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Loveless Contract

Loveless Contract

Author:Megan Skyle


prolouge “I’m not yet ready for this” she sputtered in rage. He lifted his palm to whack her but stopped hearing her.” Clause 53 you’re not supposed to abuse me” she announced in a vehement tone. His hand settled on her shoulder, tenderly drifting down, caressing her arm and granting a sneeze on her elbow. She felt relaxed as his palm moved down, losing her contact, but soon hand returned, cupping her left ball, squeezing it like a stress ball. She held his hand to shove him off, but he wrapped her hand behind and tenderly smoothed her button to harden. Once he was impressed with his work, he pinched it, making her yelp in pain. “It hurts!!” she wailed in pain, trying to free herself from his ferocious grip. “you gonna answer me now if you delay this little part of yours gonna bleed,” He roared, twisting, pinching hard. “Leave please” she cried standing on her toes in pain. “Tell me why you are here!!” He shouted, pulling her on him. “Because you gave me money,” she whimpered. “How much I paid for your service?” He asked, still squeezing her over her blouse. “Fortyyy millions,” she cried. “What you should do and what you’re doing?” He growled in a dominating tone. She cried bitterly. “Tell before I cut this off,” he shouted in anger. “To sleep with you” she wailed in helplessness. “Then what your doing? Why you are getting this punished?” He hissed in anger, with no mercy over her tears. “I argueddd!!” she cried more. ---------- What happens when a native orphan bumps into billionaires heart ends up signing a loveless contract. Will it really end on the bed or her native heart can melt the billionaire’s broken heart rousing the love? A/N= Two series book 1st- Loveless contract 2nd= Lascivious contract
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Niya Pov,

At an age of 2, my mother left me near the fourth step of this Saint Mary’s Orphanage before committing a well-planned suicide, accepting herself as a loser, but this orphanage gave me life followed by happiness. Sister Mary is God’s gifted mother who takes care of my everything and I share everything with her. This orphanage gave me a lot, not only me, it gave life to all orphans like me and will give forever. But today, that forever ended. Politicians are ready to collapse our orphanage and constructed a Mall. If that happens, all kids here become shelterless. They are forcing sister many to sign on the papers or else and pay them forty millions.

How can we get such an exorbitant amount? And they know we can’t afford the amount. I was walking on the road aimlessly thinking about the recent incidents that happened in my orphanage returning from my college. A car rushed towards me and the driver stopped his car in a nick of time, saving me from death. I closed my ears with my hands in fear.

“Are you ok?” a man asked from behind. I opened my eyes a little to check out the Greek God standing beside in a black suit. I lost in his chocolate brown eyes, which are looking into mine.

“Excuse me, miss?” He said tabbing my shoulder. I got up from the road, clearing my thoughts.

“Sorry!!” I mumbled, not looking at him.

“It’s ok, seems you lost somewhere?” He asked with a smirk. Yeah!! Smirk. Why the hell he is smirking! I thought,

“No, sorry” I mumbled walking away, but he helps my hand from behind.

“You got hurt on your knee,” He said making me realize my wound where blood is flowing down coloring my blue jeans.

“Shit!! My jeans were torn,” I cursed myself.

“What!! You got hurt and crying for jeans!!” He rumbled in disbelief.

“It will be fine in two days, but it takes 2years to buy these jeans again,” I shouted in anger.

“Why so?” He asked confused. I can see his expression.

“I don’t have parents to buy everything I want and sister Mary cannot effort such costly jeans. She gifted me this for my birthday, but now,” I cried, looking at my torn jeans.

“Oh, you live in an orphanage?” He asked. I nodded yes.

“Wonderful!” He mumbled looking at me.

“What!!” I snapped.

“I mean, you need first aid,” He said convincing me. He helped me to his car and opened the door, made my seat facing outside comfortable. He got on his knee on the footpath.

“Get the First and box, Wiliam” He ordered his driver. He got the box from the car to him. He got the scissors and ripped my after torn pants, making me cry in anger.

“Shut up!“ He yelled like a lion. I gulped on seeing his anger. He did first aid.

I was all numb by seeing his anger. He got up, said something to his driver, and the driver left. He returned to me and started applying a bandage over my wound. His hand was still resting on my knee, gently sneezing. I’m really feeling weird about his touch. A complete zoo is running in my stomach by his touch.

“Shut the crap!! He is a stranger and you are letting him touch you!! Oh, God!!” I slapped away his hand from me. He looked in anger.

“Thanks, I... I want to leave now!!” I mumbled in a hurry.

“I will drop you!!” He said, still holding my hand.

“No, I can manage!!” Before I walk away, he lifted me on his shoulder and thrown me in his car back seat like a bag.

“What are you doing?’ I shouted, opening the door. He locked the doors with his remote and jumped into the back cabin.

“Mummyyy!!” I cried, balling in a corner in fear.

“Shuuu... I will not do anything. Don’t cry, little girl,” He said in a calm tone.

“I won’t trust you!!” I shouted in anger.

“Why? Do you know me before?” He asked with a smile.

“Sister Mary said not to trust boys!!” I snapped in anger.

“She may have said about bad boys” He chuckled, leaning towards me.

“Means you're good”

“I’m a very bad boy, and I like you,” He winked making me jump.

“This is my card! When you feel to work under a bad boy, give a call” He said with a grin and placed a card in my bag pocket. Before I speak up, his driver came and knocked on the glass window. He skidded his door and signed his driver to come in. His driver placed a package on the passenger seat and he started driving.

“Where are you going? I should go,“ I cried. He pulled me to his side and wrapped his hand around my mouth.

“You beast!” I whimpered. Within a few minutes car stopped, and I got down, scared to run away but to my surprise. It’s my orphanage.

“Where you will run? This place is mine!!” He chuckled, showing me a bunch of papers folded.


“I brought it just a few minutes ago as my new project. I came to check out this site but seen your beautiful site,” He said in a flirty tone.

“Means you're the owner of Elite Enterprises,” I asked in shock. He smirked at my question. He got a packet from his car and forwarded me.

“What is this?”

“A pair of jeans,” He smiled.

“I don’t accept gifts from strangers,” I denied.

“You don’t have anyone and everyone are strangers to each other. Know me once you will want more,” He said in a flirty tone.

“I hate you!!” I spatted in anger knowing his identity. How can he be so heartless to buy an orphanage site, which is been donated by the owner long ago and his legal heirs sold it to him and he came to occupy killing the future of innocent poor kids? He looked at me for a while and grabbed my bag from me.

“What the hell you are doing!!” I shouted in anger. He opened the zip and placed the packet in it.

“When I gift something you should not reject it and I will be here again day after tomorrow and I should see your wound get healed and you should be in these jeans,” He said in a dominating tone. What the fuck happening here!! He is giving me orders.