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I Spit On Your Rejection, Mate

I Spit On Your Rejection, Mate

Author:A. Vitiosis


Born wolfless, Dulcie Pierce had to suffer the abuse of her family for years, further humiliated by her sister being mated to her boyfriend of four years. Dulcie has no choice but to agree to marry the ruthless Alpha of Black Blood. Kaladin Hawthrone never wanted a mate, they were a weakness and he prided himself on power. A marriage into Black Blood can only be broken through death, stuck with a wolfless mate, Kaladin has no choice but to keep his distance and ensure she doesn't become the downfall of everything he has built. Dulcie traded one abuse for another, suffering under the wrath of Kaladin's cruelty and constant betrayal. She rejects him. But what happens when Dulcie isn't exactly wolfless after all? Black Blood won't crumble because of Dulcie, unfortunately Kaladin doesn't see what lurks in the shadows. Demons and Werewolves have a history and it's catching up to the Alpha with a cold heart. Now he needs his Luna, otherwise the fate of their pack will be destroyed.
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Dulcie Pierce

The sweet fragrance of chocolate imbedded into my skin from working tirelessly to perfect Grayson’s birthday cake. I wanted his eighteenth birthday to be special, the day he would find his mate. A surge of excitement ballooned in my chest which caused a smile to stretch upon my lips.

Packaged cake in my hands, practically skipping to his house. The phantom throbbing from the punch Angus gave last night, the purple bruises colouring my abdomen. The Alpha of Nightfall pack and my father. Every inch ached but I squashed the sensation, I won’t let them sour my joy today.

Grayson deserved the best, all the kindness he has shown me over the last three years, and I wanted to reciprocate the same peacefulness he provided to me.

A mixture of orange and yellow dancing with the purple highlighted his perfect house, knocking twice and not receiving a response, opting to break the rules and enter without permission. Greeted by silence, Grayson should be home in the next hour, and I feel giddy in anticipation.

Setting the cake on the island and searching for the candles in the kitchen, I hear a faint giggle from upstairs. No one should be here. Chalking the sound to my nervous energy until I hear it a minute later.

Swallowing thickly, my stomach cramping in knots as I climb the stairs. A density with each step that makes this task difficult, the sound resonating from Grayson’s bedroom. His scent of the forest, a certain euphoria that tranquilized all the anguish I have experienced is now the reason for my racing heart.

With shaky hands, I open the door and I wish I hadn’t. For a second, I believed I was hallucinating, blinking rapidly but the image never went away. My stomach drops, a wave of nausea taking over.

Grayson was kissing my sister.

All the blood drains from my face as I watch them passionately kiss.

Inessa returns the kiss with exuberance, like they couldn’t live without each other, and their very breath fuelled their souls. The day that was supposed to be the blossoming of my happiness has burned to ashes by my family who revelled in my demise.

“Gray-“ my voice wobbly, unable to say anything further.

They didn’t hear me; they didn’t care as they continued to be consumed by each other. A burning sensation erupted in my chest, betrayal devouring what’s left of my broken soul.

The agony and despair shattered my heart, smoked my lungs until I couldn’t breathe. I move without thinking, attempting to separate them.

“Stop!” I cry.

I’m unsuccessful, my strength non-existent. Molten lava spills from Inessa’s emerald gaze, springing to my fingers clutching Grayson’s bicep desperately. He stiffens under my touch, an action that wasn’t there before. Her lips twist in disgust, rage evident as her wolf takes over, glowing irises with the promise of death.

There wasn’t enough time to process what transpired, a stinging sensation eating away at my cheek. Inessa slapped me, tearing my hands away from Grayson. “Get your filthy fucking hands off my mate!”

Pins and needles equated my feet, rooting me in place. Grayson is obediently at her side, his arm secured around her waist.

“What?” I mumbled. “There….No…” I deny, shaking my head profusely, “You can’t be his mate. I’m his mate, he is my boyfriend.”

Inessa laughs sinisterly. “I am his mate.” She declares, proudly, “Did you really think a nobody, a wolfless shit like you deserves to be called anyone’s mate, least of all Grayson’s.”

Her words inflict a thousand cuts upon my body, slicing through the little confidence I had. Bile lodging itself in my throat, averting my gaze to Grayson, practically pleading with him to deny this. His stark sapphire eyes are swirling with annoyance.

“Tell me it isn’t true,” I begged, tears flowing hot upon my cheeks, “Tell me Inessa is lying, that she is just jealous. Tell me that she isn’t your mate and that I am.”

Grayson eyes is ablaze with vexation, like I didn’t deserve an explanation for his betrayal. There was no sympathy, no guilt…just pure hatred.

“You were never worthy of being my mate.” He sneers in disgust, “I used you and every moment spent with you was torturous. Faking a smile and pretending to love you, it was so fucking hard.” He chuckled, darkly. “I did all that to be with Inessa.”

He laughs, sinisterly. “You were unsufferable, watching you beg for love was disgusting.”

My thoughts blur, sweat beading down my forehead, “You…you don’t mean that, you told me that you loved me!” I bawled.

“I never loved you.” Grayson mocked, “I have always loved Inessa, this isn’t a big revelation, you were just too naïve to believe someone would actually love you. How stupid can you be?”

Every word felt like a dagger to the heart.

Amid our argument, I didn’t notice that Grayson’s parents along with mine stood at the doorway. Father had a permanent scowl etched on his face, Mother approached Inessa and smiled lovingly with pride, “You found your mate, sweetheart. I’m so happy for you.” She rejoiced.

What about me?

I was their daughter too and yet they couldn’t be bothered to acknowledge the vile acts of sin committed here. Instead, mother glowed with happiness as Inessa’s blessings.

I should be abhorred; I should feel gutted by their blatant disregard for my feelings.

But apart of me expected this.

And I exploded.

“You take everything from me!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, a fire in my throat from these emotions annihilating me.

“Enough!” Father roared with his Alpha voice, “You will not disrespect your sister like this.”

“Disrespect?” I fumed, exasperated, “She stole Grayson from me! My boyfriend!”

Father clicks his tongue in annoyance, “Clearly you are delusional. Grayson chose Inessa, stop being dramatic. You have no right to behave in this manner.”


“Shut up for once in your life, Dulcie.” He bellowed, “Do not disrupt the union of our future Alpha and Luna.”

This was perfect for them, the Beta’s son and Alpha’s daughter.

Biting on my bottom lip so hard that the metallic taste pooled on my tongue. It’s always been like this, I’m the unwanted child, the wolfless Alpha’s daughter – an utter embarrassment.

Mother approaches, before I could even get a breath in, she slaps me. Heat flourishes on my cheek, the sting intensifying from the same spot.

“Stop trying to ruin your sister’s happiness.” Mother scolded, “You were always jealous of her, but I cannot believe you, this is a joyous occasion, and you want to make it about yourself.”

“Nevertheless. If you are done with your tantrum, I have news for you.” Father announced while Mother retuned to Inessa’s side, stroking her hair affectionately.

“Since Inessa and Grayson are mates. You will have to do; the deal has already been signed.” Father informed.

“What-“ my words cut short by his announcement.

“You will wed Kaladin Hawthrone.”

Black dots creep into my vision, shaking my head, “No, no, no.”

Everyone knows Kaladin Hawthrone, the family bred from darkness, the Alpha of Black Blood. He was a monster, a murderer, a man with no emotions, a ruthless Alpha.

“You want me to marry a monster.” I heave in horror, “He will kill me!”

Father closes the distance between us, and I had no time to prepare, his slap much harder and fiercer than the rest. My knees buckle and I fall onto the ground. “Why must you insist on being difficult. You have been nothing but a curse in our lives since you were born, he will do us all a favour.”

My entire face is licked by the flames of pain, burning me alive. This was the chance they were waiting for, so their precious Inessa wouldn’t marry a monster, but I’m easily given to the devil without a care.

“You will marry Kaladin.” Father commands.

“No.” I croaked, glaring at him, “I will not marry him.”

Father looms over me, a menacing aura that makes goosebumps pebble on my skin, fear licking down my spine.

“Are you refusing me? This marriage will take place in three days and if you continue to defy me then I will send you to the dungeon. I don’t care if I have to torture you until the day you walk down that aisle.” He threatens, “Do you really want your wedding day to be in a bloody white dress? Do you really want to burden your family more than you already have?”

My blood runs cold, my heart thundering in my chest as I relive the suffering through flashbacks, that place was pure hell. The hunger that tore a hole in my stomach, the blinding pain that seemed endless. I avoided that place on purpose, I was obedient because I didn’t want to go back there.

I could take the beatings, but the dungeon was a torture chamber, a graveyard.

Analysing everyone in this room, I realized that I stood no chance of survival. They would leave me on the verge of death at that altar, all to ensure I marry Kaladin Hawthrone.

Taking a deep breath, an excruciating pain emitting from my heart and ripping me apart from the inside.

“I’ll marry him, Father.”