrs. Montes…”, the younger one drawled sarcastically “…where's your husband?" , he asked.

My mum was so scared at this point that all she could do was call my dad's name. In a few minutes, he was down. He look scared at first but then gave of a neutral expression.

"Mr. Montes, how lovely to see you", the younger one said with sarcasm dripping from his voice. He walked up to my dad, smiled and punched him hard on the face. My dad fell to the ground, blood dripping from his nose.

" How dare you, you son of a bitch. How dare you play me? You think I’m stupid huh?", he said really pissed. Some of his guard walked up to my dad and held him on his knees.

"I'm sure you know what happens when you mess with me", he asked bringing out a gun. Not gonna lie, first time in my life I'm seeing a gun.

" One last thing…", he smirking, rather to evilly "…In your next life, try being more loyal", he said and cocked the gun.

" Wait", I didn't know when I said that. The guy just turned around and shot icy glares at me while my mum was giving me that ‘don't interfere'  look.

"Yes miss, what's the problem?", he asked really angry.

" Ehm you...you're not go...gonna kill my dad, right?", I asked really scared.

"No...”, he said with a shake of head "...I'm going to babysit him. What the fuck does it look like I'm about to do?", he asked walking up to me

" I guess the gun means you want to kill him", I said shaking.

"Exactly. So, do me a favor and shut the fuck up", he said

" Please don't kill him", I begged playing with the hem of my shirt.

He got so pissed that he walked up to me and grabbed my jaw forcefully.

"One more interruption, and I'll kill you before I kill your dad's. Si?", he said with anger and disgust

" You should let the kid be Stephano, she's got nerve ", Mr. Mendoza said approaching us with his hands in his pocket. The guy whose name I now knew to be Stephano, let go of my jaw.

" She's also beautiful you know…", Mr. Mendoza said touching my hair "…Stephano, I guess we could change plans". Stephano tried to hide his irritation at the sound of change plans.

"Change plans…", he repeated walking round me "…So what are we gonna do with her, eat her? I'm hoping you say kill her", he stressed the kill and the older man just smiled

"As much as I love the idea, she's innocent so why kill her when we could keep her. I guess Montes will die in a few days when he doesn’t see his pretty damsel", Mr. Mendoza said. Stephano smirked and turned to my dad, shooting him twice. One on the arm, the other on the leg.

" Get the girl, we're leaving. Try fucking with me next time Montes and I'mma fuck you over, big time. Only your death will be torturously slow", I stood there staring at Stephano with wide eyes, oh no he did not

"So, you coming princessa or do I do us a favor and kill your daddy. It ain't gonna hurt me you know. Got five seconds to choose", Mr. Mendoza said all traces of smile gone. I had to decide fast, go with this jackass, always stoic faced stranger or watch him kill my dad, none of them made sense.

" Five.... Four..... Three..... Two.....",

"Okay fine, fine, I'll go with you if I have to, just don't just kill my dad", I said looking at Mr. Mendoza.

" You better be sure", he said to me, then turned to his guards " bring her along". I almost choked on my saliva what??

"What? Can't I just stay a night, at least say bye to my parents?", I asked surprised

" Shut up kid and just follow, you're wasting my time", Stephano said irritatedly. His guards pulled me along with them, like literal dragging. I mouthed a good buy to my parents.

You’ll pay for this Stephano, stupid spoilt kid. How the duck am I even supposed to live with him? Just got the wrong one bitch and I hope you're ready.