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Liliths Feminism,  Woman's Demand For Gender Equality

Liliths Feminism, Woman's Demand For Gender Equality

Author:Mlamleli Zide


Lilith is a feminist who demanded independence and she rebelled against the man, Adan and her creator Theo, demanding equality with man in authority. Her Audacity inspired the angels in Nirvana and caused them to rebel against their creator, Theo. The revolt broke out in Nirvana and the angels alongside their guardian, Phosporos were banished by Theo from Nirvana and met Lilith mourning southward of Elysian Plain where she dwells. So, Phosporos made a league with her and caused her to abandon her husband Adan. Adan was left mourning and pleading for her return but Theo created a new female, Eva out of the ribs of Adan. Lilith broke the league with Phosporos after he was trapped in Hell. Lilith remembered home, Elysian Plain and returned to her husband but found him with a new wife, Eva. She pretended to have love for her so that she might reconcile with Adan and find a place to live. Indeed, Adan welcomed her as his preserver but later beguiled them to eat of the forbidden fruit and Theo banished them into mortal realm, Midgard but Lilith remained Immortal but a wandering vagabond. Lilith saw the happiness of Adan and Eva was jealous of them and she afflicted Adan with males' erotic dreams and nocturnal emissions so that he may lose romantic interest for sexual intercourse with his wife and her plot prevailed. Eva boiled in anger against Lilith and she rebuked her. Michael came down and marry Lilith and she gave birth to gigantic gods and the goddesses. She repented from her immoral behavior against Adan and Eva and they enjoyed their romantic relationship and produced children and generations of Midgard which is earth. Lilith demanded her own realm and Theo built Abraham’s Bosom and Lilith settled therein with her children. Her children explored Hell and were trapped in Hades and turned the most powerful devils who worked to afflict Humankind but others escaped to their mother. Theo caused Lilith to be reborn in a form of a woman and she gave birth to the messiah who died at his early age and went to hell to fight Phosporos and his host. He prevailed and abolished Abraham’s bosom. Then took all that was in Abraham’s Bosom back to Elysian Plain. The Holy spirit came to live in humankind, and he was the help in all that they needed. Therefore, we saw the rise of the Christianity and Democracy was established.
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First-Female Lead: “Lilith”

Lilith is a feminist who demanded equal rights with the man that she was created with from the dust of the ground. She fought countless times for her voice to be heard and mourned severely several times before Theo, her creator but her appeal for independence was rebuffed. She rebelled against the man and her creator during the revolt that broke out in Nirvana due to her demand for equality with man in authority.

Her rebellion inspired angels in Nirvana who monitors the realm of Elysian Plain and the guardian of the angels, Phosporos revolted against Theo as he was inspired by the audacity which Lilith possessed that made her question Theo for her rights. The warfare was waged in Nirvana, Phosporos against Michael, the commander of Theo’s forces but Phosporos lost the battle and Theo banished him from Nirvana, which is heaven or the state of complete happiness and peace, and he made a league with Lilith to demand their rights from Theo.

Lilith abandoned the realm, Elysian Plain where Theo placed humans to rule it with dominion over everything that has life and she joined Phosporos whose mission was to continuously rebel against Theo. Therefore, Theo stripped her off his glory which ensconced her and she turned into a wandering vagabond alongside Phosporos.

Theo created a new woman, Eva to meet Adan and rejected Lilith then formed a new realm which he named "Hell" which was filled with evil atmosphere. Phosporos and other angels broke into the realm and the evil atmosphere trapped them there and the heat burned their bodies and changed their looks into scary creatures. Lilith refused to enter hell and broke the covenant with Phosporos to sustain her pure personality as a feminist not a terrorist to her husband and Theo.

This is because Phosporos had turned a devil while his angels turned into demons with dire countenance as scary monsters.

Lilith wandered and sojourned in a cave eastward of Midgard and missed Elysian Plain so much.

As the time passed, she decided to return to Elysian Plain but at her arrival, she found Adan already married to Eva his newly created woman and was provoked to tempt them so that they might be expelled from Elysian Plain. Theo had planted a tree of good and evil which would impart wisdom in both Eva and Adan.

So she beguiled Eva to take a bite on the tree and she did eat and convince her husband to eat as well and the wisdom was imparted in them but Theo's glory departed from them and they were divided from him.

At his anger Theo cursed them and cast them out of Elysian Plain into the realm of mortality because of their trespass and placed angels to guard Elysian Plain so that no one returns.

As Theo’s glory departed from them, they appeared in Midgard just like a person wakes up from his sweet night dream into the physical world of suffering and hardship. So, the life of Elysian Plain became like a night dream in both Adan and Eva because of hard labour they ought to endure for their survival.

Lilith's plan of returning to Elysian Plain failed and she afflicted Adan with males' erotic dreams and nocturnal emissions and made him to lose romantic interest and prohibited him from sexual intercourse with Eva.

Therefore, they could not have sex to enjoy themselves and produce children and Theo intervened on the matter and Michael, the archangel came down from Nirvana to take Lilith as his wife and was involved in sexual intercourse with Lilith and she gave birth to gigantic children full of wisdom of their father mingled with power of their mother, Lilith.

Lilith repented from evil she had purposed against Theo's children and started to work to protect them against the devils. Then Adan obtained a chance and an interest to have sex with his wife and they produced children. Lilith and her children worked to serve and preserve Adan's descendants in Midgard which is earth.

As time goes, Midgard multiplied as Adan's descendant multiplied, Lilith's descendants also multiplied but they were invisible to humankind only appear in a night dream and in a vision like Theo to help humans in their daily work. Therefore, humankind viewed them as the gods and goddesses and the worship of the god's which are Lilith's descendants rose to power amongst humankind but Lilith and her children were still vagabonds with no realm as their settlement.

Lilith demand her own realm to live with her children and Theo divided the realm of hell and purified the other part which he named, "Abraham's Bosom" which is the home of the living; and the other side where Phosporos and his angels were trapped and made it the realm of their settlement which he called, "Hades" which is the home of the dead.

Lilith entered Abraham's bosom with her descendants and made it her habitation but Michael returned to settle in Nirvana next to Theo.

Lilith’s children travel roundabout exploring the realm of hell and some of them were trapped by evil atmosphere in hades as they tried to break in, to view the realm. They turned into the strongest devils which Phosporos used to afflict humankind. Lilith mourned for her children that were trapped in Hades and could no longer be gods to protect humans but devils to afflict them.

She sent an appeal to Theo to return her back to Elysian Plain and Theo asked her to bring messiah to Midgard and she agreed. Therefore, she entered into one of the woman by the name of Saint and the woman conceived and gave birth to a daughter which she named Mariah, while Lilith’s children saw their mother. Mariah grew into a mature woman ready to be taken as wife.

The spirit of lord entered her and she conceived a son while she was still a virgin. She named him, "Redeemer" who is the Christ but the boy died at his thirties but had done so much to save the world and bring order in Midgard. At his death, he was raised from the dead in Hades by Theo and he abated the Abraham’s Bosom and took Lilith’s sons and daughters back to Elysian Plain.

Therefore, Lilith’s dream was fulfilled of returning to Elysian Plain and at her death she didn’t go to Abraham’s Bosom as it was no more but was taken straight to Elysian Plain alongside other Humankind and the realm of Elysian Plain returned to its strength and was filled with humankind, the descendants of Adan and the gods with goddesses, the children of Lilith.

Mariah whose true identity is Lilith also went to Elysian Plain after her death then the spirit of the lord came and live in the heart of humankind, and the authority that Lilith fought for was granted both to man and females as the spirit of the lord became their help in all that they needed.

Therefore, the humans on earth saw the rise of women who demand the equal rights, this is because when Lilith entered Elysian Plain, after her death, Theo remembered her appeal. He gave authority to woman to gain self-control and independence so that they might be able to defend themselves if warfare occurs and to defend themselves against the devils.

We saw woman rise to power and started to teach as pastors at churches as the rise of Christianity was gaining popularity which gave woman rights to teach humans about the Kingdom of Heaven and the government of the people which is "Democracy" rose as a dominating government which gave woman equal rights with man and the realm defended woman’s rights and supported them. Therefore, the feminism of Lilith filled the hearts of all women and men and woman obtain opportunity to exercise their authority and woman rose to power as powerful leaders.

Second female Lead: “Eva”

Eva is a humble secondly created submissive female whose desires were place upon her husband. She was created to replace Lilith as the wife of Adan, the first male created humankind. Lilith abandoned Adan because her appeal for independence and equal rights with Adan in authority was rejected and Adan was left alone. He then missed her and mourned before Theo to return her but Theo refused. Instead, he created Eva as a strong woman to help Adan and replace Lilith that he mourned for.

It happened that, immediately after Eva was brought to Adan and was blessed by both Theo and Adan, Lilith returned from her trip of wandering to and fro the realm of Midgard, which is earth.

She reconciled with her husband, Adan and Eva welcomed her as her big mentor created with wisdom as a goddess but Theo, their creator had warned them of Lilith not to let her beguile them.

Lilith was a wise female who knew her way of life. Relationship was established and Adan welcomed her as his preserver alongside his wife, Eva and Elysian Plain became a place of peace and enjoyment with two females created for one man. But good days always come to an end and Lilith have gained power with her wisdom over the man, Adan and female, Eva.

She beguiled Eva to eat of the fruit in tree of good and evil which they were told not to eat of it. She did eat and enticed her husband, Adan to take a bite too then death occurred on them and they were cast out of Elysian Plain. The land of peace and harmony into the land of hardships and sinful life. Lilith was banished too and became a wandering vagabond.

Eva experienced the hardships of Midgard alongside her husband until Lilith felt jealousy of their love affair as she was also banished from Elysian Plain and was made a vagabond but she was invisible to Eva and Adan.

With her immoral behaviour, Lilith stroke Eva's husband with wet dreams and Adan lost romantic interest for sexual intercourse with Eva and Eva's anger boiled against Lilith whom she reverenced as her mentor.

She went up the mountain top and cursed Lilith with all manner of blasphemies challenging her for a fight until Theo, her creator interceded and sent an angel by the name of Michael to come and take Lilith as his wife.

So, the angel came and take Lilith as his wife and Lilith left striking Adan with nocturnal emissions and his sexual interest for sexual intercourse with Eva was restored and Lilith focused on her relationship with Michael.

Eva focused on building her relationship with Adan as well and Midgard enduring all manner of hardships until she gave birth to the generations of Midgard alongside her husband, Adan. Nevertheless, her life was mortal and could not exceed thousand years. She transfused her wisdom and power to her descendants and was labelled as the mother of Midgard and the inventor of all artificial things. She died before the age of thousand years and have seen her generations and the transformation of Midgard under her control.