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Lost In The Dark

Lost In The Dark



Melanie Clifford, a sexy romantic freak ? and a sweet girl who was born as a female alpha lost her identity and forgot who she was or where she came from after being pushed off a cliff by her own sister when she was just sixteen years old and two weeks pregnant. Lucky for her, she survived the accident but her life was never the same, it turned into a horrible twist and she became a depressed woman as her new found bestfriend and cheating husband made life a living hell for her. It was very easy for them to deceive her since she had the inability to remember the past nor whatever happened the previous day, the doctors called her condition Alzheimer's disease and tagged her recovery impossible. Do you think that Melanie Clifford would ever discover that her real name was Diana Edward? And if she does recover, what do you think would be the first thing she would do? I am sure you would love to find out. Lost In The Dark@Action filled, romance engulfed,?? drama and mystery unraveling. Do not forget to leave a comment below... Bellawealth@Simplyamazingauthor.
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Melanie's car made a loud cranky noise while she zoomed into the compound.

She frowned coughing heavily.

Melanie pulled her sunglasses off her eyes waving the smoke that was swimming into her body system through her nostrils.

It was her car exhaust again.

She looked at the side mirror and just realized how horrible her face looked.

Their were bruises everywhere and yet she couldn't remember how she got them, she could remember asking Charles earlier in the day and he told her she fell off the staircase.

"Why do I have this feeling that he isn't telling the truth?" She thought looking pale.

Her lips looked dry and totally broken at each side.

"Brenda.. Romeo..." Melanie called out stepping out of her car with bags containing groceries in her hands.

She took a deep sigh feeling very uneasy at the quietness of the house.

On a normal day, Brenda and Romeo, her beautiful twin children would be running around playing just like always.

Her face broke into deep shock when she saw blood stains on the carpet grass.

"What is this?" She cried out in panic looking totally perplexed.

Her swollen eye lids fluttered as her eyes slowly gathered up tears, she held it in swallowing very hard.

The groceries dropped from her hands when she saw more blood stains occupying the carpet grass.

"What is this?" She thought aloud, she looked up.

"Charles!" She called out but their was no response.

Melanie quickly held her hair up in a pony tail, she knelt one knee and touched the red stain, her eyes grew wide, she have just confirmed that she wasn't just assuming things, it was truly blood.

"Bianca! Romeo!" She screamed in fear.

Her heart was beating very loud in her chest.

A dog started barking behind the house.

The way the dog barked was quiet unusual, Melanie couldn't remember ever hearing a dog bark in such manner.

It still felt very strange to hear a dog bark within the compound cause they didn't have one.

The children have always wanted one and she planned to surprise them with a little dog on Christmas.

Melanie ran quickly behind the house dragging her long loose gown along, she followed the drops of blood she found on the grass.

She gaped at the sight of a strange looking dog standing close to her son while barking continously.

"No!!!" She screamed loudly as more tears gathered up in her eyes and fell on her white brushed cheeks.

The dog turned to her at once, it had this heavy drool mixed with both blood and saliva dropping out of it's mouth, it's eyes were blue and scary.

Melanie could tell that the dog was ready to attack her, she took a quick glance around looking for a weapon to defend herself.

The dog hesitated for a while glaring at Melanie whose hands and feet were shaking like a weak leaf.

"Charles!" She called out.

She needed help, she doubted if she would be able to handle the angry looking dog on her own.

She found a log of wood lying carelessly around, she grabbed it with both hands making her grip firm.

"Run away now! If you come anywhere close to me I would hit you!" Melanie threatened hoping the dog could understand her and eventually run away but she was wrong.

The dog grew wild with rage exposing his long mysterious looking teeth.

It was still barking in a way she haven't heard a dog bark before, this time it was louder and even more stranger to her.

She couldn't deny the fact that she was getting even more scared with each second that swept by.

"Charles, where the hell are you Charles?" She cried out.

"Bianca!" She called out to her daughter but their was no response either.

She took a deep breath and moved backwards trying her best to gain balance.

The dog stepped forward a bit.

Again... Melanie tried to scare it away, but the dog stood it's ground, it started running to her direction in great speed ready to attack.

Her eyes grew wide in fear but she knew running wasn't the best option, she still needed the save the life of her children.

Melanie hit the dog with the log of wood in her hand and it fell to the left side and landed on a large stone.

The dog jerked up at once shaking it's head like nothing happened, it wasn't ready to give up.

Melanie almost fell while hitting the dog at first, she gathered up her stamina and hit the dog harder when it attacked again.

The dog hit it's head against the wall falling helplessly to the ground as it tried attacking Melanie again who hit it harder.

"Go to hell you bastard!" She cursed loudly in anger and ran backwards closer to where her son lay.

The dog lay still whimpering at a corner, in few seconds it stood up glaring at Melanie before it gave out a heavy howl and ran off.

Melanie stopped a bit in fear but the thought of her missing daughter and her injured son bleeding to death got her heavily bothered again.

"Brenda!" She cried out again while she ran to Romeo, her five years old son and carried him into her arms.

Her eyes were still everywhere searching for Brenda.

"Romeo..." she cried out shaking her son but he wasn't moving.

"I can't believe this happened to you, mummy is so sorry" she said in tears.

She tapped his cheeks hoping he might open his eyes but he didn't even move a finger.

"No....no..." she muttered breaking down in tears.

Romeo was badly bitten by the dog as his body continously dripped of red blood.

Melanie's hands were shaking, she lifted Romeo up as tears drenched her face.

"Wake up Romeo please, mummy is here" she muttered.

"Mummy..." Bianca called out with her tiny voice.

Melanie turned around on hearing Brenda's voice.

"Mummy..." she called out again, her voice was clearer this time.

She slowly crawled out from under a car parked inside an old garage.

Her body was covered in dirt and Melanie could tell that she wasn't left out of the dog attack, she could clearly see blood dripping from her left hand.

She ran her hands through her face forgetting that it had been stained with blood and ended up smearing blood across her face.

"Bianca.." Melanie called in a soft tone feeling this fresh relief within her.

Bianca burst into tears.

"Don't cry... don't cry, mummy is here" Melanie said in consolation.

Melanie couldn't help her tears too when Bianca couldn't stop crying.

She had left the kids in the care of Charles, her husband before leaving for the store to get groceries just like he had asked her to.

"How could Charles be this careless with children?" She cried in her thoughts grabbing Bianca by the arm while still carrying Romeo with the other hand.

Melanie have always felt super strong, lifting heavy things that most women wouldn't dare to and most times people watched her with awe as she does that.

They didn't have neighbors close neighbors, the neighborhood was always dry.

She got into her car with the children and drove off as fast as she could.

Lucky enough their was no traffic on the road and she got to the hospital in no time.

She pulled up in front of the hospital jumping down from the car with her kids as she screamed on top of her voice for help.

Few minutes later, Romeo was in the emergency ward.

She tried calling her husband but his number wasn't connecting.

"I hope he is okay..." she muttered worried that something bad might have happened to her husband.

Melanie needed all the support she could get at that point, she quickly called her bestfriend Rose but her number wasn't connecting either.

She shoved her phone into her back pocket and held her daughter who's hand was bleeding more than it was before.

Melanie looked up and noticed that two accident victims were just rushed into the hospital.

At first her heart sank, she feared that it might be her husband but on looking closer, she was glad that she thought wrong.

A nurse hurried towards them.

"I would take her in now for treatment" the nurse said carrying Bianca up in to her arms.

Melanie nodded looking very weak.

The nurse walked closer to her, she was unsure about Melanie "are you okay?"

The bruises on Melanie's face looked fresh.

Melanie gaped a but when she realized that her face was exposed, she quickly loosed her hair and allowed it hang down her shouldrr just to cover her bruisef face.

"I am okay nurse, just take good care of my children while I am away" she said in a sad tone.

The nurse nodded, she felt so much compassion for Melanie as she watched her run out of the hospital.

"How could these have happened? I left the both of them on good health" she mumbled.

"Please wait ma'am" a female voice called out to her.

Melanie turned around, it was a doctor.

She swallowed hard.

"Are my children okay?" She asked looking a little tensed.

"They would be fine ma'am but I would like to know exactly what happened to them?" The doctor said.

Melanie was quiet for a while "they were attacked by something that looks like a dog."

The doctor looked confused staring at her.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"I am so sure of what I saw, it wasn't just a dog, I think it's a wolf" Melanie said.

The doctor shook her head reaching for Melanie's hand "ma'am I think you need enough rest and you are mentally stressed, why don't you sit down and have a good rest?"

Melanie shook her head "no, I can't rest, I need to find my husband or my bestfriend, either of them."

She dashed out of the hospital before the doctor could say another word.

The doctor looked baffled as she retired back to her office and asked that every zoo around should be contacted to check the animals in their care to be sure non have escaped.