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Trapped with the Alpha

Trapped with the Alpha



Pulsifini is about to celebrate her eighteenth birthday, which, as a she-wolf, means she can start looking for a mate of her own. She is an orphan and has been living with her stepmother Ursula. Unlike the wicked stepmother in fairy tales, her love for Pulsifini is very sincere. But Pulsifini also has her troubles: her stepmother wants her to give up her birthday party and work as a maid at the Alpha's party. At the party, she and her partner meet, and the moon goddess guides the lovers to find each other in a sea of people. But just as Pulsifini gathers the courage to hold her partner's wrist, the Alpha, named Alvis Tobias, stops her from being intimate. Alvis is a young Alpha who led his pack out of crisis after the murder of his father and became one of the most powerful in the northern part of the continent. He wants Pulsifini to keep the secret that they are mates, as she is a nuisance to him. Pulsifini is devastated, and what little courage she has left is gone, and she plans to leave the village. But Alvis is furious when he hears that she is leaving, and he threatens Pulsifini with being recognized as a rogue for leaving without permission. In short, he wants to bind her to himself, but does not want to admit to loving her. Will they be able to break through their bondage and come together with the blessing of the moon goddess?
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Pulsifini's POV.

This is the northern part of the Osroni continent, the kingdom of ice and snow, the world of wolves.

The mountain range rises high and reaches straight up into the clouds.

My father once told me that this sacred snowy mountain could only be surmounted by a true Alpha. Unfortunately, until he died, we had never seen anyone who dared to climb over this snow mountain.

As the sun rose to its highest point, I was carrying the last bales of hay to the barn.

"Pulsifini! Dinner!" Ursula called to me from the dining room. She was my stepmother and had a loud voice.

"Coming!" I return my tools to their places and close the door to the barn.

As soon as I entered the dining room I could smell the delicious aroma of the meal. I happily jumped over to the table, pulled out my chair and sat down, "What's for dinner today?"

Ursula brought the last dish to the table, "All your favorites."

"Thanks, mom."

Ursula looked at me for a moment and then suddenly stopped my hand with the spoon.

I looked up. "What is it?"

"We need to talk about what's going to happen after you. You'll be an adult soon, which means you need to start taking on your life on your own."


"That includes the main and most basic one, supporting yourself. Your plan to take a break from school to travel is too capricious. I don't support it. You need to know what's going on in our family. If you insist on a graduation trip without using your college funds, you will have to earn it with your own hands. I think you should also have already prepared, and if not, start preparing now. Anyway, you need a job."

"I really want to take a break from school, Mom. I'll look for a job as soon as I can."

"No, I already have a job for you. The chief is about to hold a party for the Alpha Wolves and they need a lot of help. I've already signed you up."

"Alright, when will it be held? I want to have my birthday first."

"On your birthday."

"What? Mom, how can you do this! I'm going to be a maid at someone's party on my 18th birthday?"

"It's nothing Pulsifini, you're getting too excited. Okay, come on, sit down and listen to me. You happen to come of age on your birthday, and the Alpha's party is a great opportunity for you to find your mate. Why don't you go to something that benefits you like that?"

"So that's what you're trying to do! I'll find a mate, and I'll find a job to support myself. But why do the two have to be linked to the Alpha's party?"

"Well, whether you think it through or not, the matter is decided. You just need to understand one thing, I love you, and I'm doing it for your good."

It was huge, sad news and I was so upset that tears were welling up in my eyes. I didn't wait for Ursula to finish before I turned and ran away.

I buried my head under the covers. I knew Ursula was doing it for me, but I hated the fact that she thought I was an adult and needed to take responsibility for my own life while using her authority to interfere with my life.

I had to call my best friend.

"Hello, Lillian."

"Hello, Pulsifini. You sound depressed."

"I can't entertain you on my birthday. I have to go to the Alpha party as a maid."

"Oh my Goddess! Do you want to go? But it's the only eighteenth birthday of your life."

"It wasn't my idea, Ursula wanted me to do it. She wanted me to find a mate at the first sign of adulthood."

"She did it for you. But it's also really depressing news."

"Enough about that for now, are you ready to go to Harvard?"

"Almost ready, and I'll make up for your birthday before I go."

"Thank you, Lillian."

There was a knock on the door. It must be Ursula. "What is it?" I asked without a smile.

"You need to be at the Alpha's house an hour early."

"I got it." Despite all the reluctance, my maid's work began.

Alpha as the pack leader, the residence is naturally the most gorgeous. I rarely came here, but I was still shocked by the Majestic architecture. The Alpha residence, which shows the strength of the Blood Moon pack, is built on a mountain and has the same color as the hard rock. Its grandeur and bloodiness is incomparable to any human building. I entered the mansion with a devout heart.

The maid had to wait for a while after checking in, and after getting permission I found a stool and sat down. A wide variety of plants grow in the yard. Some I had seen and some I had not. I had nothing to do but look at the flowers and plants.

I have been here before. I remember that I was six years old. There was no Ursula then, and because he couldn't find anyone to take care of me, my father had to bring me with him when he called an emergency meeting. He put me on a stool outside the meeting room.

I remember also meeting the former Alpha and his son at that time. The boy wanted his father to let him attend the meeting as well.

"Father!" The boy I remembered was emotional, his eyes were red and he was about to cry. "Father! I must go. I've grown up and I want to avenge my mother!"

The majestic Alpha looked down at his son, whose head had reached his shoulders. "No, Alves. you are not ready. The only thing you have to do now is to go to your defense class." He gestured for his beta to stop his son.

The boy eventually failed to enter the conference room. He watched his father close the conference room door, his eyes on the verge of tears. Suddenly, he noticed me.

I moved a little to the side, signaling that he could sit with me.

He didn't appreciate it, wiped the tears away violently with his sleeve over his eyes, and then snapped at me nonchalantly, "Who are you and why are you here?"

"I am Pulsifini, and I came with my father."

"Who is your father?"

"It's Gamma."

"Hmph," he disdained. "It's just a gamma."

"Hello." A voice interrupted my recollection. It was an old woman in her fifties. "May I ask if you're a maid too? What is your name?"

"Yes, madam. My name is Pulsifini."

"Oh, it's you! You are very much like your mother." This old woman hugged me with excitement. "I saw you before when you were just a little girl."

Seeing that I was still confused, she thoughtfully introduced herself, "I m Erin, a friend of your father. I'm sorry I couldn't save your mother."

"You don't have to blame yourself, it's not your fault."

At that moment the usher came over, "Gather, we need to start getting ready to set up the venue."

"You go ahead, I'll come and find you."

"Okay, bye."


I followed the ushers through the huge mansion and was eventually placed inside the venue to set up the dinner plates. It was a lot more work than taking care of the farm. Each piece of beautiful tableware needed to be sorted into its own category, not to be damaged, not to be misplaced.

Finally, as the sunset over the land, it was all over. The tour leader told us we could go home and rest. Erin and I were on our way together.

"The whole banquet will hold six hundred people. This banquet is mainly for the signing of the peace pact with our neighbors. And, of course, for our Alpha to find his mate."

"No wonder it took so long to set up."

"Get back to your rest. I'll see you tonight."

We parted at the fork in the road and she watched me go home. Maybe it hadn't been a bad day, I thought.

The door was unlocked and I paused, "Mom?"

"I'm home."

I let out a sigh of relief and pushed the door in. I was greeted by the sight of a naked body. I turned around sharply, "Ursula!"

"What's wrong? Little wolf? Haven't you ever seen a werewolf transform?"

"Then you've regained your person, why don't you quickly put on your clothes!"

"I just got back from exploring, can't I take a break?"

I grabbed up the blanket on the couch and threw it over. "You've worked hard! Please drape it." I said and immediately ran upstairs.

"How's the party set up?" Ursula called out from behind me.

"It's fine!"

"What are you doing in such a hurry?"

"To call Lillian!"

No cell phones were allowed at the party, and this was my last chance to see Lillian on my birthday.

"Hello, our maid lady, did you have a good time preparing for the party? The Alpha's mansion should be beautiful."

"Not bad," I said sitting down against the edge of the bed. "The only good news is that I met an old friend today."


"Her name is Erin, she's about fifty or so. A friend of my father probably works at the Alpha residence."

"Is that Mrs. Erin? It seems to be her. She's a kind and gentle lady."

"You know her?"I didn't expect Lillian to know Erin too.

"Of course, my father took me to meet her."

"That's wonderful. See you tomorrow, Lillian."

"Don't feel bad, I'll make up your birthday. Bye."

"Thank you!Bye."