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Ms. Surprise, Let's Get Married Again

Ms. Surprise, Let's Get Married Again


The burden of a crumbling marriage weighs heavily on Amanda's soul. Her husband, Shane, has never genuinely loved her. Compounding her misery is the fact that he is deeply in love with her cousin Elsa, who has spent the last three years in a coma. When Elsa finally awakens, Amanda's life spirals into chaos! However, after the divorce, Shane unexpectedly learns that his ex-wife, Amanda, once only managing household chores, is actually an excellent lawyer, a top chef, and even... Overwhelmed with regret, he begs to remarry, but she replies with just one word, "Scram!"
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"Amanda, you should just divorce Shane!"

"Had I not been in a coma, he wouldn't have married you!"

"Shane promised once I woke up, I'd be Mrs. Maud!"

In the upscale café, Amanda Grant stared blankly at the tearful woman before her. This woman was the true love of her husband, to whom she'd been married for three years.

More absurdly, his true love was her cousin, Elsa Grant.

As Elsa spoke, her tears flowed more freely. "I know the Mauds are well-off, and Shane is wealthy. It's hard to let go, but I'm begging you to give him back to me! Shane cared for you only because you're my cousin. Don't scheme against him, or worse, try to break us apart!"

Her outburst caught everyone's attention, and soon, whispers and gossip spread throughout the café.

"Why is she trying to steal her cousin's boyfriend so shamelessly?"

"If she had any self-respect, she wouldn't be a mistress. If it were up to me, I'd send her to jail!"

The gossip spread, with most siding with Elsa.

Elsa continued crying, hiding her satisfied smile behind a tissue.

Amanda had enough. Coldly, she said, "I didn't force him to marry me, and I never ruled out divorce. But when we divorce is our business, not yours." She stood to leave.

Elsa grabbed her. "Amanda, don't be mad. I was just concerned..."

"Thanks, but I don't need it," Amanda sneered, pushing her away.

Though she didn't exert much strength, Elsa somehow stumbled, knocking over a hot kettle, scalding her hand.

"Ah—!" Elsa cried out in pain.

"You..." Amanda started to help, but someone shoved her, making her hit her stomach on the table's edge.

"Amanda!" The man's cold voice was so familiar. It was her husband, Shane Maud, holding Elsa in public.

"Elsa just woke up from a coma. Why provoke her?" he demanded.

Amanda laughed bitterly. "She invited me, and she knocked the kettle..."

But Shane cut her off. "If you didn't push her, how could she have knocked it over? A woman like you doesn't belong in the Maud family!"

After that, his assistant immediately handed him a document. He then threw the divorce papers at her. "Sign it. You can have the villa, but stay away from us!"

Amanda had thought that this day would come, but she did not expect it to come so soon.

In fact, she married Shane not only because of the incident that night, but more importantly, she loved him.

Even though she knew that this marriage was just to appease his family, she was still willing to marry him anyway.

Even during the worst times, she would convince herself that everything was going to be fine.

However, her love and compromise over the past three years were nothing but a joke to him!

Forget it! It was time to end this hopeless marriage!

Heartbroken, Amanda signed the papers and then threw them back at Shane. "You can keep the villa as my charity."

The huge impact stunned Shane.

"You!" Shane became livid.

But Amanda didn't care at all. She added to Elsa, "You'll tire of him soon. Take him away! Leave me to my new love life."

Elsa's face was twisted with rage.

Amanda, however, wore a bright smile. She grabbed her bag, approached Shane, and said, "By the way, here's what I owe you."

Without hesitation, she threw a vicious punch at Shane, catching him off guard.

He could only clutch his stomach and wince in pain.

Amanda's lips curled into a disdainful smile as she confidently strode away.

Well, she did hurt herself badly when her stomach hit the corner of the table earlier.

Amanda wasn't one to hold grudges!

Instead, she would avenge herself right away!