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Billionaire Ex, Divorce It!

Billionaire Ex, Divorce It!

Author:Ela Osaretin


Used,deceived and betrayed by her own sister and husband. Milena is shocked beyond words to find out that every penny her husband took from her was spent on her sister.She is devastated to discover that the husband she loved so dearly had been having an affair with her blood sister. She is determined never to be nobody’s fool again.She is set on taking everything from him and get back at her sister. This betrayal might’ve just made her cold hearted and she wasn’t sure she could ever love again.
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It was a diamond necklace with the initials MG.

It was very expensive and I know this because when I saw it in my husband’s drawer in our bedroom,I thought it was for me.

Our anniversary was fast approaching so I thought it was a gift to me so I looked up the necklace to see that it was made by a top fashion designer and it had been specially customized.

I thought it was for me because it had my initials.

I was yet to change my surname to his because I still went by Milena Gordon but I was going to do that soon.

The necklace cost 50,000$ and just a day before I found it in his drawer,I had received a debit alert of 50,000$.

Yeah,I was richer than my husband.A lot richer and because of how much I loved him,I allowed him have access to my money anytime he pleases.

It didn’t matter at that time that he used my own money to get me a gift.I felt that it was the thought behind it that counts.

But tell me why I am seeing the same necklace on my sister’s neck right now.

My sister had come pay me a visit at the hospital and I was stunned beyond words to see the exact necklace I had found in my husband’s drawer.

And worse,her initials could also be MG because her full name was Marissa Gordon.

I tried not to think too much about it,it could all simply be a coincidence.

“Rissa,your necklace is so pretty.Where did you get it?”I asked,trying to be calm.

“My boyfriend got it for me for my birthday.”

Her birthday was two days ago.

“Oh.”I let out.”That’s so sweet.I wonder when you’ll let me meet him.”

Marissa beamed at me.”Soon,sis.Soon.”

She has been saying ‘soon’ for more than a year now.

I tried not to be bothered by this for the rest of the day.There’s no way my husband would give that kind of necklace to Marissa.

It might just be a coincidence.Her boyfriend might have thought about the same thing.

Even as I tried to convince myself,I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

On getting home that day,I hurried up to the stairs,to our bedroom and opened the drawer.

I searched all of Dante’s things but I couldn’t find the necklace.

I held my head in a panic.

There is no way he would have given that necklace to Marissa.

There is no way my husband and sister could be…

I couldn’t even bring myself to complete that thought.

But I knew I had to get to the root of this.I had to find out the truth and I greatly hoped that the truth would be that my dear husband was faithful to me.

I couldn’t directly ask him about the necklace because he didn’t know that I had seen it in the first place.I felt he had wanted to surprise me and I didn’t want to blow it.

This is certainly far from the surprise that I had been expecting.

When he came home that day,I tried to pretend that everything was normal.

I monitored him as he walked into the bathroom.Then I quickly got his phone.

My heart was racing.I had never gone through his phone before but I had to.

I shakily unlocked the phone and went onto his private chats.I scrolled down and saw that there was nothing really suspicious.

Just chats with me,his friends and a few of his colleagues I knew about.

I swallowed when I came across a locked chat.

Why would this be locked and what could be the passcode?

I held my head and slowly typed in Marissa’s birthdate.

My heart sank when it opened and I saw that this number was saved with “My everything”


I tapped on it and saw that he really was having an affair.

With my sister!

How could he do this to me?

How could Rissa do this to me?

I could only read a few of their chats when I heard him humming out of the bathroom.

I quickly kept the phone.

He had told her about the all-night shift I had at the hospital on Friday and ask her to come over and spend the night with me.

Tears filled my eyes.

Do they always do this?

Rissa comes over to my house to be with my husband?

I was still in disbelief.This could not be happening.

My husband and my sister?


I had to see it for myself.

It can’t be Rissa.

Dante can’t do this to me.


The following day,I quickly got a few spy cameras.

There was CCTVs in my house but knowing how Dante had kept his affair a secret from me,he must always be turning it off.

I placed the camera in a few places in the house.The living room,dining room,kitchen,master bedroom and the guest room.

Deep down,I wished this was all a terrible nightmare.I can’t begin to process the betrayal of my sister and my husband.

This can’t be real.

Throughout Friday,I resisted the urge to run home and see him for myself.

But I couldn’t ruin this.

If he was really having an affair, then I needed good reason and evidence for divorce.

My world came crumbling down on Saturday morning,when I got hold of the spy camera and connected it to my phone.