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Ella Tan didn't believe what she hear. " I beg you pardon Sir Richie, could you repeat what was just you ask me?", Said Ella to her bos, Richie Xu. The voice of Richie Xu is so clear over the phone although it's a WhatsApp call from Singapore to Indonesia and He repeat to ask Ella " Are you willing to accept the possition as operational Director ? " Ella suddenly have a wrinkle in her Chin : Didn't I apply to your company as Finance manager? And when you ask me to join your new build company, you have informed me that your bestfriend, Johan Bong Will be Director of your company?"
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  Ella Tan didn't believe what she hear. " I beg you pardon, Mr Xu, could you repeat what was you just ask me ?"

  Ask Ella to her Bos, Richie Xu, the first son one of Asian conglomerate.

  The voice of Richie Xu actually is very clear over the phone, althought use WhatsApp call from Singapore to Indonesia to comunicate with Ella. He repeat ask Ella " Do you want to consider your position as operational director on my new company ? "

  "Mr Xu,