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Hidden(An Indian Novella)

Hidden(An Indian Novella)

Author:Mary k


Misha and Disha,each has their destiny to fulfill in different ways Watch out when Misha collides with the landlord's son Prem and lands herself in the Thankur's palace Prem's brother Dipak having a deceptive love for Misha, leaving Prem in confusion on whom he truly loves
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"Kampur",is a small village located in Delhi in India.A village where the richest man was the king or should I say landlord. Though a small village it is,it was the most beautiful and prosperous village. The women in Kampur had only one master

their husbands

,if you had a good master,you would be the talk of the Town, but if you didn't, you would still be the talk of the Town.Everything was literally the talk of the Town good or bad even for a small village that it was gossiping about others was a very common thing,if you had a good family you would be the talk of the Town even if you didn't you would still be.

A middle class family

The Ramprasai

lived in Kampur,the family head being a loving and patient man named Vikram was quite well know for his fine qualities and other things,his wife Gina was the most caring person ever,though she can be quite terrifying when angered or irritated she was the most sweetest in the family. They seem happy always with their twin girls Misha and Disha who were the most beautiful children in the village,the additional reason why their parents were well know.They always got praised for their beauty everywhere they went, pretty fair skin, long lashes, legs and hair,and lets not forget their pretty little pink lips,just a glance and you'd be falling hard for them.Beauty wasn't the only thing they were praised for though ,the two girls were both very hard-working and caring even though Misha didn't like showing it.

"Misha": miss i_dont_care_what_the_world_thinks_i'll_do_what_i_want_even_if_I_don't_get_your_permission.

A naive girl, playful type, psycho, lacks patience, doesn't care what you think about her,funny,and carefree

"Disha": miss you_have_to_do_things_the_way_you're_told_or_get_punished_when_you_do_the_wrong_thing

Doesn't talk when she's not asked to, friends with few, always shy,most patient of the girls, loving, graceful,loves being the smartest.


The Thankur

An influential family who rule Kampur.

Mr Manav Thankur,a politician and also a chief in Kampur who nobody ever wants to cross parts with,the low class are always cautious of him even some high class are careful not to get in his bad side.Though greedy and authoritative,he has a very good and nice family,a beautiful and gentle wife Leena who tries as much as possible to please him with everything she has but can never seem to please him no matter how hard she tries everyday.

His wife Leena Thankur bore him two pretty sons:Prem Thankur and Dipak Thankur.

The two boys look alike so much that people ask if they are twin,but they aren't,they were both born at two different times.

Prem is loved by his mother,not because she doesn't like Dipak,she just loves Prem more because he took her personality; loving, humble, gentle and caring. Having these qualities in a family where the head is the exact opposite was a big deal.

Dipak is loved by his father because he acts just like him, arrogant, stubborn and a little bit mean.Sometimes he acts like his mother but because he's closer to his father,he acts just like him. Someone could mistake him for his father if they saw yelling at the servants from afar but he wouldn't care less what they thought as long they said nothing in front of him,the only thing ever in his mind is himself and his family.

"Prem": Mr everything_is_going_to_be_alright_if_you_follow_the_rules_and_be_humble.

Handsome,very handsome,extra handsome,3 years older than his brother,a very good and caring man, smiles alot,gentle,loved by all in the palace.

Mr i_want_everything_i_wish_for_and_even_the_strongest_man_can't_stop_me_from_having_it.

Handsome, arrogant,so frustrating to the extent you'd want to murder him, gets mouthy when complaining,naughty, troublesome, playful when in a good mood,stubborn, Playboy and a meanie


It was a nice and beautiful morning for the Ramprasai family.

Gina could be seen in the sitting room with her husband Vikram discussing and smiling,Gina's smiling face soon turned into a frown when she recalled something.

Vikram -What is it my love,are you okay?

He stops talking when he notices Gina frowning

Gina- You know fully well what it is but then I'll pretend you don't know just like you're doing. Your children always make me wake them up every morning, what do they think I am,their nanny or something??

Gina asked still frowning staring at her husband and he smiled at her

Vikram- Gina...is that why you're frowning so early in the morning?,you always worry yourself too much,they are just tired, they'll come down soon let them be.

Gina- That's what you say because you're not the woman in the house, I'm beginning to think your spoiling those girls.They would soon get married,now tell me if it'll be their mother-in-law waking them up from sleep or maybe you would go to their houses and wake them up.I can't tolerate this anymore.

She concluded and Vikram shook his head smiling

Vikram- be gentle with them at least Gina, don't go pulling off their ears

Gina huffs having heard him say this

Gina- Misha, Disha come down here immediately

Meanwhile in Misha and Disha's room


just waking from sleep and stretching

oh, it's morning already??

Why can't the night be longer so I could sleep more

Lay's on the bed and tries to go back to sleep

Disha who had woken up since suddenly drops the book she had been reading going over to Misha's bed in a hurry

Disha- Misha,you need to wake up now,I think mother's coming up

she says shaking Misha as she tells her this but Misha only grumbles rolling on the bed with a pout

Misha- noooo,I don't want to sleep more, it's still too early to wake up I'm so tired.

Disha- mother wouldn't think so you know

Misha whines after hearing this giving her elder sister a puppy eyes, they suddenly hear footsteps and quickly get up knowing who it was,they began making their beds pretending to have been awake since.


enters into the room

didn't you hear me calling your names or have you both suddenly gone deaf??

Misha-oh,sorry mother I didn't hear you call us

Disha- me too mother,we were busy making the bed and didn't hear you,do you need anything?

Hearing this, their mother scowled at them before reaching forward to twist their ears.

Disha- ah ah ah,mother please it hurts

Misha- ahhh mother, please I beg you I'll always wake up early,I promise,I promise please let go mother ahhh .

Gina- does making the bed suddenly close up your ears to not hear when you're being called out huh

Disha- no no mother we're so sorry we beg for forgiveness

Misha- it wasn't all our fault mother...ahh... you made us work so hard yesterday and we're both so tired

After some seconds of pleading and whining from the girls,Gina finally released their ears

Gina- you both better have your baths and come down for breakfast so I can assign this mornings work to you.Am I understood??

Misha and Disha- yes mother

They reply rubbing on their tomatoe red ears with a frown and pout

Gina-good,the next time you both wake up This late you'd find yourselves outside my house.

she eyes them as she leaves the room

Once she left,the girls fall back to their beds and chuckle at what had just happened knowing fully well their mother wouldn't do what she just said to them

Misha- gosh,my ear is hurting so much I bet it's so red right now

Disha- very very exceptionally red sister

she giggles staring at Misha's ear


Thankur family

The head of the Thankur family Manav Thankur,is seen sitting on a majestic gold chair and his wife Leena Thankur stands beside him massaging his arm gently and softly.

Manav- Leena,get everything ready, my sons are coming back from the city and I want them to feel welcomed.

Leena-yes my love.

Manav-and I want you to put on your best smile.When they return,I'll hold a prayer for them I want the whole of Kampur to know my sons are back.

Leena- that's nice my love,but umm...ummm... you see my Lord...

Manav- what is it Leena speak up and stop acting like a mute.

She flinches not from the irritated tone of his voice not knowing how to tell the matter to him, she says a little prayer in her heart before daring to open her mouth again.

Leena- well umm...prem said...

Manav- Prem said what!!,Prem said what woman,that son of yours won't disobey me this time around,he better not try anything funny with me at all.Tell him to come back with his brother immediately,if he fails to come back today I promise you Leena,I won't spear him

Why can't he just imitate his brother Dipak,Dipak is a respectful child and does whatever I tell him without questioning my orders.l tell you Leena whatever happens I must see him here today,if he comes any later than today....

he storms out angrily with the hanging words leaving Leena in her thoughts

Leena- I need to beg Prem to come back,if not Manav won't hesitate to punish him. What have I done to deserve this lord,I don't want anything to happen to my son

faces the sky with her hands together in a praying position

Oh lord, please help me convince Prem,help me convince him to come back today,I can't risk having anything happen to him lord.


In the maid quarters of the Thankur family maids could be seen gossiping about the return of the Thankur sons in hush voices so as not to be heard

Random maid 1- did you all hear the news,the young masters are coming back today, I'm so excited

Random maid 2- excited for what, people who wouldn't notice you??

The first maid eyes the other and scoffs rolling her eyes at her

Random maid 1- just because you look like a roasted chicken doesn't mean everyone looks the same too and what business if yours is it if they notice me or not idiot

Random maid 2- you...

She keeps quiet when the other maids start laughing as she runs off embarrassed

Random maid 3- anyways,I heard they're both so handsome and cute most especially young master Dipak

Random maid 4- who told you such fake news,it isn't young master Dipak but young master Prem that is more handsome

Random maid 3- no, it's surely young master Dipak

Random maid 1- are you sure you haven't mistaken young master Prem for young master Dipak

The maid tilts her head in thought and shrugs looking at the others with a confused look on her face and they all giggle

Random maid 4- come on close let me tell you all what I heard earlier today

She tells the others in a whisper and they all gather round in anticipation of what was to come

Random maid 4- I heard the the master and mistress arguing earlier about young master Prem not wanting to return home

Random maid 1- what!!?,that can't possibly happen,he has to come back,I already have my plans mapped out on how to get him to marry me.

The girls all look at her in surprise and she frowns

Random maid 1- what?, don't tell me you all also want him,you better get your heads away from him, he's mine and I don't mind punishing whoever tries to go against me.

??- and in the same way I don't mind punishing you all if you keep gossiping stupidly and not doing your jobs

They all freeze once they hear the voice of who had spoken

??- Is this what you all do in the kitchen now,say nonsense?

Another voice says and they all immediately go on their knees,they had wanted to rush to their appointed works when the first person had spoken but hearing the second person speak they knew they were in trouble.

Head maid - I'm so sorry about this mistress... they

Leena holds up a hand and she keeps quiet.

Leena- if you want to marry my son then you need to learn to be better than this,I wouldn't let someone like you into my family because you would only ruin it...

She stops talking and stares at the head maid who keeps her head down

Leena- why do you keep your head down, it's not your fault they behave like this, you just have to discipline them more so they know their mistakes.

Head maid - yes mistress, I'm sorry for what has happened.

Leena- keep preparing everything I'll come check again later

She adds leaving and once she does the head maid turns to the girls in anger

Head maid- do you know the consequences of what you've all just done?, especially you

She points to random maid 1,they all keep quiet not daring to utter any word

Head maid - get up and head back to work now,no dinner for any of you tonight. Now go.

She yells out the last part and they all scramble to their feets running off.